Thursday, 24 May 2012

I like to listen (Ernest Hemingway)

Ayurveda Schools@Ayurvedic_Acad_ “I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen”. Ernest Hemingway Retweet by F.Andries Oosterveen

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Maybe you would like to make a start, after all you have learned to listen, otherwise you wouldn’t hear My voice.

Yes, indeed. It’s funny because I am still afraid I don’t listen to You enough and not good enough.
You probably will comment on this as well later on.

In my personal life I am quite astonished at the moderate way people are listening. They are so impatient at people telling a story. And even listening they are waiting to continue their monologue, their opinions, associations, experiences. As if their story must be the most interesting thing in the world.
I still like to listen to others. I love their stories, I really feel something then. Beside this I find listening a beautiful way of experiencing life through the stories of others.
And hear me, I am listening to Your voice. How can it be?

I have searched for You whole my life. I have felt You regularly while hearing beautiful music, just in a still moment or being in a beautiful natural scene. But these experiences made me ask : “My God, where have I lost You, where are You, how can I come nearby You?”

So, what else is there to say many people are listening moderately, I am trying for myself to listen. And at last You are probably listening much better to us then we are listening to You. Anything like?

That’s all right.
People like listening after they have dethroned their ego or after they have by difficulties connected their inner self. Merely because of this they find the ego of oneself not that interesting anymore.

This is My proposition: good listeners have out of nature, character or experiences blown up their identification with their ego. They have observed their ego to be uninteresting and therefore made a connection with heart and soul. And now they are listening in a different way. They do not hear egostories but a fellow man, and in a loving and attentive way. They are anxious hearing more than egostories: a dream, a strong emotion, a beautiful association, an inner experience. In a way searching for fine shells and stones on a beach.

“I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen

Hemingway says: carefully. This is real listening. Then you’ll read between the lines, then you’ll hear the story behind the story, then you’ll hear the hidden woes and desires, it is then you’re connecting with the heart of your fellow man, you’re in his shoes, it is then you’ll understand.
And the spirit of love has arrived then.

The spiritual World is always listening in this way. Your guardian angel is listening in this way, your soul is listening in this way, your “My God” is listening in this way and you all should and could listen in this way.
And do know We hear everything from you, but you are still hearing little from Us.
And you’ll be capable of listening if your inner self has become silent.

And you, My son, you don’t hear much from what your “My God” is saying but know it’s much more then others do. So be reassured. And be blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 76