Saturday, 13 August 2016

My God is a true feminist

The journalist Sue Lloyd-Roberts has written a book that recently is translated in Dutch, “The war against women”. She died in 2015 of leukaemia, just after she wrote her book. During one of her reports she sighed: "God is clearly not a feminist".
So, it’s up to You now.

My son, it’s up to Me, indeed. Great you are introducing Me as if I did not lead you to this article in the newspaper.
Among elephants there is a well guided matriarchy. And that happens among more species than many people know. But among the apes the patriarchy is evolutionarily developed strongly. And because you are descending from the apes, you are now (still) in  the middle of it. But not for so long.

The dramatic events of the coming decades will bring mankind to recognize the facts. That in great distress, in great crises, in disasters one will only overcome everything if one uses all the forces and powers that one has at one’s disposal, and then the other half of the population really has to join. And only then, when among earthy mankind finally legally and socially is dealt with discrimination against women, as is  more or less nowadays with slavery, only then you will find connection with other populations in the cosmos.

One is waiting for your insights. One does not throw in one’s lot with too primitive peoples because experience shows that a people must first have reached a certain maturity to be able to communicate with other people in the cosmos.

And to go back to Sue Lloyd-Roberts. Thus My thesis is: "God is a Father-Mother God. God is a great lover of mankind, of all men and women. "
So she sighed understandably given her experiences, but still an untruth. Actually she should have said: "God is still powerless considering so much sexism on earth."
She is very blessed, especially now that she has entered a spiritual world where sexism is considered to be an obsolete value. Finally she may experience this righteousness.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 345