My God, may I ask you something?
I checked somewhere intriguing words on this subject. Would You like to comment on it?
It's truthfully.
But I do want you to comment on these words
I'd rather
not, actually.
It seems to
be rather presuming, what I do. Hearing a voice. Talking to God, even though I
just call You "my Spark of God", smile, sorry, but I just do not know how to say it
more clearly. And putting this all on the Internet, as if this is my wish,
that’s how it is.And I'd rather not concern myself about my suffering, certainly not now with Easter, this seems to be rather pretentious.
Do it anyway, I have My reasons for it.
As Thou wishes.
It's actually quite simple.
As I get older, I suffer more.
I have more problems with the suffering around me.
And by my
contact with You I suffer more.
Not because
people around me think that I'm crazy. I've let this go.Not because I am still troubled by doubt and confusion about how well I am listening to you, and how much I am interpreting everything with my ego.
Not because I think it's a lonely process, this blog work.
Not because I think it‘s painful to hear things about life that I'd rather not hear.
As for the future disasters that I definitely prefer not to know.
So now people know, I thank God You do not want me to put everything on the internet.
I suffer
more, because I have become more sensitive.
Because I
can see more behind the scenes of life.Because I feel more pain from other people.
Because I feel more pity for criminals and because I really sigh after their crimes, "My God, they do not know what they are creating as results for themselves in the future!"
Because I'm more troubled by the difficulties on earth, because I am more affected by the disasters, the attacks, the refugee problem. Because I am more affected by the sufferings of mankind, of the animal world, of the vegetable world.
Something like this?
That's all right, My son.
And you are no exception.
All people will suffer more, as their awareness increases.
All people.
That is a law of God.
How could it be otherwise?
Can you imagine a great spirit who is selfish?
Can you imagine a holy prophet who is petty and childish and self-indulgent?
In short, welcome to the world of God, Allah, Brahman, Yahweh, the Unnameable.
The larger the consciousness, the larger the
Only in this way you all will become a partaker
of the responsibilities of God, of the love of God, of the oneness with God.The great man Jesus has been a good example for you all.
How large was his consciousness, how large his suffering?
Has there been ever a larger suffering on earth, a bigger sorrow?
Surely he was thus on earth, the Son of God!
Surely there wasn’t on earth a larger consciousness?
And the Easter message for you is:
The larger the consciousness, the larger the
suffering.The larger the suffering, the larger the reward.
And the reward is:
The love of God felt in your heart.
The blessing of God experienced in your consciousness.
The presence of God visible in your life.
The promise of the spiritual world active in your life.
The Kingdom of God, incarnated in your daily life.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 324