Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Man is contributing to emotional biodiversity (Evolution, 3)

How can it be better described than as emotional biodiversity: the variety and diversity of life, but on emotional level.
Although plant and animal life do have an emotional life, and this will be subject for another blog, is the emotional life of man a source of inspiration for all "lower" life on earth.

For the colorfulness of the emotional life of man is energetically more valuable than the emotional life of animals and plants. The total of emotions is inspiring life, is lifting it up and is leveling up life energetically. For life is ONE and is showing thus more variation.

The darkest emotions of loneliness, depression, fear and jealousy until the lightest emotions of love, humility and joy are belonging all to a colorful palette of life. This is by the spiritual world observed as clearly as mankind is observing the physical nature.
And the spiritual world is supporting and guiding ALL emotions, because they exist, because they have a reason, because they bring man to experience, to understanding, to deepening, to consciousness, to growing and to spiritual wealth.

And in places where once was pasture, or water, or mountain or forest, now people are living. And the biodiversity of the total life per M2 has increased thirtyfold, where man is living, despite the physical decline of biodiversity. As previously different plant and animal species covered the earth, the earth is now populated with a greater wealth of emotions. Thus is the total wealth of life, and the overall ability to gain experience, enlarged considerably.

It is obvious that the required balance between physical and emotional wealth, which is disturbed in may places on earth, will be restored.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 124

Monday, 26 November 2012

Mankind is part of nature (Evolution, 2)

Mankind is meant to be.

Mankind is having a destination.
Mankind is intended.
Mankind is a necessary link between the three earthly realms of minerals, plants and animals and the fifth realm of the spiritual world.

The ultimate spiritual transformation into an energetical world of light and love is meant to be. Disruption, disharmony and so-called evil will no longer exist. The derailed angels, the devils, the apes of God at last will finally with rapid strides return to the harmony of God.

Then all life will be in and from God.
Evolution will only reach this with the help of mankind as a natural link in the chain.

The evolution of man is meant to be.
The free will of man is meant to be.
The derailment of the free will of man into misconduct as wars, murder, environmental pollution and destruction of species is anticipated.
But it can not be avoided, because derailment is a necessary step in the experience.
But be reassured, the survival of mankind and “his” nature is meant to be.

Man is nature.
Man is not separated from nature.
Man is inextricably linked with nature.
Man will be confronted with all consequences of destroying his inner and outer nature on behalf of the laws of cause and effect.
Mankind will groan during his solving of all these consequences.

Mankind will ultimately triumph.
Nature will triumph.

For mother earth and Father God are infinitely greater than the sons and daughters of mankind.
For mother nature and the Father of creation are infinitely greater than the sons and daughters of mankind.

Nature will be transformed, and with the help of man and his behavior.
Man will be in harmony with his own nature and with nature around him, at the same time.
For the processes of the inner world are hardly separated from the processes of the outside world.

And in the nearby future a new attitude will be constructed towards inner nature. And inextricably and simultaneously and synchronously a new attitude towards external nature. The inner and outer world are almost an identical twin.

And after the painful transformation into a healthy future, into a new nature and into a harmonious attitude of man towards his inner and outer nature, mankind will foresee a beautiful future, and regain hope and broach a new source of spiritual power.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 123

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Man is contributing to biodiversity (Evolution 1)

Next blogs I will have a talk on the great positive and evolutionary consequences of the mass presence of man on earth.

The threatening of the physical, biological diversity, the extinction of plant and animal species and the attack by man of the environment, of mother earth and her nature are subject for other blogs.

In places where once plant and animal species were omnipresent, and where now a new housing development is created, nature seems to be stale and depleted and threatened. This is not the case. I do like to explain to you all what the real situation is, on the basis of some starting points:

1. Man is nature as well.
2. The emotional biodiversity has exploded by the presence of man.
3. The mental biodiversity has exploded by the presence of man.
4. The physical and biological biodiversity is under serious threat, but also under a transformation, this is subject for other blogs.
5. Plant and animal species' do have emotional qualities ", but this is subject for other blogs.
6. Plant and animal species' do have mental qualities", but this is subject for other blogs.

4., 5. and 6. are subject for future blogs, because mankind is realizing insufficiently she is belonging to one of the realms of the cosmos. The first realm, the mineral world, the second realm, the plant world, the third realm, the animal world and the fifth realm the spiritual world, are subject for other blogs. These next blogs are focusing on the emotional and mental biodiversity of the fourth realm, mankind, a glorious contribution to the evolution of the earth.

We are briefly going into 1., 2. and 3.

1. Man is part of nature, is nature, and the separation between mankind and nature does not exist. Both are one glorious and undivided part of the evolutionary and spiritual creation which is called earth. More on this in the next blog.
2. The biodiversity of the earth from emotional perspective is showing a unparalleled beauty and wealth, this by the arrival of man on earth. The last 100,000 years, this emotional biodiversity is booming. In remote villages of the world, in the slums of large cities and in the homes of even degenerated rich the emotional variety is important and valuable and is at all levels supported and guided by the spiritual world.
3. The biodiversity of the earth from mental perspective is of a abundantly variegated beauty: mankind has made a major contribution to new forms of mental processes such as inventions, works of art, science, architecture, music and theology. Where for example monotonous swamps or bare mountains
were before, now man is living. His mental labor, his mental creations and his mental achievements are monitored and cherished by the spiritual world.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 122

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

From doubt into ecstasy

I sometimes think: God is talking to me, I've got crazy. The doubt whether I am doing well, is not always, but sometimes present. Recently it was fed by a conversation with a sister who thinks I'm wrong, saying I am manipulated by the voice. It might be a voice of a great soul, but mislead. She also said I am undermining 5000 years Judeo-Christian tradition with the blogs. Gradually her criticism seeped into my consciousness, like poison spread through your veins. One night I was completely baffled and said to God, not to the voice, but explicitly and emphatically to God:

"Holy God Almighty, Father of the universe, Yahweh, God of the Jews, Brahman, God of the Hindus, Father, God of the Christians, Allah, God of the Muslims, You, Holy God Almighty, I want to ask You. Do You want on behalf of the deathbed of my mother, on behalf of my love for my deceased daughter, on behalf of the difficult moments in my life in which I was visibly helped by You, do You want, one and only Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth , on behalf of the loving life of Christ, on behalf of all what is holy in the spiritual world, and on behalf of the love among men, do You want to silence for five minutes this voice, this voice of "My God", which passed me these blogs and made me choose the tweets to have them commented.

Do You want to silence this voice which I am hearing since June 10, 2011, do You want to silence this voice for five minutes, five minutes silence in my consciousness, IF this voice is not from You, IF this voice is false, IF this voice is a hoax, IF this voice is an illusion of my mind. I ask You on behalf of all that is holy in life, knock this voice down, silence it, IF this voice is not from You. IF I am using the name of God in vain, while I am loving You my whole life. Would You like to silence this voice for five minutes, IF there is deceit and falsehood and insult of Your honor, Your love, Your goodness.
Please bring this voice to silence for five minutes, I am begging You, IF this voice is not pure, not from You, not coming from You?

During my supplication it is dead quiet in my consciousness, and when I've
finished my prayer, I do hear nothing for two seconds. And then:

My son, be reassured, My voice is of God, I Am That I Am, I am God. Everything is all right. You are truly engaged. You are allowed to repeat and renew this prayer every day. Be reassured. And rest now in My milky-white bosom, be welcomed in the Kingdom of God.

An endless silence is overcoming me, and I feel absorbed in an empty space of love and peace, in a Total absence of ego and personality. The mere presence of God.
I fall asleep and I am the next day, today, filled with an immense awe, as if I am feeling again how holy God is, and how amicably I dealt with the voice. I am living my life, as if God is looking at me Personally.
I say to God: God, I'm sorry pretending as if You are just a voice in my head, as if You are just a friend, and I feel sorry for having doubted You last night. While I am experiencing today Your holiness, Your majesty, Your love.

I'm understanding your doubt. I am just happy with your presence, I do want to be very close, and I know you as a human being can not imagine My power, My strength, My greatness, My holiness. I do know. Especially I want to be near you.
Be reassured.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 121

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Being grateful to God

May I ask You something?
I and many others aren’t blaming You anything, instead we are grateful for life.
How is it possible then when religious people as well are saying: "I would like to ask God why there is so much suffering in the world,and why God doesn’t interfere ?"

I’ll tell you.

Your starting point is: life is beautiful, but difficult.
Their starting point is: life is difficult and therefore no good.

You all are looking at all the good stuff, at all the miracles, at the mystery of life.
They are seeing only wrong things.

You are looking at the beauty of life,and at the manmade ugliness.
They take many things for granted, but if something is going wrong,it can only be God’s fault.

Their tendency to take everything for granted and to blame God for everything going wrong is really unreasonable.
They are looking at life without perspective, without realism, without any respect for the authority and power and glory of God effective in the evolutionary process.

The Earth is a laboratory of God.
God is in this laboratory encouraging man to grow into the image of God. But it is God's will this is happening in freedom. God’s respect for the free will of man is huge.
God could have made a nursery anda plant, but then machines will be created, no future sons and daughters of God.

Many people will suffer this reproaching of God lifelong. Take comfort in the thought they willget explained everything after their physical death, or later. And they will understand it all.
Meanwhile, they are blessed.

You who aren’t reproaching God anything, and being grateful instead, you are blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 120

Saturday, 17 November 2012

The love of God is unconditional

God Loves@God_Loved  God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do  -ReginaBrett

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Man is measuring God by his standards.
But God is measuring man by other standards.

Standards of love.
Standards of wisdom.
Standards of insight.
Standards of survey.
Standards of understanding.
Standards of a mother, who is lovingly looking at her child and his development.
Standards of a father who is teaching his son to cycle.
Standards of a grandmother watching her grandchild picking a chocolate, and smiling of course.

God is smiling and looking lovingly at man.

Man seems indulgent to oneself in his addictions and attachments, but is not. Man is condemning oneself relentlessly, and is therefore more attached to his addictions.
For only with love and wisdom and insight to oneself man can overcome his addictions by looking lovingly at the background and causes of the addiction. And at ways to change this.
But ... how is man realizing this love and wisdom and insight?
The answer is quite simple.

By fantasy: imagine when you are alone God is looking at you. Imagine God is looking at you like a mother at her newborn baby: full of love and warmth and happiness, and everything of the baby is beautiful and special and fine.

“God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do”

At this way God is looking at you all the time, no matter what you are doing and not doing, no matter what you are doing right or wrong. And then ..... you ask God to help you with your path, your struggling, your attachments, your addictions. And God does so with love and wisdom and understanding, not with punishment and judgment and intolerance.

Imagine it and you will make contact with the love of God, for God is very near and wants to be your Father-Mother
My blessings to you all

Nr. 119

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Man can reach the magic of God

Aine Belton@AineBelton  You're not your body, nor mind, not an emotion of any kind, you’re so much MORE, open the DOOR to the MAGIC of who U R!

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Man is more than his physical body, more than his emotional body and more than his mental body. You are God's intention,God's desire, God'shighest creation.
You are the crown of creation, for with an indwelling Spark of God.And your spiritual body meant for eternity together with the guidance of the guardian angel and the soul are makingyou a being of light, the flower of creation, purpose of life on earth, the link betweenthe physical world and God's eternity.

“You're not your body, nor mind, not an emotion of any kind, you’re so much MORE, open the DOOR to the MAGIC of who you are”

In evolutionary terms you are listening again and again better to your inner self, and to the mystery ofthe promptings, of the intuition, of premonitions, of spiritual insights, of longing for God, of hope for an afterlife.

This all stems from your True Being, that is God, that is nourished and cherished by your "My God", Who is making you feel the promise of eternity.
And do know the door to the Magicof God is wide open, and every time you are closing it, when the temptations of life are bigger, the door is opened again by God.

ONE step to God.
ONE knock on God's door.
ONE sincere question.
ONE time truly listening.
And you may be in company with God.

Many have preceded you.
And all are pursuing this course, sooner or later.
God wants to invite you to the shortcut.
The long way is just a detour to God, nothing more.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 118

Monday, 5 November 2012

Every day you may start all over again

Women Of Christ@Women_Of_Christ We all have setbacks in our yesterdays. But your past doesn’t define your future. Today is a new day

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This tweet illustrates the perspective of the spiritual world in relation to man.

You get each day a chance to start over.
You get each day a chance, when life is jammed.
You get each day Our blessing.
You get each day forgiveness for everything.
You get each day the opportunity to change.
You get each day the chance to repent.

You get each day handed everything to be happy.
You get each day the energy to start your future.
You get each day handed a clean slate.
You get each day sent the spirit of hope.
You get each day the opportunity to erase the past.

“We all have setbacks in our yesterdays. But your past doesn’t define your future. Today is a new day”

Today is a new day.
Today you can cancel your addictions.
Today you can learn to pray.
Today you can surrender your pain.
Today you may become sons of men.
Today you can ask God to carry your worries.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 117