"Your present Circumstances don’t
determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start" (Nido Qubein)
This quote is very encouraging, would you like
to comment on it?
Naturally the conditions at a given moment are very dominant, very influential.
They determine almost everything what man is going through at that time, what
he is seeing, trying, wanting, even
capable of.
Almost everything, but not everything.
For man is indeed determined by his earthly fate but also by his
spiritual life.
And in that spiritual life are more freedom available and more space,
more ideals, more spiritual energy. In the spiritual life spiritual laws are ruling.
And those spiritual laws are following their own plan and are capable of changing, ignoring, transcending and leaving behind the circumstances dramatically. Even miracles can happen then.
The physical, emotional and mental body are following the circumstances,
earthly laws, fate.
The spiritual body is following spiritual laws, has its own powers and
forces at its disposal, is following God.
And the more in man the spiritual body is tipping the scales, the more
the spiritual body is gaining power over the earthly body, the less the
conditions are decisive, and the more the conditions are not determining but
are determined.
Then is not the ego on the inner throne, but God.
Then not the lord of the earth and the ape are ruling, but the spiritual
world. Then is not the ego the goal, but the method.
Then is not the ego the king, but the instrument.
Then is not fate in control, but God.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 242