At the First Free State Assembly in 1572 in Dort the rulers of twelve free cities in the Netherlands decided to ordeal freedom of conscience for every citizen and therefore to believe what he likes. This meeting led later on to the Dutch Republic, but not without war before with the Catholic Spain, which was treating the Netherlands as a colony.
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The State Assembly in 1572 wasn’t the first official meeting of rulers to
decide something familiar. In the history of the earth it has happened before.
But through the Netherlands, through Europe,
eventually through the United Nations this meeting, this decision has
become a living guideline to the whole
world. And therefore the decision is unique. It is not forgotten like other
such decisions in the young history of mankind.From then on according to the rulers a citizen may believe what he likes.
It was a special State Assembly.
The spirit of freedom, the spirit of wisdom,
the spirit of tolerance and the spirit of independence, all four, were present at this meeting and were witness
of the result of their many years of labour on earth. For God it was already
obvious this decision would influence the whole earth.The meeting then was blessed by God, as the Synod of Dort in 1618.
46 Years later (the mills of mankind grind slowly) the Protestant churches started to implement that freedom among their churchgoers.
God wishes man to feel free in his belief
Any religion suppressing dissidents actually
have had their day .
Any country suppressing dissidents have had
their day.Any religious leader suppressing dissidents has had his day.
Any believer despising dissidents has had his day.
Even if it seems not so in this time of escalating fanaticism.
This fanaticism has had its day.
The time will come every person on earth will
believe what he likes and more and more countries will live this freedom, even
if it seems not.
For the attention of the world nowadays is inclining towards the excesses.Each heinous act of oppression in Islamic caliphates, in Hinduistic and Buddhist and socialist and Russian Orthodox dictatorships have had their day.
Every murder, every rape, every destruction of historic tombs and statues will make mankind more determined to realize God's ideal on earth.
The fanatics have had their day, even if it seems not so.
The power of mankind, the power of the world
consciousness, the power of reason, the power of freedom, the power of God on
earth will only increase by the misdeeds from senseless or stupid people, from
fanatics, from the children of the ape.
For the growth of the human world consciousness
must not be underestimatedGod wishes man to feel free in his belief
There are many houses in God's bosom, and all
the houses are equally precious to God.
Even if one house is comprehending more truth
than the other one.God cherishes all loving houses, all loving trends, all loving people equally.
Thus in the spiritual world loving unbelievers, so-called heretics, loving atheists, all are welcomed with the utmost love.
And all unloving trends are just tolerated.
Let unloving fanatics and intolerants not meddle with this truth.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 289