Saturday, 30 April 2016

Only with all women the future will unfold

My God, would You like to comment on this?

I really love to.
The spiritual world is waiting for mankind.
How will it be possible for mankind to develop herself without half of her population?
How will it be possible for mankind to develop herself without using the forces and powers and skills and insights and wisdom of women?
How will it be possible for mankind to be accepted by the cosmic community when she mistreats and abuses and enslaves half of her brains, half of her heart, half of her body, half of her limbs?

The cosmic community cannot include in its ranks such an imperfect company. That would not function well.
We, the spiritual guidance of the planet earth, do not even consider an application for membership. We know better.
The cosmic community would say to us:

"We can not let you.
You do not meet the requirements of civilization and wisdom.
Please put yours affairs in order first?
Please liberate and honour the enslaved part of mankind first?
We cannot bring you into our community because we would be ashamed to deal with oppressors and primitives, with underdeveloped and ignorant planets.

We help you all for cosmic centuries, in love and wisdom, and with the greatest patience, please do know that. And we are waiting for you. The future belongs to you. You will prevail and will be welcomed very soon as the youngest planet in the cosmic community.
But ... .. we cannot and will not abandon our minimum standards.
And those minimum standards are developed based on cosmic centuries of wisdom and experience.

That is why we say to you, planet earth, citizens of the earth and spiritual guides: take courage and move on. Use the international community as a new conscience for the planet. Use the Internet as a new means of communication. Show the underdeveloped peoples and religions and groups of what a people is capable of when she has given the woman her rightful place in society. And they, with their slow minds, do have to know they are opposed by the time, by the future, by the cosmos. We are expecting you! "

So my son, have some patience.
The women of the world are blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 329

#24, 2011