Sunday, 6 March 2016

Is the future having more to offer than Your predictions?

My God, I want to ask.
I find on the Internet a lot of different predictions other than Yours. The watchthegodblogs do have some spicy predictions, but is this the whole story? It would be strange if there are going to happen major disasters or conflicts in the years to come and You didn’t mention them at all? We both will look silly then? Actually. Would You comment on this?

That’s all right.
It is certainly true that I didn’t mention all future catastrophic events. But know that there is a reason. Furthermore, We have a different perspective, so not looking silly is not Our main concern. It is touching you are worrying about this.
So I thank you for your sincere question, especially since you have a great reluctance to get in the blogs forsaid disasters. Thank you for your selflessness. You are striving for the truth.

In the watchthegod predictions are all disasters inserted which you have encountered on the Internet, but I did not go into detail on specific disasters like the flood of refugees, natural disasters, or regional wars. It has no use.

Will mankind not automatically notice it all? Are natural disasters not occurring naturally? Aren’t people having the imagination to consider what further economic crises will cause population movements? Is mankind not capable of distracting enough examples of how things are going to happen? Is one not imagining what lies ahead in terms of social unrest and civil wars?

In short: more predictions are not necessary. Mankind knows that she is doing ostrich policy. People all know that economic growth has reached its limits. People know that nature can not endure more.
So, My son, do not worry. Everything will take its course, mankind will find her way, nature will reclaim its rights and all will encounter this. The world will shake to its foundations, especially international relations.

New relationships are needed between man and nature.
New relationships are needed between matter and spirit.
So the excessive luxury of a part of mankind will come to an end.
So the extreme contrasts between rich and poor will come to an end.
So the great ignorance and analphabetism of many people will come to an end.

But first, the underlying tensions caused by the contradictions and injustices, have to come to the surface and have to spend itself. And that will be a shock.
The evolution of the Earth is on track.
And the glorious future is assured.
Meanwhile mankind will get the strength to undergo it all.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 321