Saturday, 24 September 2016

Religion is the art of the impossible (Peter Calvay)

My God, I read the following quote:

Politics is only the art of the possible, religion is the art of the impossible. Only religion or a relationship with God will change the hearts of the people from within. *

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It will be My pleasure.
28 years ago, I have put this book on your path and you over read this truth, and now the time has come to go into it. You are understanding the quote now. Would you therefore first like to comment on it?

Oh yes.
Politics is still more often concerned about what here and now can be achieved, socially, even though there are great ideals. But they are more difficult to grasp in terms of realization. And religion is actually an ideal difficult to achieve as well, but by Your presence within it's as if this ideal is always calling, always confronting, can be close always, and very personal, because of the call of my conscience, Your voice so to speak.
So my experience says: politics is promising it and religion is making it possible.
In the here and now You are beckoning: a gesture from us, a kind word, the realization that we are all children of God, that brings it so intensely close, again and again. So tangible, Your call. So close, Your presence. So helpful, Your strength. So simple, Your energy. Something like that?

Something like that, my son, you're closer than thirty years ago. And the most important part  I will mention you yet.
Politicians are only human, and live their ideals not all the time.
And God is within you the incarnate Christ, the imitable Mohamed, the life of Buddha, the beauty of Krishna.
God is WITHIN you and always available, always traceable, always subservient, always loving.
So your guide is not a political leader, a human being, someone on TV.
Your guide is a great presence, who will guide you, who will designate you a direction, who will touch you in the heart, not for a while, but day and night. God is your changer, and a highly reliable presence, IN YOU.

My blessings to you all
*See Peter Calvay Prophet, Rayner Torkington

Nr. 351