Saturday, 8 December 2012

Never an apocalyptic End of times

Would you like to comment on the end of the world prophecies, in connection with the 21/12 prophecy?

This is a true issue at this time.

Man is in a precarious situation: evolution is dynamic, and the negative and challenging side of earthly existence is a fact and the human need for clarity is great.
Religions do all their best to clarify this.
In short and concise: on December the 21st nothing special will happen, the world will not perish, there is no concatenation of global disasters and crises, and Christ, the Son of Man, will not come on a cloud separating the goats and sheep, not then and not later.

What is the need for man to make up these stories and where are these stories coming from?

I do like to give a brief summary, and recall a few aspects:
  • In periods of crisis and transition predictions will be dished up: the year 1000, the turn of a century, in times of great crises like the epidemic of plague in the Middle Ages and in times of major disasters, such as earthquakes.
  • People need to have hold on something, even though it's a negative one. So if it is difficult, if one disagrees with developments in society, if one is dispirited, and is wondering how things will end, then one is holding on predictions that something has to happen rigorously, THAT IT WILL ALL CEASE.
  • On major problems people tend to expect correction by Above. Punishment, destruction by higher authority, gladly believing in salvation for themselves. Or if they have a negative self-image being convinced to be doomed sinners. It is a having hold on a solution of the problem. But because mankind is God's hands on earth, it is mankind who has to create a solution. The Above world does intervene and correct and direct constantly, this is a topic (has been) of other blogs. But this is never done on Apocalyptic world scale. Nor will be. 
  • People tend to forget history. Forgetting earlier prophecies on the end of the world which never proved to be correct. The Above world never did a global intervention. So the Flood is a fiction, scientists are beginning to unravel what really happened. Noah and his ship full of animal coupels. How did the male ostrich actually continue after landing, when his wife was eaten by the tiger pair? Just extinct? (Smile). Please do use your common sense. Zie 
  • Some unilateral religious tendencies create an end-time story. Its own Messenger / Prophet and followers are saved of course. That’s giving reinforcement, bonding, energy, motivation, but it is all illusion, delusion, conceit and especially manipulation of uncertain followers.
In brief, on December 22, We from the spiritual world will continue with your earth. And the escalation of a derailed economy, the exploitation of nature, the over-population and the corrections on these developments worldwide really are global problems. They are therefore subjects of other blogs.
I'd like to clarify mystic life, but at the same time love to demystify.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 128