Saturday, 27 August 2016

Parched land without God

I stretch out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land*

My God, in one way or another this text is really touching me.
I have no inferiority complex and I feel good.
Yet this text seems to touch the core of the relationship between man and God.
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My son, how else could it be?
Man is a creature of God, created in love and wisdom and full of promise and future, even though his physical body is subject to the earthbound evolution with the prospect of death.
But not his the spiritual body, referring in this psalm to the soul.
The spiritual body of man is without God parched land, lifeless and tied to the death, but with the living water of God poured on his ground the miracle happens.
Then begins the miracle of the spiritual life, the beauty of eternity, the promise of God to man, the great unrivaled future of the former ape who enters an eternal relationship with God,  closing a spiritual marriage and leaving behind time, space, death and restriction.
Blessed is man who begins to realize that he is parched land without God, and that God will bring forth the finest fruits and flowers.
The psalmists knew this already, blessed are they.
Mankind is yet realizing this.

My blessings to you all
*Part of Psalm 143, sung by munks in a service in Maria Toevlucht, monastery in Zundert, the Netherlands

Nr. 347

Saturday, 20 August 2016

A miscarriage or an abortion are not the end

I want to ask You. I nevertheless understood from different books and stories of mediums that women (and their men) have a child, raised in the spiritual world, after a miscarriage or an abortion. That would mean that indeed a human being who has experienced anything like this and entering the spiritual world, yet might will be surprised. There awaits them possibly an own child, from which they did not suspect the existence at all. And I think there are women who, after a miscarriage or abortion somewhere intuitively may feel not only having lost a child, but also still having a child somewhere.
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I love too.
During the conception of a foetus in the womb, the spiritual world is building the spiritual body of the new earthly physical little miracle. And because the spiritual world is mightier than the physical world, this spiritual baby will almost always be viable because the conception on earth is a birth into the spiritual world.
Let this be declared clearly and brightly by God in these watchthegodblogs:

The conception on earth is a birth into the spiritual world.
Even though the growth of the foetus on the earth is aborted by physical problems or human intervention, the spiritual baby then will grow on.

The spiritual world is not very dependent from the physical events.
And the biological parents may abort the consequences of an act of conception, even God will not stop  the spiritual impact: the birth of a new spiritual being in the cosmos. And this tiny little spiritual baby will, when the physical counterpart has  died or is killed, be received, looked after, cherished and cared for with the greatest love and care, and will be raised into a loving beautiful creature. These children are almost without exception "half an angel" because they are hardly or not at all touched by the primitive processes on Earth. So in a way, a miscarriage or an abortion is a great opportunity to pursue a particular spiritual path.

But such children, once grown up, will lament somewhere in the heart that the vast experience of life on earth was aborted so brutally, especially when they meet human beings who have completed an earthly life. But God changes all negative events with much love and joy into positive affairs. Illustrated by this story.

And for now some practical information about biological parents on earth and their child in the spiritual world. Their child is growing twice as fast by the exceptional circumstances in the spiritual world. So a child as foetus of three months dying in 2006 on earth, will be in 2010 eight years old and in 2014 16 years old. And one is grown up in the spiritual world then. So parents may have a miscarriage in 2006, they will have an adult child in the spiritual world in 2014.

And depending on the situation their child will remain very involved in the lives of his biological parents on earth, even in the case of prostitutes, rapists or one night stands. The standards of the spiritual world are different from a primitive planet like Earth.
And for the record, My son, the conception of new life begins in the spiritual world. Only then a sperm cell will succeed to penetrate the impenetrable wall of an egg cell, not before.
All biological parents and their children in the spiritual world are blessed

My blessings to you all

Nr. 346

Saturday, 13 August 2016

My God is a true feminist

The journalist Sue Lloyd-Roberts has written a book that recently is translated in Dutch, “The war against women”. She died in 2015 of leukaemia, just after she wrote her book. During one of her reports she sighed: "God is clearly not a feminist".
So, it’s up to You now.

My son, it’s up to Me, indeed. Great you are introducing Me as if I did not lead you to this article in the newspaper.
Among elephants there is a well guided matriarchy. And that happens among more species than many people know. But among the apes the patriarchy is evolutionarily developed strongly. And because you are descending from the apes, you are now (still) in  the middle of it. But not for so long.

The dramatic events of the coming decades will bring mankind to recognize the facts. That in great distress, in great crises, in disasters one will only overcome everything if one uses all the forces and powers that one has at one’s disposal, and then the other half of the population really has to join. And only then, when among earthy mankind finally legally and socially is dealt with discrimination against women, as is  more or less nowadays with slavery, only then you will find connection with other populations in the cosmos.

One is waiting for your insights. One does not throw in one’s lot with too primitive peoples because experience shows that a people must first have reached a certain maturity to be able to communicate with other people in the cosmos.

And to go back to Sue Lloyd-Roberts. Thus My thesis is: "God is a Father-Mother God. God is a great lover of mankind, of all men and women. "
So she sighed understandably given her experiences, but still an untruth. Actually she should have said: "God is still powerless considering so much sexism on earth."
She is very blessed, especially now that she has entered a spiritual world where sexism is considered to be an obsolete value. Finally she may experience this righteousness.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 345

Sunday, 7 August 2016

A terrorist who is no more than a misguided ignorant young guy

I recently read an article in the newspaper about young people without education and without knowledge of the world who are seduced to commit a terrorist attack by fanatical imams and the ideas of ISIS. I do hope they do not end up after death in the same situation as most terrorists who kill out of hatred and fanaticism *?
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I like to.
Take a small village in Afghanistan. The young people have no training, are cut off from the world, there are no newspapers, no Internet, no knowledge, no understanding of the world. Only the imam  in the village is teaching them, just as all the other villagers. People look up to the imam, he's after all a man of Allah, he knows. But this imam is fanatical, short-sighted, hates other religions and is convinced of the rightness of Islam. And the imam hates the West, hates the Americans, hates women and hates a lot more. He poisons the villagers with his ideas and even the loving and open-minded villagers dare not openly to oppose him. In such a village ISIS can easily find candidates for her purposes.

And especially  one particular boy of 17 years is very receptive, his father died early, and he himself has a very limited intelligence but a great sense of justice. He is sensitive to the bigotry of the imam and the stories of ISIS.

Later, when he has committed the attack and he will be flung out of his body by the violence of the explosion, he finds himself consciously in his spiritual body, which is well developed and functions. It was a good boy, but a little bit stupid. He remains  in a building that resembles the Koranic school in his village. More he does not know from the world. ISIS had dropped him on a market of a town he had never been.

He sees very soon indeed no 72 virgins are waiting for him, but anyway he was too young to be fond of this promise. He is surprised that he is remaining in this apparently same building as in his village, and he is even more surprised when his deceased father is entering.

Full of love and compassion the father embraces his son and talk to him about everything, but not about the number of deaths caused by the attack committed by his son. The father knew of the deception of his son, of the admissibility of his son and knew of all the influencing and scorching resentfulness of the iman. He had never liked the imam and was from out of the spiritual world not capable of opposing this all. But through the power of prayer, the son could be protected after his death against the factual knowledge about the number of deaths because of the attack.

Mentioning the subject is avoided and fairly quickly the good father succeeds to bring his son on another track, the track of love and compassion. The boy accepts that he may temporarily not talk about the attack.
But what now?

Until a year after his death the boy has grown in the spiritual world into a mature and conscious personality with great feeling and a in the meantime reasonably grown intelligence. How much indeed can be put right in the spiritual world, even moderate intelligence!
When the young man learns from his own father of the actual consequences of the attack committed by him, this is an almost unbearable shock. The boy will still haunt for many years by the regret and sorrow for this outrage.

The young man will stay for a long time exceptionally motivated, fearless and full of love and passion dedicating himself to the support and development of young people in the spiritual world. Later on he will be allowed to accompany young people on earth from out of the spiritual world.

The moral of the story is that this guy barely has suffered by the consequences of his wrongdoing because he was misled and ignorant. He is not punished, for punishment is not a spiritual option. And the consequences of his heinous act are postponed because he was sincere and pure, but seriously misguided.

But his misdeeds will not be forgotten easily by himself and he will contribute for many years to loving work for the vulnerable and helpless in the world with a lot of compassion.
And the good beings in the spiritual world will be for a long time in awe of his big heart and his commitment. But one understands his motive. Is there another way to soften the unbearable knowledge of what he has done? This is the only way.

We will possibly another time dedicate a blog to the life after death of the hateful imam who has deliberately contributed to mislead unsuspecting, vulnerable young people to such outrages. That will be another story.
The boy may be blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 344
* See blog November 15, 2015

Monday, 1 August 2016

The desire for eternal life on a deathbed (Dying, 4)

A female friend of mine of the age of 89 years passed away last week. She was almost impatient. She was so anxious to move on with her life in the spiritual world. That is something different from other people I've seen passing away, who were afraid of death, or who didn’t believe anything or who were so attached to their children that they did not want to die. She is the second person in my life who had so strongly this attitude. Would You like to comment on this?

Your female friend is an exception. She was convinced of the spiritual life. She stood open in life, and was without fear for punishment or penance and lived without any notion of sin. She was capable of having this desire, without reserve and without doubt, straight from her heart and her mind
And do know that this desire was appropriate. This is how the spiritual matters for almost all people are arranged after the death of the physical body.

A wonderful world full of love and beauty is in store for mankind and the earthly man does not have to be afraid for penance and punishment. You are talked into this by straying and weak pastors with frightening images of God. They are wrong. Your female friend was right.
The best moments on earth are paling before the spiritual world that is awaiting you.
Hope on it, trust on it and look forward to it, provided this is not detrimental to your live on earth. Let this hope lighten and enrich your life on earth.
Your female friend is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 343