Saturday, 29 August 2015

Not all revelations are leading to a religion

I was musing once on the following questions: why are some religions becoming very big and other religions not at all? Why are sometimes very pure and beautiful revelations of one person not very familiar at all to a large audience?
I asked You and You said:

Not all revelations necessarily lead to religions and tendencies.
But all revelations are always seeds for the growing consciousness of mankind.

Would You like to comment on this?
None of you knows how many small and great revelations, there have been on earth over time.
Only God.

And with small revelations I do not have in view unimportant revelations, but how familiar they become. Among these revelations are wonderful, very valuable and important revelations and they are sometimes only known to one person. But they are seeds for the growing consciousness of mankind. They are pearls hidden in an oyster and in due time such a revelation will be discovered , or rediscovered, and in the end it will seep into the consciousness of mankind.

Visionaries will be around all the time, crying in the wilderness, being far ahead in their days.
But God has the overview and sees through the ages where this little hidden revelation once in the same form or another form will spill over mankind.

On the other hand there are very impure revelations becoming a religion and reaching millions of people. Because it has only mass, such a revelation, when a large number of people on earth are inspired by it. And so be it, although the revelation is impure. But that is only  possible because these millions of people are impure, and therefore cann’t comprehend more. And that's good. Then it is as it is. This is then the maximum achievable, a massive impure revelation.

God knows all revelations.
God knows the purity of all revelations.
God knows the consequences and scope of all revelations.

And man!
How soon does a group of people think "their" revelation is the only correct revelation?
How soon does a group of people think their fellowmen should follow this revelation?
And how quickly this is leading to religious wars? But that's actually another story, the story of races and powers and the rich and oppressors and refugees and wars.

 This story is about revelations, hidden revelations not leading to religions. But all these revelations are and remain and become seeds for the growing consciousness of mankind.

 And that increasing awareness is just tending into one direction, in fluctuations and through trial and error, but still into one direction.

From beast to spirit.
From ape to God.
From small to big.
From restricted matter to unlimited spirit.
From the earthly womb for an evolutionary ape to the eternal bosom of God.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 291