Saturday, 9 April 2016

Are we counting our blessings enough?

Lately I was really touched by something.
I spoke to someone who had become blind later on in her life.
And it hit me in particular because she was handling it all beautifully .
She does not complain, always acts very gently  and seems to really enjoy life (intentionally). So that kept me busy, she had just made a great impression on me as a person and in her attitude.

One day I took the bull by the horns and did the following, once when I was home alone. I imagined that I was blind. I walked through the house, went into the garden to smell the scents. I poured myself a glass of water and even did a pee on the toilet, quite carefully actually. In short, I tried to hang out the blind and to imagine how that would be. I managed for at least a quarter of an hour and it was horrible. I was not only overcome by a great helplessness but I also found it all quite oppressive.

I said to God: "My God, if this would ever happen to me, I would ask You to heal me because I find it unbearably difficult. I hate it and I promise you to carry all the other problems in my life with gusto. I will never complain, carry everything with patience, will endure everything with courage. But please not this one. I'm so sorry for not being able to see Your beautiful creation. The dew on a leaf, a flower, the skies, the faces of the people I talk to, it's too bad. Please will You heal me? "

And then I opened my eyes and saw all again. Your wonderful creation, the environment, the skin of my hands, everything, everything, everything. And I was so grateful with life, so grateful for just seeing, for just seeing.

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Actually, it's not necessary.
You have shown on a beautiful way that man hardly realizes or not at all how much in life consists of gifts, talents, special features that are not obvious at all. Your story is an incarnated "count your blessings".
It would be nice if more people would more often practise this exercise.
One would be happier, more grateful, more gentle and more loving.
You are blessed for your action.

My blessings for you all

Nr. 326