Like the collecting of honey by the bee from various flowers, the wise accepts the essence of different scriptures and sees in all religions only the good” (Srimad Bhagavatam, Hindu spiritual text)
My God, would you like to comment on this quote, which I got from the book from Donna Virtue "The Lightworker’s Way"?
I love to, My son.
This is the way.
When you all accept the essence of different scriptures, and when you all will just behold the good in all religions, the spirit of love and the spirit of tolerance will obtain a bigger foothold on earth.
The spiritual world sees it as in this way, or even more.
We do not get worked about the differences between religions.
We do not get worked about the pretensions of religious ministers.
We do not get worked about contradictions and falsehoods and subjective interpretations within religions.
We do not get worked about the age of religions.
We do not get worked about the number of followers of a religion.
We are very interested in how believers are inspired by their faith.
We are very interested in how one acts in life.
In short, We are very interested in how great the love through faith is in the life of a believer.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 196