How can it be better described than as emotional biodiversity: the variety and diversity of life, but on emotional level.
Although plant and animal life do have an emotional life, and this will be subject for another blog, is the emotional life of man a source of inspiration for all "lower" life on earth.
For the colorfulness of the emotional life of man is energetically more valuable than the emotional life of animals and plants. The total of emotions is inspiring life, is lifting it up and is leveling up life energetically. For life is ONE and is showing thus more variation.
The darkest emotions of loneliness, depression, fear and jealousy until the lightest emotions of love, humility and joy are belonging all to a colorful palette of life. This is by the spiritual world observed as clearly as mankind is observing the physical nature.
And the spiritual world is supporting and guiding ALL emotions, because they exist, because they have a reason, because they bring man to experience, to understanding, to deepening, to consciousness, to growing and to spiritual wealth.
And in places where once was pasture, or water, or mountain or forest, now people are living. And the biodiversity of the total life per M2 has increased thirtyfold, where man is living, despite the physical decline of biodiversity. As previously different plant and animal species covered the earth, the earth is now populated with a greater wealth of emotions. Thus is the total wealth of life, and the overall ability to gain experience, enlarged considerably.
It is obvious that the required balance between physical and emotional wealth, which is disturbed in may places on earth, will be restored.
My blessings to you all