Saturday, 7 December 2013

People of good and strong will



I 'm reading a book from Doreen Virtue on communicating with angels .
She says you sometimes have to command angels, so to speak instead of asking them. They will response better on commands, she says. I do not think this is nice to do. Would you like to comment on it?

Doreen Virtue is coming from the American culture where one is dealing with authority more primitively than in Europe. So where in the USA a manager is giving commands, without discussion, in Europe everything will be discussed and clarified with staff what has to be done. So it is about how people are communicating.
One definitely doesn’t want to command  angels. The spiritual world loves a respectful treatment.
Aren’t We doing the same to you all?

However, Doreen Virtue really touches a very important thing. So to speak the strength, the willpower , the determination which one can use to perform things and to achieve more. Actually, she is saying, be men of good ànd strong will .

When Christ was born , the angel told the shepherds :
Listen , people of good will.

The spiritual world can work better through men, when one is not only from good will, but also strong-willed. Men can be then a powerful instrument.
Therefore I say, listen men of good ànd strong will.

When you are calling upon an angel or spirit, when you are praying to God for something , when you are opening up to the solution of a problem, the spiritual world can respond to your request much better, work better with your request , and use more powerful energy to solve a problem if you :
  • concentrate better
  • ask it more determinedly
  • ask it with more conviction
  • ask it with more faith
  • ask it with more hope
  • ask it with more feeling
  • ask it with more willpower. 
Therefore if you are communicating with the spiritual world, be you all as much as possible men of good will ànd strong-willed.

In the meantime may all weak-minded, vulnerable and confused men be very blessed.
Doreen Virtue may be blessed .

My blessings to you all