Sunday, 25 November 2012

Man is contributing to biodiversity (Evolution 1)

Next blogs I will have a talk on the great positive and evolutionary consequences of the mass presence of man on earth.

The threatening of the physical, biological diversity, the extinction of plant and animal species and the attack by man of the environment, of mother earth and her nature are subject for other blogs.

In places where once plant and animal species were omnipresent, and where now a new housing development is created, nature seems to be stale and depleted and threatened. This is not the case. I do like to explain to you all what the real situation is, on the basis of some starting points:

1. Man is nature as well.
2. The emotional biodiversity has exploded by the presence of man.
3. The mental biodiversity has exploded by the presence of man.
4. The physical and biological biodiversity is under serious threat, but also under a transformation, this is subject for other blogs.
5. Plant and animal species' do have emotional qualities ", but this is subject for other blogs.
6. Plant and animal species' do have mental qualities", but this is subject for other blogs.

4., 5. and 6. are subject for future blogs, because mankind is realizing insufficiently she is belonging to one of the realms of the cosmos. The first realm, the mineral world, the second realm, the plant world, the third realm, the animal world and the fifth realm the spiritual world, are subject for other blogs. These next blogs are focusing on the emotional and mental biodiversity of the fourth realm, mankind, a glorious contribution to the evolution of the earth.

We are briefly going into 1., 2. and 3.

1. Man is part of nature, is nature, and the separation between mankind and nature does not exist. Both are one glorious and undivided part of the evolutionary and spiritual creation which is called earth. More on this in the next blog.
2. The biodiversity of the earth from emotional perspective is showing a unparalleled beauty and wealth, this by the arrival of man on earth. The last 100,000 years, this emotional biodiversity is booming. In remote villages of the world, in the slums of large cities and in the homes of even degenerated rich the emotional variety is important and valuable and is at all levels supported and guided by the spiritual world.
3. The biodiversity of the earth from mental perspective is of a abundantly variegated beauty: mankind has made a major contribution to new forms of mental processes such as inventions, works of art, science, architecture, music and theology. Where for example monotonous swamps or bare mountains
were before, now man is living. His mental labor, his mental creations and his mental achievements are monitored and cherished by the spiritual world.

My blessings to you all

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