You promised to comment on what happens with personalities deranged on Earth and how they eventually end up well.
I like to go into it.
Take for example a man who was harsh, inflexible and selfish. His only concern were himself and his own interests without any consideration for others. He was not interested in the suffering of others and did not have an eye for the hurt, distress and misery he caused to others. During his lifetime he had a heart of glass. We do not discuss in this story his background, character, education, friends, and how he decayed, this isn’t the issue. Anyone can imagine such a person. Fortunately many people aren’t like him, yet the great crimes against humanity are caused by such persons.
We can say this man has degenerated as a human being in terms of love, compassion and spirituality. He dies at the age of 75, regretted by a few people in his environment.
In the spiritual world is absolute justice and guidance made to measure. “His own soul”, which severely suffered under this earthly personality, and his "My God" have long before his death already decided what in the future would be his appropriate environment.
He passes away and of course he has a spiritual personality (do not confuse this with “his soul”). This spiritual body is deformed and stunted and is carried away on a stretcher. Because of his great willpower, one of his strengths, he is fully conscious. There he is, with his heart of glass.
He will be mounted in glass. This means so much, that his spiritual body is mounted in glass. He is not able to do anything. He can not move, can not act, can not go anywhere. He is staring through the glass into the void. Because his harsh heart caused an empty life, spiritually empty. The period in this glass prison, seems to him an eternity, spoken in terms of physical earthly years it takes 22 years. His consciousness is no more than a wronged, at this situation outraged, indignant attitude of "I do not deserve this, I am entitled to something else, woe to those who have done this to me".
Mere exclamation mark, not a question mark.
This man is actually in hell, created by himself, still a hell, but a temporary one.
Some time ago Frenkie has presented himself as his intercessor. This implies Frenkie is ready to pray for some time, every day, as much as needed, for this personality and in particular to act as a earthly link in the liberation of such a hardened personality. Frenkie provisionally calls him Mr. Glass. The spiritual world is needing this earthly links to reach out to such earthbound personalities in terms of development and ultimately liberation. You can compare Frenkie with an adapter translating a high voltage into a low current device (computer, mobile phone etc.). In some religions this intercession is quite known as method, and do know the spiritual world is using thousands of intercession personalities as a link between the spiritual world and the earth.
In the process of development are a number of phases.
- One of the characteristics of derailed lives is the exclamation mark: "tell me nothing, I know how it is !". And before a man can change and learn and unlearn one needs a question mark, such as: "what happened to me, why am I in this situation, what have I done?”. The obdurate personality must get impulses of an ? instead of an ! For example, “how did I live to caught up in this mess? Or why am I suffering so much? Or can anyone help me? Or why am I experiencing this?”. Actually, then one has taken an important step, because from then on the spiritual world is able to reach out with spiritual forces to this obdurate, rigid and deranged consciousness. This period of a ! is always accompanied by much misunderstanding and aggression. Like an inveterate alcoholic. For Mr. Glass, as Frenkie called him in this first phase, the spirits of doubt, of insight and remembrance were asked to exercise their influence . Frenkie asked so to speak every day for the spirit of remembrance to let this personality remember a happy loving moment of his life through a dream or a thought flash. For example, sitting on the lap of his mother or being kissed by his father or with joy playing with a boyfriend or a moment of laughter at a funny incident. This will put the person on the track of: the innocent child he once was, when happiness was still in sight and thus being connected with a disappeared lived and with the question: what happened to me for Gods’ sake ?
- Then the personality is experiencing the phase of regret. The ! has definitely made room for the ? This man will now be faced with the consequences of his actions and with the feelings of his victims. This will always lead to a period of large suffering, because the heart is thawing, will feel any pain is inflicted and the mind will realize how many alternatives there were for his acting. Mr. Glass experienced this intense agony for 32 days (do not forget his 22 years in glass). With the same willpower he wants everything to experience he inflicted on his fellowmen and so intense we had to guard him from "busting" from regret, sorrow and remorse. It was sometimes too much. When someone has been stuck for so long, this sorry period, once the question arose, will be fairly short. This period is always accompanied with great depression, gloom and despair. From this period on Frenkie started to call him Mr. Wax to indicate which direction he would grow.
- The
personality grows from someone who bitterly regrets his decisions to a kind of
spiritual worker. He will be used to help in the spiritual world and/or on
earth in similar situations. One becomes a co-escort of any deranging
personality on earth or will be useful in certain spheres where many hardened
deranged personalities are stuck. And so these personalities will have great
merit, especially because they are still so close to the roll of perpetrator.
They know who they are dealing with.
And in this period of growth, which can take many years, these personalities become useful, valuable, and ultimately loving helpers in the spiritual world. And do realize their regret and remorse, even if they have changed, will pursue them for many years. For the past may still be rewritten but it can not obliterated. This third period is always showing growing feelings of love, but much regret, sadness and dismay at the actions of their own past as well.
Frenkie is blessed for it.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 80