Saturday, 29 August 2015

Not all revelations are leading to a religion

I was musing once on the following questions: why are some religions becoming very big and other religions not at all? Why are sometimes very pure and beautiful revelations of one person not very familiar at all to a large audience?
I asked You and You said:

Not all revelations necessarily lead to religions and tendencies.
But all revelations are always seeds for the growing consciousness of mankind.

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None of you knows how many small and great revelations, there have been on earth over time.
Only God.

And with small revelations I do not have in view unimportant revelations, but how familiar they become. Among these revelations are wonderful, very valuable and important revelations and they are sometimes only known to one person. But they are seeds for the growing consciousness of mankind. They are pearls hidden in an oyster and in due time such a revelation will be discovered , or rediscovered, and in the end it will seep into the consciousness of mankind.

Visionaries will be around all the time, crying in the wilderness, being far ahead in their days.
But God has the overview and sees through the ages where this little hidden revelation once in the same form or another form will spill over mankind.

On the other hand there are very impure revelations becoming a religion and reaching millions of people. Because it has only mass, such a revelation, when a large number of people on earth are inspired by it. And so be it, although the revelation is impure. But that is only  possible because these millions of people are impure, and therefore cann’t comprehend more. And that's good. Then it is as it is. This is then the maximum achievable, a massive impure revelation.

God knows all revelations.
God knows the purity of all revelations.
God knows the consequences and scope of all revelations.

And man!
How soon does a group of people think "their" revelation is the only correct revelation?
How soon does a group of people think their fellowmen should follow this revelation?
And how quickly this is leading to religious wars? But that's actually another story, the story of races and powers and the rich and oppressors and refugees and wars.

 This story is about revelations, hidden revelations not leading to religions. But all these revelations are and remain and become seeds for the growing consciousness of mankind.

 And that increasing awareness is just tending into one direction, in fluctuations and through trial and error, but still into one direction.

From beast to spirit.
From ape to God.
From small to big.
From restricted matter to unlimited spirit.
From the earthly womb for an evolutionary ape to the eternal bosom of God.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 291

Sunday, 23 August 2015

I have heard God (Barbara Veenman)

I have read an interview with an Remonstrant theologian and writer * . She told she was in a difficult period in her life, staying in a monastery for a while: "I felt so lonely, so caught up in my gloom, I suddenly uncontrollably started crying. Then I asked God quite humbly to send people on my path; people who could help me further on. At that moment I heard God say literally: "Then you have to set out first for yourself!".
"............... .I Have heard God. And since then, many wonderful things have passed my way! "

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Barbara Veenman has heard God. And so it is. Her Spark of God promised and admonished  her. She wanted people on her path, so she had to set out first for herself, rather than sit and wait at home.
People in need are waiting and ending up in a victimised  position. What did the world  to them? Why they? And in fact they just want to be found, they want others  to solve everything, preferably God and preferably quickly.
But God has already let said on earth:

 "Ask and thou shall receive. Knock and thou shall be opened "

But that's not enough actually.
Furthermore people must set out, seek, open up, change direction, leave their old world of misery. And then God hands out everything. Because it is infinitely easier for God to send the right people, the right books, the right experiences on one’s path, if one for oneself has set out.
So the advice is: set out, take a step in the right direction.
And with every step of man God takes ten steps to man.
For man is especially carried with love in his dark moments.
Barbara Veenman is blessed for her openness and humility.

My blessings to you all
• Barbara M. Veenman, Remonstrant theologian, interview in Trouw, May 30st, 2015

Nr. 290

Sunday, 16 August 2015

God wishes man to feel free in his belief

At the First Free State Assembly in 1572 in Dort the rulers of twelve free cities in the Netherlands decided to ordeal freedom of conscience for every citizen and therefore to believe what he likes. This meeting led later on to the Dutch Republic, but not without war before with the Catholic Spain, which was treating the Netherlands as a colony.
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The State Assembly in 1572 wasn’t  the first official meeting of rulers to decide something familiar. In the history of the earth it has happened before.
But through the Netherlands, through Europe, eventually through the United Nations this meeting, this decision has become  a living guideline to the whole world. And therefore the decision is unique. It is not forgotten like other such decisions in the young history of mankind.
From then on according to the rulers a citizen may believe what he likes.

It was a special State Assembly.
The spirit of freedom, the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of tolerance and the spirit of independence, all four,  were present at this meeting and were witness of the result of their many years of labour on earth. For God it was already obvious this decision would influence the whole earth.
The meeting then was blessed by God, as the Synod of Dort in 1618.
46 Years later (the mills of mankind grind slowly) the Protestant churches started to implement that freedom among their churchgoers.

God wishes man to feel free in his belief

Any religion suppressing dissidents actually have had their day .
Any country suppressing dissidents have had their day.
Any religious leader suppressing dissidents has had his day.
Any believer despising dissidents has had his day.
Even if it seems not so in this time of escalating fanaticism.
This fanaticism has had its day.

The time will come every person on earth will believe what he likes and more and more countries will live this freedom, even if it seems not.
For the attention of the world nowadays  is inclining towards the excesses.
Each heinous act of oppression in Islamic caliphates, in Hinduistic and Buddhist and socialist and Russian Orthodox dictatorships have had their day.
Every murder, every rape, every destruction of historic tombs and statues will make mankind more determined to realize God's ideal on earth.
The fanatics have had their day, even if it seems not so.

The power of mankind, the power of the world consciousness, the power of reason, the power of freedom, the power of God on earth will only increase by the misdeeds from senseless or stupid people, from fanatics, from the children of the ape.
For the growth of the human world consciousness must not be underestimated

God wishes man to feel free in his belief

There are many houses in God's bosom, and all the houses are equally precious to God.
Even if one house is comprehending more truth than the other one.
God cherishes all loving houses, all loving trends, all loving people equally.
Thus in the spiritual world loving unbelievers, so-called heretics, loving atheists, all are welcomed with the utmost love.
And all unloving trends are just tolerated.
Let unloving fanatics and intolerants not meddle with this truth.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 289

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Tell first, start pruning afterwards

Our front and back gardens are a mixture of run wild and English landscaped. So we never weed and only prune plants when they severely overgrow other plants. So a lot of wild plants came naturally into our gardens like Pyramidal Orchid, Loosestrife, Campanula, Avens and many other species. Toads, frogs and bees overwinter in our gardens, and hatched young birds often arrive in spring, even if the nests are elsewhere. They have more shelter, more food, more chance to survive. It goes without saying that our gardens contain actually no tiles. Nature is in fact in control.
But sometimes I have to prune plants or cut the grass and I don’t enjoy this in a way. I am well aware that they are all living creatures. And I cut and fell and prune.

I always asked God:
"Do You want to bless the devas* of the plants and the plants themselves, which I am going to prune?"
They are blessed is always the answer.
But still, I continue to find pruning a disaster. Whole minicultures I am destroying  with my pruning.
I asked the Pachamama *, the spirit of the garden: "What must I do, to let this pruning become less horrible?" And do know that you and all plants are blessed by the good God. "
I heard:

Many thanks, my brother man. I am the spirit of the garden and tell all the devas of the plants that they are blessed. This is much appreciated. And when you tell me what your plans are 15 minutes before you start pruning, the following happens:

I communicate this and all the energy and life are withdrawn temporally out of the plants you are pruning. They then find themselves in a state where you people have no word for, it’s a mixture of coma and apparent dead. Exactly two hours later all forces, all devas of the plants, all the spirits of the individual plants and the plants themselves start again with the primal urge to live and grow. And because you have announced your pruning these forces are not offended, not mistreated, not violated, and 100% available to go on with life and to be available.

Indeed, because of the respect showed by you, and the early announcement of necessary pruning there are special results. The energy in your gardens, the wealth of growth and flourishing, the harmony and beauty and the diversity of wild species will be bigger than if you simply just at random starts, without announcement.

Your attitude, your asking for God's blessing for us and your early announcement is exceptionally valued by all spiritual beings in your gardens. You can feel the blessing of it.

I have experienced it now several times for myself. If I act in this way a subtle sense of warmth and love and respect come into my heart. As if I get back the joy and love, even though I'm pruning. It feels so good, as if everything is quite okay.
I ask the spirit of our backyard, "Did I experience this all well, or am I exaggerating and inventing it all?"

My brother man, you are invent nothing. Everything is truthful. We experience your love and respect and answer it with love and respect and all the joy  we are capable of. We are offering you all the more joy and harmony and feel very blessed in these gardens. Could it be like this everywhere is not what we are thinking, because we are not plaintive, but we would welcome it for all the other gardens.

And when you some time ago had to cut something, and almost started, and then remembered you wanted to announce the fifteen minutes, you stopped immediately, had to really make some effort to wait fifteen minutes before you could start.

And we, the living creatures in the garden, have noted it and seen it and appreciated it and we rejoiced us very much about so much love and respect. You must have felt this.

Yes, that's right, I suddenly felt so happy and tidy inside, for no reason.
Thank you for this conversation, pachamama of the garden.

Thank you, my brother man, on behalf of all creatures in this garden.

My God, I thank You for this all, for this insight, for this communication, I'm happy with it.

My son, everything is recorded truthfully. Bless you for your openness, your respect for the beings in nature, and especially on this small piece of land you may "manage" for a while.
All spirits and creatures in your gardens are blessed.

My blessings to you all

* A Deva is the spirit / soul of a particular plant species, which is guarding and nurturing and nourishing spiritually all its plants in the world as a kind of group soul. The concept comes from the Hindustan belief
* A Pachamama is the spirit/soul from a particular piece of land, earth. It is an earthbound spirit. The concept comes from the belief of the Quori in Peru.

Nr. 288

Sunday, 2 August 2015

The omnipotence of God (Robert H. Schuller)

Any fool can count the seeds in an apple. Only God can count all the apples in one seed. ~Robert H. Schuller

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Man has no sense of the power and the glory and greatness of God.
God alone.
God alone is really creating.
And even though man is the crown of creation.
And even though man is creating better and more beautiful and more refined and more competently.

Still the most beautiful creation of man is in the proportion to the most beautiful creation of God as a grain of sand to a solar system.
And in fact this comparison is an affront to God, even though God can not be affronted.
But the creative power of God is even bigger than this comparison suggests.
Still Robert H. Schuller is illustrating the omnipotence of God with his concide quote.
He is blessed.
May you all be blessed

Nr. 287