My God, would You comment on
Durga, on behalf of the rapes in India?
My son, the
cast off Brahmane Urwashi Anamika is taking part of women being abused, being raped.
The Goddess Durga is worshipped by her as her patron goddess.
Urwashi is
fighting against oppression and injustice of women and does not make a
distinction between the women she is helping. She is also fighting against the
caste system.
I gave you a
blog on women's
emancipation stating
the oppression of women in India
is not really motivated by religion. But mainly by lack of education and by the
caste system. Karma is indeed
misused by everybody creating a fatalistic attitude to life. Across Asia, the
Middle East and Africa, the emancipation of
women has to penetrate into all sections of the population. And this will and
must be done, there is no other way for a human society. Modern times are a
disadvantage for discrimination, Urwashi is having an advantage.
Urwashi is a
personality who has suffered much, herself being raped by a group of men, at
the age of thirteen (organized by her stepmother), she was then raped by the
police, disowned by her father, her family, her caste. She is working now for
her fellow-sufferers. She has become an incarnation of compassion, as cast off
Brahmane, helping as well the untouchables.
Her "My
God" is working closely with her and she has become a precious, valuable
instrument in the hands of her "My God," in the hands of the Goddess
Durga, the
Patient One, the Just One, the Campaigner for women's rights, supporting with
love and humor the fate of women. Durga is the Virgin having nothing to do with
men. Durga is the feminine aspect of God, of Brahman, she is the Mother
Goddess. Her many arms are representing Her many strengths and talents.
Urwashi is
supported by the Goddess, blessed, helped, shown the way, protected, and she is
an advocate, a Mother Theresa for abused women, a light in her environment, a
model for women.
India will have to change
too, because a country suppressing half of its population, namely women, will
never join the spiritual nations of the world. Even though India is
thinking she is really something, a cradle of spiritual knowledge, her human
practice is not impressive.
My blessings
to Urwashi.
My blessings
to you all