Sunday, 27 March 2016

The larger the consciousness, the larger the suffering

My God, may I ask you something?
I checked somewhere intriguing words on this subject. Would You like to comment on it?

It's truthfully.
But I do want you to comment on these words firstly.

I'd rather not, actually.
It seems to be rather presuming, what I do. Hearing a voice. Talking to God, even though I just call You "my Spark of God", smile,  sorry, but I just do not know how to say it more clearly. And putting this all on the Internet, as if this is my wish, that’s how it is.
And I'd rather not concern myself about my suffering, certainly not now with Easter, this seems to be rather pretentious.

Do it anyway, I have My reasons for it.
As Thou wishes.
It's actually quite simple.
As I get older, I suffer more.
I have more problems with the suffering around me.

And by my contact with You I suffer more.
Not because people around me think that I'm crazy. I've let this go.
Not because I am still troubled by doubt and confusion about how well I am listening to you, and how much I am interpreting everything with my ego.
Not because I think it's a lonely process, this blog work.
Not because I think it‘s painful to hear things about life that I'd rather not hear.
As for the future disasters that I definitely prefer not to know.
So now people know, I thank God You do not want me to put everything on the internet.

I suffer more, because I have become more sensitive.
Because I can see more behind the scenes of life.
Because I feel more pain from other people.
Because I feel more pity for criminals and because I really sigh after their crimes, "My God, they do not know what they are creating as results for themselves in the future!"
Because I'm more troubled by the difficulties on earth, because I am more affected by the disasters, the attacks, the refugee problem. Because I am more affected by the sufferings of mankind, of the animal world, of the vegetable world.
Something like this?

That's all right, My son.
And you are no exception.
All people will suffer more, as their awareness increases.
All people.
That is a law of God.
How could it be otherwise?
Can you imagine a great spirit who is selfish?
Can you imagine a holy prophet who is petty and childish and self-indulgent?
In short, welcome to the world of God, Allah, Brahman, Yahweh, the Unnameable.

The larger the consciousness, the larger the suffering.
Only in this way you all will become a partaker of the responsibilities of God, of the love of God, of the oneness with God.
The great man Jesus has been a good example for you all.
How large was his consciousness, how large his suffering?
Has there been ever a larger suffering on earth, a bigger sorrow?
Surely he was thus on earth, the Son of God!
Surely there wasn’t on earth a larger consciousness?

And the Easter message for you is:
The larger the consciousness, the larger the suffering.
The larger the suffering, the larger the reward.
And the reward is:
The love of God felt in your heart.
The blessing of God experienced in your consciousness.
The presence of God visible in your life.
The promise of the spiritual world active in your life.
The Kingdom of God, incarnated in your daily life.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 324

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Contact God, not Its servants

When you knock, ask to see God - none of the servants. ~ Henry David Thoreau

My God, would You like to comment on this quote?

My son, I would love to.
Again you have chosen one of My favorite subjects.
The love of God for God's servants on earth is large. The love of the spiritual world for God's servants on earth is large, and as well God's respect and understanding and support for them. Very large.
Let this be said.
Still, let man realize that the servants of God do have only one mission on earth and that is: to bring man closer to God, just that.
To bring man closer to God.
And in terms of human consciousness and the new spirit of the age they do not yet act good enough. They are still acting too much according to the old spirit of the age.

First just to be clear the new spirit of the age: God wants nothing else to be between God and man than proximity. Nothing else but emptiness. Nothing else but a direct relationship between God and man. Nothing else but direct contact.
Can it be defined more clearly than in this way?
Only God and man, only God and man.

And now the old spirit of the age.
Is it all about saints or about their love for God?
Is it all about the Qur’an or about the reference in the Qur'an to Allah?
Is it about the silence of Zen meditation or What arises over there in that silence?
Is it about prayer or to Whom prayer is referring to?
Is it about a particular belief  or about to Whom that belief is referring to?
Is it about a particular book or to Whom this book is referring to?
And now the punch line: is it about the servant of God or is it about Whom he is serving?

In the old spirit of the age, there is much discussion and confusion and even war.
In the new spirit of the age, there will be no debate and confusion and war, but freedom and space and inspiration.
Mankind will not directly focus on the servants of God, but on God Itself. And that is better and easier and more useful and certainly more efficient because it is bringing in more.
And thus this is meant to be, because God is closer to man and God can reach man more directly when man is addressing directly  to God instead of letting the servants do all the stuff.
Meanwhile, the servants of God are blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 323

Sunday, 13 March 2016

A lonely synagogue in the North

My God, I recently visited with my son the synagogue in Groningue. Would You like to comment on this visit?

I will.
I saw you both sitting there with a yarmulke on and was delighted.
Because the spiritual world is always pleased, from guardian angel to the Unnameable, when man pauses briefly at the Holy, the Infinite, the Big Picture. That’s what you did. And do not underestimate the impact of this House on your adolescent son, who finds everything boring and silly that tastes of religion, buildings and religious stuff. The guide did his best, but the spiritual world does the rest.

The devotion of the orthodox Jews, the sanctity of the place where you were sitting and where is read from the Torah Scroll, the old building with its sad history of destruction of the Jewish community in Groningen, the sincere and gentle stories of the guide have entered  as subtle food the hearts of all visitors, from you, but do not underestimate it, including the heart from your son.

The destruction of the Jewish population in Europe.
Why does this great unspeakable suffering exist?
Why is this destruction of a poor and afflicted and already oppressed people?
Wasn’t this the limit?
Did this people not suffer enough?

Didn’t  you visitors of this historical place feel what the guide failed to say?
Didn’t the pictures of a vanished people speak for themselves?
Wasn’t the hushed photo of Clara Assher Pinkhof painful?
She should be lucky that she survived the war, where only two of her six children were killed, whereas further 98% of the Jewish community over there was killed?
Clara was a saint with her great love for the Jewish children of Groningue.
Did she not went voluntarily on transport  to protect "her children"?
Did she not run inhumane risks, out of charity?
Did the Unnamable not work through her?

Why was this beautiful people murdered?
Why? Why, are you asking the Unnameable?
The question sounds back sadly from out of the spiritual world: why? Why is asked to you men?
Why? And the answer is not there.
How will it be ever possible to give an answer to this question?
Cruel people, cruel society, cruel laws which have enslaved, persecuted destroyed an entire people. Why, asks the spiritual world? And the answer is not there.
Cruel price of evolution, cruel price of free will, cruel price of prejudice and ignorance.

My son, let every human being be moved by a visit to this oh so empty synagogue and wonder: will we together can and will prevent the bankruptcy of a humane society the next time?
The Jewish people is blessed.
Every oppressed people is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 322

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Is the future having more to offer than Your predictions?

My God, I want to ask.
I find on the Internet a lot of different predictions other than Yours. The watchthegodblogs do have some spicy predictions, but is this the whole story? It would be strange if there are going to happen major disasters or conflicts in the years to come and You didn’t mention them at all? We both will look silly then? Actually. Would You comment on this?

That’s all right.
It is certainly true that I didn’t mention all future catastrophic events. But know that there is a reason. Furthermore, We have a different perspective, so not looking silly is not Our main concern. It is touching you are worrying about this.
So I thank you for your sincere question, especially since you have a great reluctance to get in the blogs forsaid disasters. Thank you for your selflessness. You are striving for the truth.

In the watchthegod predictions are all disasters inserted which you have encountered on the Internet, but I did not go into detail on specific disasters like the flood of refugees, natural disasters, or regional wars. It has no use.

Will mankind not automatically notice it all? Are natural disasters not occurring naturally? Aren’t people having the imagination to consider what further economic crises will cause population movements? Is mankind not capable of distracting enough examples of how things are going to happen? Is one not imagining what lies ahead in terms of social unrest and civil wars?

In short: more predictions are not necessary. Mankind knows that she is doing ostrich policy. People all know that economic growth has reached its limits. People know that nature can not endure more.
So, My son, do not worry. Everything will take its course, mankind will find her way, nature will reclaim its rights and all will encounter this. The world will shake to its foundations, especially international relations.

New relationships are needed between man and nature.
New relationships are needed between matter and spirit.
So the excessive luxury of a part of mankind will come to an end.
So the extreme contrasts between rich and poor will come to an end.
So the great ignorance and analphabetism of many people will come to an end.

But first, the underlying tensions caused by the contradictions and injustices, have to come to the surface and have to spend itself. And that will be a shock.
The evolution of the Earth is on track.
And the glorious future is assured.
Meanwhile mankind will get the strength to undergo it all.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 321