Would you like to comment on the debate in
The relatives of victims killed in wars arehurt when perpetrators are commemorated as well. This feelings are understandable.But feelings do not always have to be a guidefor action.
The moral of the story is perpetratorsare victims as well. Victim of their own ignorance and prejudice and weakness by which they have committed their crimes. They should be commemorated even more than the victims and treated with compassion and regret. Because a long period of sufferingis waiting for them to come after they have committed their crimes. For theprice is to be paid, always, before and especially after their death.I'm not talking about a real hell, but a long path of blockades,being stuck, fears, misery, guilt, remorse, regret, thus so to speak a lot of sufferingbefore they can start a better life.
So it is petty and shortsighted that the Memorial Day in the
And even when it concerns real vicious criminals who murdered ruthlessly. I'll outline in another blog how long and harassing the agony is these criminals are undergoing before they move up to a better life. And shouldn't these completely deranged personalities indeed be treated with deep, deep pity?
A society has progressed spiritually when she prays for her criminals.
Will you commemorate them now?
Be blessed for it
My blessings to you all
Nr. 71