Sunday, 29 December 2013

Buying a lottery ticket is distrusting life

Would you like to comment on buying lottery tickets, as spiritual act. Does it make sense ?

Buying a lottery ticket is distrusting life .
Why ?

People do not realize what really the influence is of buying a lottery ticket on their peace of mind , and which anxiety it generates.

They fantasize on what they will do if they win the grand prize , quit their jobs , pay off their debts , buy a car , a nicer house , a thousand and one things will be different. And it does not happen, because the chance is bigger to be struck by lightning.  One is taken out of context and the here and now, and swallows in a world of fantasy that does not cope with reality .
It looks so innocent , but the mental impact is still big: it feeds the dissatisfaction with life , one really gets unjustified hope and actually commercialism is turning influence on the emotional life: if you do this and do that, only then you will be happy.

In short, buying a lottery ticket is not innocent .
Buying a lottery ticket is succumbing to commercialism.
Buying a lottery ticket is selling your soul to the devil.
And the monkey enjoys every injury of peace of state, of any contamination of silence, of any destruction of trust.

When the spiritual world is beholding man in his attempt to win the lottery, he will always be blessed. But not for his act , but to minimize the consequences of his unconscious and immature and thoughtless act.
Buying a lottery ticket is feeding mistrust in life.

And consequently is deliberately refraining from participating in a lottery a wise, silent act of a man with spiritual peace , a man in silence , a truly spiritual person.

My blessings to you all

Friday, 27 December 2013

We think every human being is vulnerable, even a criminal one

We consider man and see his greatness , his potential and his ability to grow to Us. And we see his limitations and wrong choices and his too great willingness to lose oneself in the wrong direction.
We see the vulnerability of man.
We see in every human being merely his vulnerability .
We look upon him without judgment , full of love and compassion .
We see in the most hardened blunted derailed criminal just a human being, just a vulnerable man.

And we see what he is calling over himself in confusion and ignorance.
And We foresee how he once has to justify all his actions.
And We foresee how each wound, inflicted on another human being, must be heeled by his own flesh.
And We foresee how every unloving deed will thrown back in his own lap.

And we foresee how such a man creates his own suffering , causes his own downfall and We lament him.
And We foresee that this must be his way.

For some learn by love and gentleness , with patience and dedication .
But others learn just by being thrown by live with their heads against a wall and stand up afterwards bleeding and moaning but with a changed attitude .
But ultimately all roads are leading one way to God , even though some ways are long and tortuous detours .

Every human being is precious to Us .
Christ has lived life with such ideas.
Blessed be His example .

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 21 December 2013

The only real present in life is the present

“The only real present in life is the present”

This popped into my head in response of a poem. I think that it is not mine, but maybe I 've read it somewhere. I do not know the origin. But would You like to comment on it?

It's a beautiful thought to consider.
Life is a gift.
You existence on earth is supported by thousands of beings .
God Itself is keeping you up.
Everything is given without conditions .
Everyone is entitled to this gift .
Nobody should contest or condemn this gift to his fellowmen, this only because one is existing.
It is meant to be.

If you absorb this knowledge a lot will disappear :
  • Fear ( for the future)
  • Depression (out of the past)
  • Discrimination ( for the present lets everyone and everything exist)
  • Stress ( for worrying on the future)
  • Restlessness ( for this is what it is).
“The only real present in life is the present”

And you end up in :

  • The present
  • The here and now
  • In peace
  • In the silence
  • In surrender
  • In relaxation
  • In confidence in life.
 My blessings to you all

Nr. 197

Saturday, 14 December 2013

A wise person sees only the good in all religions (Srimad Bhagavatam)


Like the collecting of honey by the bee from various flowers, the wise accepts the essence of different scriptures and sees in all religions only the good” (Srimad Bhagavatam, Hindu spiritual text)

My God, would you like to comment on this quote, which I got from the book from Donna Virtue "The Lightworker’s Way"?

I love to, My son.
This is the way.
When you all accept the essence of different scriptures, and when you all will just behold  the good in all religions, the spirit of love and the spirit of tolerance will obtain a bigger foothold on earth.

The spiritual world sees it as in this way, or even more.
We do not get worked about the differences between religions.
We do not get worked about the pretensions of religious ministers.
We do not get worked about contradictions and falsehoods and subjective interpretations within religions.

We do not get worked about the age of religions.
We do not get worked about the number of followers of a religion.

We are very interested in how believers are inspired by their faith.

We are very interested in how one acts in life.
In short, We are very interested in how great the love through faith is in the life of a believer.

My b
lessings to you all

Nr. 196

Saturday, 7 December 2013

People of good and strong will



I 'm reading a book from Doreen Virtue on communicating with angels .
She says you sometimes have to command angels, so to speak instead of asking them. They will response better on commands, she says. I do not think this is nice to do. Would you like to comment on it?

Doreen Virtue is coming from the American culture where one is dealing with authority more primitively than in Europe. So where in the USA a manager is giving commands, without discussion, in Europe everything will be discussed and clarified with staff what has to be done. So it is about how people are communicating.
One definitely doesn’t want to command  angels. The spiritual world loves a respectful treatment.
Aren’t We doing the same to you all?

However, Doreen Virtue really touches a very important thing. So to speak the strength, the willpower , the determination which one can use to perform things and to achieve more. Actually, she is saying, be men of good ànd strong will .

When Christ was born , the angel told the shepherds :
Listen , people of good will.

The spiritual world can work better through men, when one is not only from good will, but also strong-willed. Men can be then a powerful instrument.
Therefore I say, listen men of good ànd strong will.

When you are calling upon an angel or spirit, when you are praying to God for something , when you are opening up to the solution of a problem, the spiritual world can respond to your request much better, work better with your request , and use more powerful energy to solve a problem if you :
  • concentrate better
  • ask it more determinedly
  • ask it with more conviction
  • ask it with more faith
  • ask it with more hope
  • ask it with more feeling
  • ask it with more willpower. 
Therefore if you are communicating with the spiritual world, be you all as much as possible men of good will ànd strong-willed.

In the meantime may all weak-minded, vulnerable and confused men be very blessed.
Doreen Virtue may be blessed .

My blessings to you all

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Man seems to be alone

I'm in a monastery and several psalm texts are touching me deeply.
They are about the struggle of man, the moments when he feels abandoned , and seems to be at the mercy of pain of the world or of the harsh judgment of fellowmen.
Would You like to comment on this?

Psalm 42

I say to God, my rock:
“Why have you forgotten me?
Why do I go mourning
because of the oppression of the enemy?”

As with a deadly wound in my bones,
my adversaries taunt me,
while they say to me all the day long,
“Where is your God?”

Psalm 44

Awake! Why are you sleeping, O Lord?
Rouse yourself! Do not reject us forever!
Why do you hide your face?
Why do you forget our affliction and oppression?

For our soul is bowed down to the dust;
our belly clings to the ground.
Rise up; come to our help!
Redeem us for the sake of your steadfast love!

My son , these words are expressing the loneliness of man. As you describe , in his difficult moments , as he seems abandoned by God . And at the mercy of pain of the body , of the loneliness of the mind or of being alone in the cosmos .
Do know you all, this is not the case.
Know when you are experiencing pain and loneliness and desolation, you are surrounded and cherished by the spiritual world. Do know all is observed, and all is offered so far it is possible.

But ..... there are these moments you are on your one.
Due to the course of evolution .
Due to the independence of the body.
Due to the fixation of the mind .
Due to moments of confusion .
Due to illusion of superficiality .
Due to the ordeal of the moment .
Due to the exaggeration of emotion .
Due to the pride of the ego .
Due to the price of causality .
Due to the oblivion of the individual.

But do know you are cherished and cared for in these moments .
By your guardian angel.
By your spiritual body.
By your soul.
By God.
By your loved ones in the spirit.
By the angels of comfort , love and healing.

It is always temporary.
It will cease once.
You will be saved for sure.

Please skim the issues of the day.

My blessings to you all