Sunday, 28 February 2016

Be still and know that I AM God

My God, this quote is from one of my favorite books *. Would you like to comment on it?

My son, and this is at the same time one of my favorite sayings. I like to comment it.

Be still. When is a man still? When will the cacophony of daily life be shut down? When has man quieted his inner self? When has his mind calmed down and is it no longer filled with everything he wants and not wants,  and thinks and not thinks and with what he likes and dislikes?
When is man making the outside noises for a while less important? When says man just no to the outside world with all its apparent attractions? When switches modern man off all his devices just for a while? When chooses man really for his inner peace?
Only then God seizes the opportunity to make Itself known.

Be still and know: I AM God

The I AM is an absolute presence of being, of presence, of power.
You are not God, but just say out loud I AM and you will experience something of the greatness of God. Let alone when you are God!

The I AM is.
The I AM is your true face, your true nature, your only real purpose, your only real goal.
The I AM is your guide, your refuge, your rest. And you make contact with It when you are quiet and listen and recognize that God is the I AM.

My blessings to you all
* The impersonal life of Joseph S. Benner

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