Sunday, 30 October 2016

Empty your head

You have to release yourself from the clutter that hangs around in your head (* Isabel Allende)

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How does one empties his head when the thinking is running around all the time?
By simply finding it not that important what one is thinking. Then random thoughts will not inflated to opinions, but one lets them go.
A room will be cleaned, the dishes in the kitchen will be done every day, the garbage will be regularly brought out of the house. But thinking has become a major gathering of too many prejudices, opinions, half-truths and hassle.
It helps man immensely when he remembers quite regularly that it’s all about just an opinion, that it is all about just a thought, that it quite simply might be different tomorrow, that thinking not too often is based on wisdom and truth, but on subjective experiences and misguided opinions.

Wise is the man who says: this is what I am thinking, but maybe I'm missing something?
Wise is the man who remembers that the opinion of others may also be truthful.
Wise is the man who is not indulging in his thoughts, but will let them go or will put them in perspective.
Wise is the man, who permits the consideration in his thinking that there might be too much clutter in his head.
Isabel Allende is blessed.

My blessings to you all

* Interview newspaper “Trouw”, October 24, 2015

Nr. 356