Four pillars of knowledge
"Trust firstly the spirit and the intention of the lessons, not the words. Trust secondly on the lessons, not on the personality of the teacher. Trust thirdly on real wisdom, not on superficial interpretation and trust fourthly on the essence of your pure spirit of wisdom, not on observations full of prejudices."
"Trust firstly the spirit and the intention of the lessons, not the words. Trust secondly on the lessons, not on the personality of the teacher. Trust thirdly on real wisdom, not on superficial interpretation and trust fourthly on the essence of your pure spirit of wisdom, not on observations full of prejudices."
Thought of the Buddha (ca. 563 - ca 483 BC.), India
My God, would you like to comment on this thought of the Buddha?
My son, in one of our previous blogs Man between beast and spirit, I have mentioned this topic.We from the spiritual world would like you to use your religions, laws and
books not within the letter of the law, but within the spirit of the law. I
would like to go into this thought.
"Trust firstly the spirit and the intention of the lessons, not the words"
What is it convenient for your thinking, your acting to just take everything literally and than to box somebody’s ears with it, this is the orthodox, primitive way. This separates you from each other.
The open-minded way, which is focusing more on the heart and respect is: which love is revealed from the text, what purpose, what spiritual atmosphere is coming up? This will bring you together.
"Trust firstly the spirit and the intention of the lessons, not the words"
What is it convenient for your thinking, your acting to just take everything literally and than to box somebody’s ears with it, this is the orthodox, primitive way. This separates you from each other.
The open-minded way, which is focusing more on the heart and respect is: which love is revealed from the text, what purpose, what spiritual atmosphere is coming up? This will bring you together.
"Trust secondly on the lessons, not on the personality of the teacher"
Many people become atheists because they are disappointed in the servants of God on earth, and thus they are having flung away the baby with the bathwater. But God is better than Its religions. Do not adore the teacher, but get going with his lessons. Every prophet, every saint, every teacher should refer to God or Life. His own personality should not be that important, although a good example will be more impressive than a corrupt one. But do take into account the human, the teacher usually does have tricks and limitations.
"Trust thirdly on real wisdom, not on superficial interpretation"
All the commandments, all religious laws, all books can be used superficially, than you’ll make everything small and petty. They can also be considered profoundly and wisely, than you’ll keep them big. We can summarize a lot of examples of superficiality in the area of rigid prohibitions: prohibited pork meat, women in burkas, prohibition of condoms, wigs for married Jewish spouses, condemnation of sinners, eternal damnation, the hell, forced marriages from young girls, circumcision, you for yourselves can summarize a thousand examples. God is not pleased with it.
"Trust fourthly on the essence of your pure spirit of wisdom, not on observations full of prejudices"
Many people become atheists because they are disappointed in the servants of God on earth, and thus they are having flung away the baby with the bathwater. But God is better than Its religions. Do not adore the teacher, but get going with his lessons. Every prophet, every saint, every teacher should refer to God or Life. His own personality should not be that important, although a good example will be more impressive than a corrupt one. But do take into account the human, the teacher usually does have tricks and limitations.
"Trust thirdly on real wisdom, not on superficial interpretation"
All the commandments, all religious laws, all books can be used superficially, than you’ll make everything small and petty. They can also be considered profoundly and wisely, than you’ll keep them big. We can summarize a lot of examples of superficiality in the area of rigid prohibitions: prohibited pork meat, women in burkas, prohibition of condoms, wigs for married Jewish spouses, condemnation of sinners, eternal damnation, the hell, forced marriages from young girls, circumcision, you for yourselves can summarize a thousand examples. God is not pleased with it.
"Trust fourthly on the essence of your pure spirit of wisdom, not on observations full of prejudices"
Your inner self,
your soul, your spiritual body, your "My God", your heart, your
intuition, your guardian angel are all at your disposal to experience and use
this spirit of wisdom. Why should
you be proud of condemning, delusions and dogmas, fanatical teachers and rigid
laws, exclusion of fellowmen, of dissenting believers, of unbelievers, and
other unloving rules and dictates?
The Buddha and His sayings are blessed.
My blessings to you all
The Buddha and His sayings are blessed.
My blessings to you all