Saturday, 6 February 2016

You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger (Buddha)

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The spiritual world does not punish.
On the contrary, God and the spiritual world only practice love and compassion and understanding.
Though there are the laws of the cosmos that matters, which can not be denied, even not by God. How could it be otherwise, a cosmos without laws?
So man does his thing, cherishes and nurtures his attachments, wallows in his addictions and comes to a dead end.

And God sees to, in love and with patience, man following out of free will his path, and most of the time going as high as possible and experiencing then the consequences of his actions. And God sees how man has put into operation the laws of the cosmos, experiences the consequences and then squeaks: "Why me?"

And thus man is not punished for his anger, but by his anger

But thank God, the spiritual world then is already stand by with her guidance and remedies. For the laws of the cosmos provide as well for redemption and grace, liberation and absolute perspective for every human being, anyway.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 317