Saturday, 13 September 2014

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken (Oscar Wilde)

Would you like to go into this? 

Be yourself.
How does a human being does it, for himself consisting out of so many layers?
Talent, education, character, fears, disappointments, desires, experiences of happiness.
How can man be oneself?

There are many ways to achieve this.
Psychological knowledge, self-help books, consult the internet for advice.
But I hand something to you as well, an accurate method.

Ask yourself simply what you find of more importance: the opinion of your fellowmen or the opinion of God?
And every time you ask yourself this question, in any situation, accurately the following will happen:

The opinion of the people disappear from sight.
And you let them on their one with their opinions.
You will experience peace in your heart.
And thus God is given leeway to bring you exactly the insight what is needed to become yourself.
Or that picture, that thought, that solution, that approach to listen to yourself, to take yourself better into account, with your talents and with your limitations.

For God sees you as you are, God has respect for your human being, God is basing Itself on the here and now and what you are and what you can and what you can’t.
God has the good picture.

In other words, listen to your heart.
There's the honest, genuine, true wisdom, which let you be yourself.
Regardless of the circumstances.
Regardless of the people around you.
Regardless of the opinions of others, which you may or may not have been imposed to your inner self.
A strict father, a dominant religion, a restrictive morality, an ugly opinion, all this disappear from sight.

And in the foreground you become yourself.
Only practice is needed.
It can not fail.

My blessings to you all