Saturday, 10 May 2014

The suffering of a guide-dog for the blind

This week I was on the bus,  a blind lady entered with a guide-dog. Everything went all right. Shuffling, looking for a sit, being helped by kind fellow men, the dog obediently went down, stood up when people came along, laid down when the bus was driving, responded to her touching.
And because I was watching right on, I become more and more fascinated by the dog. He appeared to be so loyally, but at the same time resigned. And the more I looked, the more I got the impression the dog seemed to have a heavy burden on his shoulders, he sacrificed himself, he was actually suffering.

I do not want to project my human interpretation on the emotions of the dog .
But I was really thinking: this dog is suffering. Or am I wrong?
Would You like to comment on this situation?

I was there and saw everything.
This dog was indeed suffering, you observed well.

Many animals are suffering in this world.
Mankind is underestimating the consciousness of animals, what they experience, what they perceive, what they feel, how they are suffering. But this is a subject for another blog.
Many animals are suffering.
And I do not mean when they are eaten by humans, after a beautiful life, this is (still) part of nature: eat or be eaten, sooner or later.
But I'm referring to other situations.

To the bio-industry.
To dying whales, half killed, and bleeding empty on a ship.
To a bird in a cage, actually wanting to fly and fly and fly.
To a predator in a zoo with 30 square meter at his disposal .
To geese being exploited for foie gras .
To fish dying, not after a day but after months of constipation, with plastics in their stomachs.
To waterbirds smeared with oil, perishing after weeks.
And to guide-dogs for the blind.

These well-trained dog is still a dog.
And a dog must run, roam, sniff other dogs, jump, and not spend all day on a leash of his boss, that's not a dog's life, that’s a slave life.
So much for the natural, for the earthly.

Yet here is something else going on.
All animals have a direct link with a group soul, a deva, where they with their spiritual energy return to after the physical death. They actually stop existing as an individual, immediately or soon afterwards.

Still there are certain animals really individualized by their earthly life and quite focused on humans ( mankind is farther on with the development of a individuality).
Because of this they have built up a individual energy which can survive after physical death. They remain connected with their group soul, but are able to live on as an independent individual. And so they have acquired eternity. And in eternity the possibilities for individual development (including of animals) are endless. But this is subject for another blog.

This dog is suffering and sacrifices himself. And after his death he will survive as a spiritual being. Initially, with the appearance of a dog. He will then be free and be able to live like a dog should live, jumping, running, sniffing other dogs, romping with other dogs. Yeah , he's not the only one there.
This guide-dog is having a heavy slave life, but his 10/12 years on earth in this way are a guarantee for a spiritual future, which is not available for most animals (yet).

All animals emerge into the group soul, stop existing as an individual, but not this dog.

Other examples are the special horse of native Americans, a talking parrot in a living room, a trained dolphin and so on.

And referring to this dog: is this from a certain perspective not very rewarding, suffering 10/12 years, and then acquiring eternity?
And additionally in this life this dog is still having beautiful moments of silence, quietness, joy, warmth and love.
Because he is really loved, and this is not the experience of many animals.
And the human love is really worth a lot.

My blessings to you all