Saturday, 24 May 2014

In times of darkness, God is waiting for your asking (God's tweet, 9 )


Would you like to comment on this tweet from April, 28th ?

We see your suffering, your struggling, your sorrow, your darkness.
And We do everything to support you, with insights, energy, hope, strength, or someone on your path for a comforting word or a helping hand.
In your distress however, you are often completely absorbed by the problem. You are listening then so absolutely to your negative feelings of the moment. You are drawing for the future such false and unreal conclusions, that We would see you are going to ask Us for help especially on such moments.
I 've showed Frenkie to repeat when he is in darkness the mantra: "My God, please be near to me?". As a result, he opens windows, holds out his hand, opens his heart and Frenkie for himself may comment on this.

Yes , it's true . If I do so, but sometimes I wallow in my problems and I do not want to do it. Then I believe more in the darkness than in You, then I choose to indulge in it rather then open up to Your power, and Your strength and Your support.
But if I do so, it is always amazing.

I repeat the mantra , and after the second, third time, let alone ten times, I feel how I 'll stand right. I am not the problem anymore, but have the problem. I can give the negative emotion a place. I experience it with more love. Than other things are coming up, so I remember that it is only a snapshot. I realize I was drawing conclusions. And I feel it is all temporary. That it is okay, that I can handle it. That I can say yes to it instead of fighting against it.
And very soon then I feel Your love and power .
So I would say the problem is not You are not always helping, but I am too often choosing not to be helped. Something like that?

Yes , My son, something like that. Exactly that.
God helps always, but man often chooses not to be helped. If the ego is on the throne, he wants to stay there, even though it is a miserable sitting.

”Ask and thou shall be given”

Use the fire of God to overcome your problems and to realize your heart desires !

My blessings to you all