But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things (Vincent van Gogh)
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My son, you have touched My big passion. How
can I not comment on this quote?
This quote stands above all other quotes.Why?
Because it touches the essence of My existence
on earth.
Because it concerns the elixir of life.Because this is the path for man.
Because this feeds My will in you.
Because this realizes your salvation.
The love for the world brings you closer to
The love for life heals your pain.The love for nature reduces pollution.
The love for your fellow man brings you closer to Me.
The love for yourself brings you closer to the oneness.
The more you love, the closer I am with you.
The more you love, the more powerful your
prayers are answered.The more you love, the sooner the Kingdom of God will be established on earth.
Vincent van Gogh is blessed.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 355