Sunday, 28 September 2014

Jihadists, Ukraine and Ebola

Would You like to comment on the current crises in the world, such as Jihadists and Ukraine and Ebola?

The world is more developed than regional agitation may destroy.
On is worrying on a global scale.
People everywhere are afraid of attacks by Jihadists.
It is believed the conflict in Ukraine will lead to a new cold war, and possibly a world war.

But this is not meant to be.                                              
The world consciousness will no longer accept this.
The Global Village over the internet and media, the contacts through international networks such as the United Nations have created among ALL men more knowledge of and longing for civilization, then regional conflicts can affect.

Warmongers have had their day.
Oppressors of free speech have had their day.
Oppressors of women have had their day.
Those showing rancor have had their day.

Regional conflicts will probably require their time and will spend their selves as in the former Yugoslavia, but only regionally. And terrorist acts internationally will be shocking, but they will not affect essentially the powerful democracies of the world.

The exploiters of the poor in the Arab countries will pay their price.
The leaders oppressing their people and keeping them ignorant will pay their price.
The political manipulators of the mass media will pay their price.
Because on earth as well you shall reap what you sow.
But this all will remain regionally.

At the global level mankind will experience more than wanted and suspected the great crisis of environmental pollution. And inextricably intertwined with this the reaction of mother nature will manifest itself through viral and bacterial epidemics. And Ebola will appear to be quite innocent compared with new mutations. It has to be said.

However you can trust in in the growing global awareness among mankind.
And you can trust anyway in the unconditional support and assistance of the spiritual world.

My blessings to you all