I recently read an article in the newspaper about young people without education and without knowledge of the world who are seduced to commit a terrorist attack by fanatical imams and the ideas of ISIS. I do hope they do not end up after death in the same situation as most terrorists who kill out of hatred and fanaticism *?
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I like to.
Take a small village in Afghanistan. The young people have no training, are cut off from the world, there are no newspapers, no Internet, no knowledge, no understanding of the world. Only the imam in the village is teaching them, just as all the other villagers. People look up to the imam, he's after all a man of Allah, he knows. But this imam is fanatical, short-sighted, hates other religions and is convinced of the rightness of Islam. And the imam hates the West, hates the Americans, hates women and hates a lot more. He poisons the villagers with his ideas and even the loving and open-minded villagers dare not openly to oppose him. In such a village ISIS can easily find candidates for her purposes.
And especially one particular boy of 17 years is very receptive, his father died early, and he himself has a very limited intelligence but a great sense of justice. He is sensitive to the bigotry of the imam and the stories of ISIS.
Later, when he has committed the attack and he will be flung out of his body by the violence of the explosion, he finds himself consciously in his spiritual body, which is well developed and functions. It was a good boy, but a little bit stupid. He remains in a building that resembles the Koranic school in his village. More he does not know from the world. ISIS had dropped him on a market of a town he had never been.
He sees very soon indeed no 72 virgins are waiting for him, but anyway he was too young to be fond of this promise. He is surprised that he is remaining in this apparently same building as in his village, and he is even more surprised when his deceased father is entering.
Full of love and compassion the father embraces his son and talk to him about everything, but not about the number of deaths caused by the attack committed by his son. The father knew of the deception of his son, of the admissibility of his son and knew of all the influencing and scorching resentfulness of the iman. He had never liked the imam and was from out of the spiritual world not capable of opposing this all. But through the power of prayer, the son could be protected after his death against the factual knowledge about the number of deaths because of the attack.
Mentioning the subject is avoided and fairly quickly the good father succeeds to bring his son on another track, the track of love and compassion. The boy accepts that he may temporarily not talk about the attack.
But what now?
Until a year after his death the boy has grown in the spiritual world into a mature and conscious personality with great feeling and a in the meantime reasonably grown intelligence. How much indeed can be put right in the spiritual world, even moderate intelligence!
When the young man learns from his own father of the actual consequences of the attack committed by him, this is an almost unbearable shock. The boy will still haunt for many years by the regret and sorrow for this outrage.
The young man will stay for a long time exceptionally motivated, fearless and full of love and passion dedicating himself to the support and development of young people in the spiritual world. Later on he will be allowed to accompany young people on earth from out of the spiritual world.
The moral of the story is that this guy barely has suffered by the consequences of his wrongdoing because he was misled and ignorant. He is not punished, for punishment is not a spiritual option. And the consequences of his heinous act are postponed because he was sincere and pure, but seriously misguided.
But his misdeeds will not be forgotten easily by himself and he will contribute for many years to loving work for the vulnerable and helpless in the world with a lot of compassion.
And the good beings in the spiritual world will be for a long time in awe of his big heart and his commitment. But one understands his motive. Is there another way to soften the unbearable knowledge of what he has done? This is the only way.
We will possibly another time dedicate a blog to the life after death of the hateful imam who has deliberately contributed to mislead unsuspecting, vulnerable young people to such outrages. That will be another story.
The boy may be blessed.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 344