Monday, 10 December 2012

We are having another messenger

Would You like to comment on the brain surgeon Eben Alexander having had a near-death experience and is convinced now of a life after death ?

The spiritual world has an extra messenger.

Skeptics say the near-death experience is produced by the brains and the experiences are imagination, dreamed.
The near-death experience is just one of the thousands of signals from the spiritual world that:

  • she is alive
  • she is existing
  • man is cherished in eternity
  • matter is determined by spirit
  • spirit is not made by matter
  • your earthly life is embedded in a cloud of love and attention and care
  • you are not alone
  • you will survive physical death gloriously
  • your spiritual body is from Our perspective more real than the earthy personality
  • your inspiration from the heart, your intuition, your spiritual experiences are all evidence
  • skeptics and critics like Eben Alexander will only believe when they can lay their fingers in the wounds of Christ like the holy Thomas.

But do know, all of you, that
  • once will be proven to all humanity  the spiritual world does exist
  • skeptics will surrender then and believe
  • time is almost nearby for an ultimate invention: a machine will facilitate communication with deceased persons
  • these blogs are as well one of the many signals from the spiritual world there is more between heaven and earth you can imagine
  • God's clothing are hope
  • Gods' eyes are love
  • God's ears are hearing your pain and soothes
  • God's hands on earth are all people of good will
  • God's pen is consisting of all holy and spiritual books
  • God's holy and spiritual books are not meant to be laws and disciplinary rules, but only encouragement and inspiration
  • you are not allowed to hit each other with your rules and interpretations and differences
  • you are only moving forward with respect and tolerance towards each other
  • the spiritual world, the "My God" of all men, God as ONE is listening to all
  • all religions, all sects, all movements are equally cherished by God
  • scientists and agnostics are cherished as well by God, because they work for humanity, only in different areas, with different tools and with different ideals.
My blessings to you all


Nr. 129