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Everything is energy.
The spiritual world is observing this better than you on earth.
You are in the middle of “it”. Therefore matter appears to be durable,
consistent, solid and almost unchangeable.
But this only seems to be.
Matter is congealed energy.
Matter is energy at the lowest level of vibration. Matter makes a big impression on you.
And that’s correct.
Matter is your source.
Matter is your basis. Matter is your birthplace.
Matter is your starting point.
Matter is your frame of reference.
But the substance of matter is energy.
And energy is the power factor. Energy is the driving force.
Energy is the motor of matter.
Matter follows energy.
And God is the source of all energy.
God is the will to energy.
God is the congealer of energy.
God is the Beginner.
And the path of every material planet in the cosmos is the same.
From barren rock to cradle of life. From material planet to a planet of Light and Love.
Then congealed matter has been evolved.
Then evil has resolved.
Then the evolution is accomplished.
Then there is heaven on earth.
Then the will of God has "become flesh".
Then the former ape has been evolved into Sons and Daughters of God.
Then it's accomplished.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 243