Today so to speak in the beginning of a new year, from Our perspective a new year is meaning nothing, from your perspective it is a chance to start all over again, to have intentions, to get rid of old patterns and to forsake addictions.
Why don’t you all begin the year with this question: "Is there ONE place in the universe without Gods presence? And because this is so, is there ONE place in the universe where not everything is supported and cherished and cared for in Gods attention, in Gods power, in Gods energy, thus in Gods love? "
Behold of a flower and know the flower is growing according to the expectations of God.
Behold of a tree, and know the tree is grasping with his roots in the earth and reaching to the sky, all according to the wishes of God.
Behold of a river, and know this river is complying to the physical laws of God.
Behold of mother earth, and know this earth is conforming to the plans of God.
Behold of man, and know that man is carrying within itself the promise of God.
Behold of a child, and know this child is having the blessing of God.
Behold of yourself and know you can propagate a Part of God into the world.
Behold of your behavior and know this behavior can work for or against God.
Behold of your addictions and know your “My God” is waiting for the renunciation of it.
Behold of your intentions and know your “My God” is waiting for you, waiting for you, waiting for you.
Do know, you all, this new year can be the first day of your new life, a life of freedom, a life of wisdom, a life of good will, a life in surrender, a life in silence, a life of love for God .
And do know, you all, in any case, in all your choices, even in the most pernicious, negative, hopeless addictions and behaviors, God is with you, God is staying with you, God is in you, God is loving you, and is only waiting until the chains with addictions are broken by your free will.
God loves you so much you are carrying a Part of God within you, your "My God," being closer to you than your partner, your heart, your lips.
Know that you all are having the love of God, unconditionally.
And your behavior, and your choices, and your intentions in this new human year are not detracting this unconditional love.
BUT your choices are vital for your propagating of Gods love into the world. Because then everything is requiring great precision. For your "My God" can not take an active part in the world through a dirty heart, a confused mind, a ruined body, addicted emotions. Thus your renunciation of addictions is of vital interest not only for yourself but also for the whole world.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 139