Sunday, 26 October 2014

Gratitude and trust

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God gives and gives and gives and gives.
And man lives in credit.
Everything, everything, everything is handed to him.

The healing of the skin.
Digesting of food.
The growing of fruit.
The lungs giving him breath.
The growing grass under his feet.

It testifies of wisdom if man is grateful.

Grateful for the gift of life.
Grateful for the thousand helping hands.
Grateful for all the beauty and happiness.
Grateful for healing and rest.

And if man is experiencing difficult times, God will open doors.
And when sickness comes, God often heals the ills of man.
And when trouble comes, man is helped thousandfold.
And if the problems continue, man is given power and peace and energy.

It testifies of wisdom if man trusts.

Because gratitude for what one has and trust for what one needs are giving man peace and rest and quietness and are making life will flow.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 244 

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Matter is congealed energy

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Everything is energy.
The spiritual world is observing this better than you on earth.

You are in the middle of “it”. Therefore matter appears to be durable, consistent, solid and almost unchangeable.
But this only seems to be.

Matter is congealed energy.
Matter is energy at the lowest level of vibration.
Matter makes a big impression on you.
And that’s correct.

Matter is your source.
Matter is your basis.
Matter is your birthplace.
Matter is your starting point.
Matter is your frame of reference.

But the substance of matter is energy.
And energy is the power factor.
Energy is the driving force.
Energy is the motor of matter.
Matter follows energy.

And God is the source of all energy.
God is the will to energy.
God is the congealer of energy.
God is the Beginner.

And the path of every material planet in the cosmos is the same.
From barren rock to cradle of life.
From material planet to a planet of Light and Love.

Then congealed matter has been evolved.
Then evil has resolved.
Then the evolution is accomplished.
Then there is heaven on earth.
Then the will of God has "become ​​flesh".
Then the former ape has been evolved into Sons and Daughters of God.
Then it's accomplished.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 243

Sunday, 12 October 2014

The more spiritually a person is living, the less fate is determining him

"Your present Circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start" (Nido Qubein)

This quote is very encouraging, would you like to comment on it?

Naturally the conditions at a given moment are very dominant, very influential. They determine almost everything what man is going through at that time, what he is seeing, trying,  wanting, even capable of.
Almost everything, but not everything.

For man is indeed determined by his earthly fate but also by his spiritual life.
And in that spiritual life are more freedom available and more space, more ideals, more spiritual energy.
In the spiritual life spiritual laws are ruling.
And those spiritual laws are following their own plan and are capable of changing, ignoring, transcending and leaving behind  the circumstances dramatically. Even miracles can happen then.

The physical, emotional and mental body are following the circumstances, earthly laws, fate.
The spiritual body is following spiritual laws, has its own powers and forces at its disposal, is following God.

And the more in man the spiritual body is tipping the scales, the more the spiritual body is gaining power over the earthly body, the less the conditions are decisive, and the more the conditions are not determining but are determined.

Then is not the ego on the inner throne, but God.
Then not the lord of the earth and the ape are ruling, but the spiritual world.
Then is not the ego the goal, but the method.
Then is not the ego the king, but the instrument.
Then is not fate in control, but God.

My blessings to you all 

Nr. 242

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Matter is a reliable friend

I've experienced a few times something I'm actually a little surprised about.
I feel for some reason not very well, have a moderate day or I'm a bit stodgy and then I suddenly realize everything around me will just go on, despite my negative emotions.

My home is waiting for me, my body will continue doing his job, nature will be just there, in short, I realize what a comfort it is the material world is there. What a hold and what a haven that everything on it will continue with doing it’s thing. And that everything is more stable than my poor mind.

I'm in fact raised in the traditional faith, but many New Age movements seem to suggest the same, man is a spiritual being, and really does not belong here, after your death heaven is awaiting you and this all is a vale of tears.
But having such an experience actually it’s another way around.
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My son, the material world is friend of mankind.
If We consider even all trouble on earth and all people who are struggling with life the material world is
  • your cradle
  • your hold
  • your haven
  • your comfort
  • your reliable partner
  • your nest
  • your base
  • your rest.
Whatever your feelings are, how bad your experience will be, how great the suffering will be, the material world will continue her work and her servitude.
Yes servitude, for the world, mother earth, the spiritual leader of the world, the spiritual world, all are working in servitude for the creatures of the earth.
And they will not stop, no matter what event whatsoever.
You can find your comfort in this consciousness, in this understanding, in this situation.

Because all spiritual beings, assisting in maintaining the material world and supporting the creatures on it, do so with three motives, the motive of pleasure for work, the motive of servitude to the evolution and the biggest motive, the motive of love.

Be blessed with your experience.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 241