Sunday, 30 October 2016

Empty your head

You have to release yourself from the clutter that hangs around in your head (* Isabel Allende)

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How does one empties his head when the thinking is running around all the time?
By simply finding it not that important what one is thinking. Then random thoughts will not inflated to opinions, but one lets them go.
A room will be cleaned, the dishes in the kitchen will be done every day, the garbage will be regularly brought out of the house. But thinking has become a major gathering of too many prejudices, opinions, half-truths and hassle.
It helps man immensely when he remembers quite regularly that it’s all about just an opinion, that it is all about just a thought, that it quite simply might be different tomorrow, that thinking not too often is based on wisdom and truth, but on subjective experiences and misguided opinions.

Wise is the man who says: this is what I am thinking, but maybe I'm missing something?
Wise is the man who remembers that the opinion of others may also be truthful.
Wise is the man who is not indulging in his thoughts, but will let them go or will put them in perspective.
Wise is the man, who permits the consideration in his thinking that there might be too much clutter in his head.
Isabel Allende is blessed.

My blessings to you all

* Interview newspaper “Trouw”, October 24, 2015

Nr. 356

Saturday, 22 October 2016

To love many things, brings you closer to God

But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things (Vincent van Gogh)

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My son, you have touched My big passion. How can I not comment on  this quote?
This quote stands above all other quotes.

Because it touches the essence of My existence on earth.
Because it concerns the elixir of life.
Because this is the path for man.
Because this feeds My will in you.
Because this realizes your salvation.

The love for the world brings you closer to God.
The love for life heals your pain.
The love for nature reduces pollution.
The love for your fellow man brings you closer to Me.
The love for yourself brings you closer to the oneness.

The more you love, the closer I am with you.
The more you love, the more powerful your prayers are answered.
The more you love, the sooner the Kingdom of God will be established on earth.
Vincent van Gogh is blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 355

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Cursing is really a thing

My God, recently two men passed me and one sighed: "Jesus, what a hassle".
I wondered then “what will the spiritual world think of all this consciously and unconsciously cursing?” Some curses set my teeth on edge, like "Goddamned”. I always think then immediately "not at all". And sometimes I say it as well: "Do you know what you're saying, God damn"! Sometimes one really apologizes.
But I do the same, sometimes, shouting Jesus, without really realizing it.
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It's immature behavior and the spiritual world will not stop with calling this human being child of God after such behavior. A son or daughter of God does not do this. Never. Jesus, the great son of God, in the first place.
And recently you were doing this, shouting vehemently Jesus and you didn’t have intentions to talk to Jesus at all but you were just struggling with something what was disappointing you.
Then I sighed "alas, my child" but you didn’t hear Me.
Blessed are those who never curse.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 354

Saturday, 8 October 2016

The good is slow but has prospects

My God, I read an interview with the Patriarch of Babylon from Baghdad, Louis Raphael I Sako. He says at the end of the interview:

One day the war will stop. Evil is fast but has no prospects. The good is slow, but has prospects.

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Evil is indeed faster than the good, but evil harbors in itself destruction. And the good is indeed slower than evil, but harbors in itself her biggest secret, revealing it not at once, but after a while. The good has prospects because it harbors fruits of development and perspective. And how big evil seems to be, in itself is it already harboring its own destruction, its own demise.

And the entire history of mankind seems to witness injustice and suffering, but then one looks superficially. The entire history demonstrates steady progress and all the great evil appeared temporary, ultimately temporary. In the eyes of men who experience it, evil seemed big and many. But from the perspective of the spiritual world, We already saw its ruins and its demise and its creators ending gruesomely. There is no other way. The good will prevail, eventually.
The patriarch of Babylon is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 353

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Lack of love in the shower

I stood under the shower and felt very inadequately. I would get a busy day, didn’t sleep well and felt quite depressed. I said to My God: "I'm such an idiot and what is everything a fuss. I don’t feel like the day, I am dissatisfied with myself, I find myself a clumsy scraper. Really wretchy little fuss. Of course You will like to give a reaction to this all?

My dear, beloved son, what are you back hard on yourself. What are you ruthless and intolerant again. Give love to yourself. Give love to yourself. Give love to yourself. And if you take this on for a year long, then you still will not approach the love that I am giving to you.

"Oh My God, I said, the message is received. So much love from You and so little I am giving to myself. Thank you for the message. I actually feel better now.

Be blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 352