Saturday, 30 April 2016

Only with all women the future will unfold

My God, would You like to comment on this?

I really love to.
The spiritual world is waiting for mankind.
How will it be possible for mankind to develop herself without half of her population?
How will it be possible for mankind to develop herself without using the forces and powers and skills and insights and wisdom of women?
How will it be possible for mankind to be accepted by the cosmic community when she mistreats and abuses and enslaves half of her brains, half of her heart, half of her body, half of her limbs?

The cosmic community cannot include in its ranks such an imperfect company. That would not function well.
We, the spiritual guidance of the planet earth, do not even consider an application for membership. We know better.
The cosmic community would say to us:

"We can not let you.
You do not meet the requirements of civilization and wisdom.
Please put yours affairs in order first?
Please liberate and honour the enslaved part of mankind first?
We cannot bring you into our community because we would be ashamed to deal with oppressors and primitives, with underdeveloped and ignorant planets.

We help you all for cosmic centuries, in love and wisdom, and with the greatest patience, please do know that. And we are waiting for you. The future belongs to you. You will prevail and will be welcomed very soon as the youngest planet in the cosmic community.
But ... .. we cannot and will not abandon our minimum standards.
And those minimum standards are developed based on cosmic centuries of wisdom and experience.

That is why we say to you, planet earth, citizens of the earth and spiritual guides: take courage and move on. Use the international community as a new conscience for the planet. Use the Internet as a new means of communication. Show the underdeveloped peoples and religions and groups of what a people is capable of when she has given the woman her rightful place in society. And they, with their slow minds, do have to know they are opposed by the time, by the future, by the cosmos. We are expecting you! "

So my son, have some patience.
The women of the world are blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 329

#24, 2011

Sunday, 24 April 2016

What is the use of running when we are on the wrong path? (Gandhi)

Would You like to comment on this saying?

 I like to do that.
Gandhi says, ask yourself what you're doing and why? And then could you get sometimes surprising answers. Why surprising? Because the issues of the day are still powerful, even in these times where people are educated, hear the world news and seem to have a choice.
But this is not often the case, having a choice.

Much of what modern man does is more defined by the ads, by the compulsion to enjoy a lot and the feeling that is forced upon everyone that your present life really is not satisfactory, actually is boring. The suggestion is supreme, that life really is not as dynamic without bungie jumping, without an exotic trip or without the latest smartphone.
And by wondering why you do the things you do, an honest answer is: because it has to, because everyone is doing it, because you would lack otherwise.

And if you wonder quietly why you do the things you do, why you are running, why you're in such a hurry, it turns out to be because you are expecting a big job, a nice car, a long journey to make you happy.
Because getting the object of your desire will make you happy.
And it is not true, simply not true.

Oh world of longing, with its ever-receding horizon.
Oh world of longing, which causes you can only be happy when you pursue the desire, you can only be happy if you can finally satisfy the desire.
And that is certainly a big moment.
But shortly after a new desire is starting to come up.

Why? Because the habit of chasing desires is bigger than the habit not to.
Because the ego has started to believe (a new religion!) that the pursuit of desires gives happiness. But it does not give happiness only temporary relief. And the relief has become manifest only because one is one moment in the here and one has one moment no desire anymore, for one moment just being is the case. Because for a short moment there is nothing to do. Because for a short moment one can relax.

But then it starts all over again.
And that is why Gandhi says: stop running on a path that does not comply.
And I say, take another path, that of peace, of silence, of the here and now, of the inner self,  that of God. Because that's where desires have come to rest, that’s were one has stopped the pursuit of desire. That’s where one can discover and experience, that happiness is more dependent from letting go than from grabbing, more from being than from having, more from inner peace than from outer experiences.
Gandhi is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 328

Sunday, 17 April 2016

From a heavy into a light state of mind

After my work I went home on my bike and I did not feel well. I was tired, I had doubts about some situations at work and how to tackle it. I felt quite gloomily about all the problems in the world and was especially worrying about the next issue. A friend of mine is rather into conspiracies and had informed me the day before how a powerful group behind the scenes is preparing the third world war with the help of the Muslim attacks, and there will be more, even nuclear ones. It apparently had hit me more than I had realized. In short, I was pretty gloomy.

I figured that I did not want to pray for strength. And I did not want to do relax exercises or some other stuff I have going for myself to reach peace and tranquility instead of worrying.
I tried a different tack.
I decided to let be all my emotions and just to start thanking God for everything I had for good in my life. I leave the details behind but it is really a lot, and that applies to everyone. It can relate from being able to see to living in a free country, from having work to having a good laugh, from hving a good intelligence to admiring the blooming hyacinth in the backyard, from having a good brother to the new fountain pen on your desk .
Everyone will have a long list.

In short, I did.
And the miraculous happened: I started getting feeling lighter, feeling much better and I made contact again with the perspective of life, with the presence of God.
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I will love to.
You simply stepped from the spinning wheel into the silence of the axle. And actually it happened within half an hour, very easily, very relaxedly, very naturally. How could it happen so fast, as if you had received an expensive massage or had had a short holiday, so soon as you got into the silence, in the overview, in the trust, in Me, in God! You became light again and became open again!
Every time you made contact with the gifts of God when you thanked for something. And I saw that you were sincere, even while you still felt bad, because you were attached to all the negative emotions.
Every time you felt  more the beauty of My love, every time you came closer to Me, every time you thanked for something you came closer to My truth and you went away from the issues of the day, away from the worries and fears and doubts of everyday life.

So you gave Me the opportunity to reach you with My power and My perspective , because every time you opened up more, out of free will.
So easy can it be, if man wants to.
You are blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 327

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Are we counting our blessings enough?

Lately I was really touched by something.
I spoke to someone who had become blind later on in her life.
And it hit me in particular because she was handling it all beautifully .
She does not complain, always acts very gently  and seems to really enjoy life (intentionally). So that kept me busy, she had just made a great impression on me as a person and in her attitude.

One day I took the bull by the horns and did the following, once when I was home alone. I imagined that I was blind. I walked through the house, went into the garden to smell the scents. I poured myself a glass of water and even did a pee on the toilet, quite carefully actually. In short, I tried to hang out the blind and to imagine how that would be. I managed for at least a quarter of an hour and it was horrible. I was not only overcome by a great helplessness but I also found it all quite oppressive.

I said to God: "My God, if this would ever happen to me, I would ask You to heal me because I find it unbearably difficult. I hate it and I promise you to carry all the other problems in my life with gusto. I will never complain, carry everything with patience, will endure everything with courage. But please not this one. I'm so sorry for not being able to see Your beautiful creation. The dew on a leaf, a flower, the skies, the faces of the people I talk to, it's too bad. Please will You heal me? "

And then I opened my eyes and saw all again. Your wonderful creation, the environment, the skin of my hands, everything, everything, everything. And I was so grateful with life, so grateful for just seeing, for just seeing.

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Actually, it's not necessary.
You have shown on a beautiful way that man hardly realizes or not at all how much in life consists of gifts, talents, special features that are not obvious at all. Your story is an incarnated "count your blessings".
It would be nice if more people would more often practise this exercise.
One would be happier, more grateful, more gentle and more loving.
You are blessed for your action.

My blessings for you all

Nr. 326

Sunday, 3 April 2016

God turns lives into a fairy tale

I do not remember where I heard this but would you like to comment on this?

How could I not?
God turns lives into a fairy tale.
And fairy tales always run well!

Without God, man is a wonderful earthly creature, endowed with more talent than "other animals".
But man would perish with the death of his physical body.

With God man can survive the physical death and look forward to a future of spiritual growth and wealth,  unprecedented wealth, provided by God. And that applies equally to people who do not believe in God.

The sun shines for everyone, and God does this as well for everyone.
God turns human life once into a fairy tale, and man can trust on this for a 100%.

 My blessings to you all

Nr. 325