My God, and now I am quite curious about the punch line of these three blogs. Why have I experienced recently that a prediction of You did not appear to be true? Just to come straight out with it. Even though I have to admit that many other predictions from Thee appeared to be true, and I always thank you very much for this, but now it has gone wrong, I do need an explanation. Did I not listen, was I struggling with my ego too much, are these predictions more difficult to listen to objectively when I am personally involved or is there another reason? Would You like to comment on this?
My son, there is indeed another reason. But let's make it really personal. That helps your fellow men when they are reading this. For who has not experienced this, that something not happened when it seemed to happen so terribly. And it actually doesn’t matter for this story if what would happen was based on reasonableness, on wisdom, on logic, on a probability or on a prediction of a very reputable psychic. In all cases something very different from what was expected happened. In your example, it is all about a prediction and not just from anybody but from your Spark of God. Can you get it higher and better? Yet something else happened.
Didn’t you listen to Me well? Was there some static on the line? Did you colour it with your hidden desires and needs? I tell you, none of this. But first you may start with the quote to which I've led you.
In your realm of reality, there is no real freedom but the freedom of ideas, and there is no real bondage except for the bondage of ideas (intently), for your ideas form your private and mass reality. ………All of the time, the psychological reality is the primary one, that forms all of your events. *
My son, you have chosen in your contact with Me a reality waiting for you very clearly, very likely, very tangibly and very concretely. And I tell you, provided you were making a particular choice. And by circumstances another choice has been made which is unfolding for you another reality. And this other choice was more determined by others than you preferred to. Wasn’t I capable of foreseeing this? Isn’t God omniscient and omnipotent? God is, indeed, My son, and all Sparks of God are the same, inseparable and undivided connected to the ONE God. And I sketched you from your perspective, from your will, from your fascination with the scenario that would surely ensue. And I knew of other possible scenarios, but you could not take these scenarios, they were too far away, or not realistic, from the perspective of your will.
And man is not on his one.
The will of someone else forced itself in your situation, so prevalent and so compelling that you became powerless. And so it happened that by a single volition of someone else, and by your powerlessness, which is in fact a decision, suddenly a different scenario came nearby. And I could have showed you in your mind, but you could and did not want to hear this, so you did not hear it.
In short, the future of man and the future of mankind have many probabilities, and not always the most likely is unfolding. Therefore, in the eyes of God even more than in the eyes of mankind this is true, "where there's a will, there's a way”. Even when it concerns the will of someone else.
My blessings to you all
* Jane Roberts, The individual and the nature of mass events, p. 234/235
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