Monday, 28 January 2013

A good person gives us happiness, a bad person gives experience

Positive QUOTES‏@Positief_leven 31 oktober 2012 om 1:59 's middagsop Twitter

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When this truth is really getting through you, you’ll always say yes to life.
Then there will be no more struggle, no more denial, no more distinction between good and evil, what you want and what you do not want.

Life can be fully unfold itself to you.
You are then able to thank God for everything.
For what conflict would be left, what resistance, what separation?
Everything is all right then. Everything will have significance. Everything will be welcomed.

And do know this is  the way We in the spiritual world are considering life, and considering you.
Full of love and acceptance, full of patience and confidence.
Because everything is all right.

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 26 January 2013

You all may hear your "My God'

Man is a wonderful creature, with many hidden skills.
You all are hearing your "My God," the only question is: "do you recognize the voice of your "My God"?

The voice of "My God" is a dream or a hunch or inspiration or a feeling of happiness or a foreboding or a special meeting or a striking remark of someone or a particular animal on your path or an unexpected event.
For your "My God" is constantly at work on you and always finding ways and means and resources to feed your free will on spiritual goals. For earthy goals do come naturally on your path, even too many.

You all do have a "My God," Whose voice can be heard. The only question is: do you really want to hear the voice of "My God"? Because It is up to you to do one’s utmost.

Purer living, purer thinking, purer feeling, purer acting: in this way you’ll become a purer instrument and it will be easier for your "My God" to “use” you. Aren’t you preferring for yourselves  hammering with clean and good tools, walking on good shoes, cooking with great pans and writing with a fine pen?
God really likes a good instrument.

So:  look at yourself. Are you eating calmly and moderately? Don’t you drink too much alcohol? Are you leaving another cup of coffee alone? Are you cutting down on smoking? Are you skipping more often meat and fish? Are you praying now and then? Are you arranging quietness and tranquility for your inner self? Are you saying “no” to too much hustle and appointments? Are you switching off your TV or computer ever? Do you love your fellowmen?

What do you want? Loosing yourselves in needs, worries and obligations or opening up to the voice of your "My God"?

It is up to you, every day again.

My blessings to you all

Monday, 21 January 2013

Rise up after a failure, God is always with you

Armor Of God@ArmorOGod You’re not a failure until you stop trying. If you have no other testimony you have this one: "I’m still here." Retweet by God Loves

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When the birth of Christ was announced, the angel said: "Listen all, man of good will, I bring you the good news a Savior is born, he is the Messiah."
Man of good will. This is what God is seeing. This is what God is keeping in Its mind. And whatever you do, even if you’re flopping, when you afterwards are getting up again and trying again, We are pleased. We are seeing your good will, and then We will do the rest.

"You're not a failure until you stop trying"

And the man who is totally loosing himself in failure and is derailing and is destroying and killing, is indeed a failure on earth. His good will was not strong enough to withstand the evil will, but after his death we are receiving him. This man is experiencing for a while the necessary restrictions (no punishment) and is then helped to rebuild his good will. Eventually God is triumphing over you, your evil will shall never triumph over life. On earth this seems to be the case, but in evil is always hidden the seeds of its own destruction.
Life is love, life is from God, evil is always limited and temporary. On Earth, evil is yet greatly present, but in the spiritual world evil is curbed and enslaved and eventually resolved.

"If you have no other testimony you have this one: I'm still here"

And do know, you all, God is always there, and is always with you and is waiting and seeing and helping and is cherishing you and saving you. Sooner or later.
Sooner, if your good will is stronger than your evil will.
Later, if the evil will is stronger than the good will.
But your "My God" is always staying with you, is always faithful, is always present, is always cherishing. Always.
Trust on this.

Once a "My God" spoke this words, and they are spoken by the "My God" of all of you:

" Upon him I bestow the supreme devotion and affection of a Divine Spirit. And say further to My beloved subject that I will function with wisdom and power until the very end, until the last earth struggle is over; I will be true to My personality trust…."

Paper 110, § 7, Urantiabook

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 19 January 2013

The body can be the temple of God

 Would you like to comment on the body as a temple of God ?

Man is living to a greater age then before. Is he getting healthier? Is he taking more care of his body?
Better medical science, more knowledge on good nutrition, fewer taboos around physicality and greater attention for the body, even the body cult in the west on fitness, are a fact. Therefore, man is living to a greater age.
But that’s not detracting from this simple fact: man is, apart from some primitive peoples, still treating his body as a slave, as an inferior vehicle, sometimes as if it’s a dog. Although many dogs are better cared for.
What are you doing wrong?

God is creating the body, in close consultation with the spirits of the physical evolution. The body is a wonderful instrument with its beautiful brains, sensitive sense organs, specialized organs, subtle branched blood and lymphatic system, its life-giving heart, its delicate lungs, its self-healing ability, its meticulous and careful resistance, its strong bones and soft skin.
This body is maintained, not by you, but by many spiritual beings


You may only use it AND take care of it.

But you are abusing it and are thus prematurely suffering from diseases and physical decay.

Why you are drinking alcohol, so your liver and brains are damaged ?
Why you are smoking, so your lungs are damaged?
Why you are eating excessively, so your intestines are damaged?
Why you are sitting too much, so not using your muscles?
Why you are remaining too much indoors, while the outside air and nature are so healing?
Why you do work too hard, so your stomach and nerves are damaged
Why you do not express yourselves, so the tension is tied down into your body?

The body is meant to be a temple for God. Your "My God" may use it as an instrument on earth,
as a channel, as a tool for His purposes on earth.
And by your behavior it is becoming instead an old barn, an abused vehicle, a useless tool, an obstructed channel.

Will you consider this ? Your "My God" is yearning for the simplicity and beauty of a cherished body.

My blessings to you all

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Trust the lessons, not the teacher (Buddha)

 Four pillars of knowledge
"Trust firstly the spirit and the intention of the lessons, not the words. Trust secondly on the lessons, not on the personality of the teacher. Trust thirdly on real wisdom, not on superficial interpretation and trust fourthly on the essence of your pure spirit of wisdom, not on observations full of prejudices." 
Thought of the Buddha (ca. 563 - ca 483 BC.), India


My God, would you like to comment on this thought of the ​​Buddha?
My son, in one of our previous blogs Man between beast and spirit, I have mentioned this topic.We from the spiritual world would like you to use your religions, laws and books not within the letter of the law, but within the spirit of the law. I would like to go into this thought.

"Trust firstly the spirit and the intention of the lessons, not the words"

What is it convenient for your thinking,  your acting to just take everything literally and than to box somebody’s ears with it, this is the orthodox, primitive way. This separates you from each other.
The open-minded way, which is focusing more on the heart and respect is: which love is revealed from the text, what purpose, what spiritual atmosphere is coming up? This will bring you together.

"Trust secondly on the lessons, not on the personality of the teacher"

Many people become atheists because they are disappointed in the servants of God on earth, and thus they are having flung away the baby with the bathwater. But God is better than Its religions. Do not adore the teacher, but get going with his lessons. Every prophet, every saint, every teacher should refer to God or Life. His own personality should not be that important, although a good example will be more impressive than a corrupt one. But do take into account the human, the teacher usually does have tricks and limitations.

"Trust thirdly on real wisdom, not on superficial interpretation"

All the commandments, all religious laws, all books can be used superficially, than you’ll make everything small and petty. They can also be considered profoundly and wisely, than you’ll keep them big. We can summarize a lot of examples of superficiality in the area of ​​rigid prohibitions: prohibited pork meat, women in burkas, prohibition of condoms, wigs for married Jewish spouses, condemnation of sinners, eternal damnation, the hell, forced marriages from young girls, circumcision, you for yourselves can summarize a thousand examples. God is not pleased with it.

"Trust fourthly on the essence of your pure spirit of wisdom, not on observations full of prejudices"

 Your inner self, your soul, your spiritual body, your "My God", your heart, your intuition, your guardian angel are all at your disposal to experience and use this spirit of wisdom. Why should you be proud of condemning, delusions and dogmas, fanatical teachers and rigid laws, exclusion of fellowmen, of dissenting believers, of unbelievers, and other unloving rules and dictates?

The Buddha and His sayings are blessed.

My blessings to you all


Saturday, 12 January 2013

The Goddess Durga and the fight against rape in India

My God, would You comment on Durga, on behalf of the rapes in India?

My son, the cast off Brahmane Urwashi Anamika is taking part of women being abused, being raped. The Goddess Durga is worshipped by her as her patron goddess.
Urwashi is fighting against oppression and injustice of women and does not make a distinction between the women she is helping. She is also fighting against the caste system.

I gave you a blog on women's emancipation stating the oppression of women in India is not really motivated by religion. But mainly by lack of education and by the caste system. Karma is indeed misused by everybody creating a fatalistic attitude to life. Across Asia, the Middle East and Africa, the emancipation of women has to penetrate into all sections of the population. And this will and must be done, there is no other way for a human society. Modern times are a disadvantage for discrimination, Urwashi is having an advantage.

Urwashi is a personality who has suffered much, herself being raped by a group of men, at the age of thirteen (organized by her stepmother), she was then raped by the police, disowned by her father, her family, her caste. She is working now for her fellow-sufferers. She has become an incarnation of compassion, as cast off Brahmane, helping as well the untouchables.
Her "My God" is working closely with her and she has become a precious, valuable instrument in the hands of her "My God," in the hands of the Goddess Durga.
Durga, the Patient One, the Just One, the Campaigner for women's rights, supporting with love and humor the fate of women. Durga is the Virgin having nothing to do with men. Durga is the feminine aspect of God, of Brahman, she is the Mother Goddess. Her many arms are representing Her many strengths and talents.
Urwashi is supported by the Goddess, blessed, helped, shown the way, protected, and she is an advocate, a Mother Theresa for abused women, a light in her environment, a model for women.
India will have to change too, because a country suppressing half of its population, namely women, will never join the spiritual nations of the world. Even though India is thinking she is really something, a cradle of spiritual knowledge, her human practice is not impressive.
My blessings to Urwashi.

My blessings to you all

Monday, 7 January 2013

God is dwelling in our hearts

Would you like to comment on where God is dwelling in our body?

Where else but in the heart!

The heart:
  • The place of love
  • The center throbbingly giving life to the body
  • The borderland between material needs, sexuality and feelings in the lower parts of the body and the will and thought and intuition in the higher parts of the body
  • The place where the animal is uplifted to the Spirit
  • The place where the spirit is making suggestions to the animal
  • The place where God is touching man for the first time, because in this place love for the other has been born
  • The only place in the body of man, where dissembling isn’t possible
  • The only place in the body capable of expressing the essence of God, which is love
  • The place where if God is leaving it, man will die immediately.
There are religions placing God far beyond man in a cold and unreachable cosmos.
There are religions placing God in the head, in the pineal gland, but that is merely a point of impact: God is using the pineal gland, and then the mind, just as a link in the communication.
There are religions placing God and Its energy in the chakras, starting at the bottom, but Kundalini energy is just a tool of God.

God is dwelling in your heart.
God is working from out of your heart.
God is using your heart.
God is expressing Itself through your heart.
God is love and therefore in the heart.

" The only place in the body of man, where dissembling isn’t possible"

Look around and behold of man: forget how he is thinking and talking, how he is acting, what he is looking like, but behold of where his heart is longing for, and there is his essence, there is his being, there is his fate , there is his destiny.
And if his heart is longing for matter or sex or power, then God is dwelling in the back rooms of his heart, because the front rooms are filled with other temporal affairs.

And if one’s goal in life is reflecting his love for God.
Or if one's goal in life is reflecting love for his fellow man.
Or if one’s goal in life is reflecting love for life.
Or if one's goal in life is reflecting love for nature,
then this person is very close to God. And God will be manifestly present in his heart, and then God can express Itself in earthy life.

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Why man is having a “My God" (Ovid)

Maybe I am suggesting with a weird question? Why does man have an own "My God," ? Why isn’t God “ruling stuff” from out of the cosmos?

God is everywhere and in everything, and especially man is the favourite. Without a permanent, watchful, stimulating, inspiring, life-giving Part of God within you, you would never got further than the most developed animal, the ape. Group behavior, physical evolution, the nature, the earth couldn’t make the next step within man. When long ago your individual will was born in man, it became necessary, desirable, important to make available an indwelling Part, Spark of God.

Because God is cherishing the free will a lot.

And for the record, this "My God" is within you, but for 100% connected with God. There is no difference or distinction, except to the extent your "My God" can express Itself in earthy life.
I as the "My God" of Frenkie for example, can express Myself in the earthy world more limited than the "My God" of a great saint or prophet, that’s evident. But I'm very pleased with what Frenkie already is surrendering to Me.

Your own "My God" gives you:
  • Perspective on eternity
  • A chance to acquire a life after death
  • Inspiration in creative moments
  • Trust in difficult situations
  • Understanding of the essence of man
  • Intuition where reason and feeling are not enough
  • Reflection on your inner self
  • Incentive in your development from animal to spirit.
And if your "My God" would abandon you, you would deteriorate as man incredibly fast, become an animal, derail, fall back into the utmost savagery.
This will never happen, for We are more loyal to you than you are to Us.

Silence is appropriate now.

All life has eternal life in it, because matter follows the spirit, not vice versa. The group spirit of an animal species, of a plant species is surviving. Single animals and plants are after dead absorbed in the group spirit. But the individualization of life, so to speak personal, individual living and surviving after death is only happening to man or to animals closely related to man, such as a faithful horse, a dog attached to his master, etc.

Cherish your "My God," talk to It, open your mind, behold it as true, find support in It, take time for your own "My God", because do know your "My God" is a Holy Ambassador of God, is the Alliance with God and is day and night committed to you and is available and is wanting nothing more than the surrender of your free will to Its power and strength. Then everything will be possible in your life.

My blessings to you all

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Can there be ONE place in the universe without the presence of God?

Today so to speak in the beginning of a new year, from Our perspective a new year is meaning nothing, from your perspective it is a chance to start all over again, to have intentions, to get rid of old patterns and to forsake addictions.

Why don’t you all begin the year with this question: "Is there ONE place in the universe without Gods presence? And because this is so, is there ONE place in the universe where not everything is supported and cherished and cared for in Gods attention, in Gods power, in Gods energy, thus in Gods love? "

Behold of a flower and know the flower is growing according to the expectations of God.
Behold of a tree, and know the tree is grasping with his roots in the earth and reaching to the sky, all according to the wishes of God.
Behold of a river, and know this river is complying to the physical laws of God.
Behold of mother earth, and know this earth is conforming to the plans of God.
Behold of man, and know that man is carrying within itself the promise of God.
Behold of a child, and know this child is having the blessing of God.
Behold of yourself and know you can propagate a Part of God into the world.
Behold of your behavior and know this behavior can work for or against God.
Behold of your addictions and know your “My God” is waiting for the renunciation of it.
Behold of your intentions and know your “My God” is waiting for you, waiting for you, waiting for you.

Do know, you all, this new year can be the first day of your new life, a life of freedom, a life of wisdom, a life of good will, a life in surrender, a life in silence, a life of love for God .
And do know, you all, in any case, in all your choices, even in the most pernicious, negative, hopeless addictions and behaviors, God is with you, God is staying with you, God is in you, God is loving you, and is only waiting until the chains with addictions are broken by your free will.

God loves you so much you are carrying a Part of God within you, your "My God," being closer to you than your partner, your heart, your lips.
Know that you all are having the love of God, unconditionally.
And your behavior, and your choices, and your intentions in this new human year are not detracting this unconditional love.

BUT your choices are vital for your propagating of Gods love into the world. Because then everything is requiring great precision. For your "My God" can not take an active part in the world through a dirty heart, a confused mind, a ruined body, addicted emotions. Thus your renunciation of addictions is of vital interest not only for yourself but also for the whole world.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 139