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Humility is the opposite of ego. The ego wants to be first. The ego is not able to listen. The ego is not able to trust. The ego always counts for itself.
When human consciousness discovers the world of life, the world of God, the world of the inner self, the world of the spirit is more real, is more true, has more future, one stops with feeding the ego. In stead come surrender, trust, letting go, really listening, really looking, more space. And patience for life, realization all is well, everything is meaning something, everything is having a purpose, even the greatest misery is containing fruit and hope in itself. Humility is making the other more important than own thoughts and feelings.
“Humility is attentive patience”
Humility isn’t exclusive for believers. Humility is available for human consciousness having learned to look beyond its own live. Having learned to transcend the ego, having learned there is something more valuable than the ego namely God, life, the whole.
If humility is given space there is attention, there is patience.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 83