Monday, 25 December 2017

Jesus in my life

I have been "busy" lately with inner silence and sober living and self-control and purity. I do not want to call it chastity, certainly not, but it comes closely. And now throughout this period of preparation for Christmas I'm practicing meditation and reading about Jesus. Maybe I exaggerate a little bit, after all I have a tendency to proportions of everything or nothing, oh this intense way of life really tricks me sometimes. Haha especially if it about negative emotions, then God sees me grumbling.

But now Jesus, oh Jesus, what are You special, Your wonders, Your example, Your love, the conversation with Your Father, Your generosity, Your suffering.
Even if only 10% would be true, then still it is all impressive.

And one day when I just drove home from a family gathering and when I was musing on Jesus, I got so overwhelmed by the presence and closeness of Jesus, that I started crying for half an hour just out of emotion, happiness, love for Jesus, gratitude to his increasing presence in my life.
I have been impressed for days.

Oh Jesus, great love, great comfort, great support, great example.
I thank you, thank you, thank you.
My good God, would You like to comment on this?

My son, how could I not want this?
You have been touched for half an hour by the living Christ in your life.
But let no one who follows Mohamed, or Babaji or Krishna, or Buddha or any other great spirit, any other great son or daughter of mankind, any other Son or Daughter of God, let no one think, oh there you have another Christian, just a Jesus fan, that does not apply to me.

For to them I say, Your God spark, Your God, God Itself:

This is meant to be for everyone, this being touched on earth by God. For the Christ consciousness is nothing else than the Father-Mother God who impresses Itself on earth. It is the incarnate Eternity, which shares Itself with the earth-bound beings. It is the Kingdom of God, Allah, Brahman, Yahweh, the Almighty, the Eternal, the Unnameable. And that Kingdom is impressing itself on earth to man.

Every man can and will experience this. Here or later. On earth or in eternity. Every man will experience this, may experience this, can experience this, many men are indeed experiencing this, even if they give a different explanation to it.

And know this: the simple man who has let go just for a moment all his earthly attachments, who has put aside his ego, and who has opened himself just for a moment humbly to God, that simple man is that moment equal to Christ. Is that moment Son or Daughter of God.
You were it for half an hour, keep going on. And be blessed, My son.

My blessings to you all

No 412

Sunday, 17 December 2017

If it doesn’t open, it’s not your door (Lost in life, 5)

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It is always about the will of man. That's playing tricks on him, and this will is playing tricks on the spiritual world, and God. The will of man, nothing else. And of course is this all part of the plan of God.

In the case of closed doors and the person wanting to open that door, there is almost always a wrongly directed will. For otherwise that person would go on with his life or starting to look for another entrance, or drawing another plan or simply accepting that this closed door is not an option. When a store is closed, you will not stand banging on the door until it opens. And that's man’s way when he finds a closed door in his life.

And the solution is actually very simple. Man asks God or life: do I have to open that door, or do I have to wait or should I leave and go another way? And man always gets an answer. But not when the will is at stake, one does not listen then or understands it wrong. Or one doesn’t wonder at all and keeps on pounding on this door that will not open. Because often it is not "meant to be that this door will be opened".

Having said this, it is always good what happens, because the will of man brings him further on, even if it is a detour.
But ultimately it is always leading towards God.

My blessing to you all

Sunday, 19 November 2017

You can’t start the next chapter if you keep rereading the last (Lost in life, 4)

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I like to.
First this: some pages are not even reread, but hidden deeply as if they were sealed, because those pages could not be processed, because they were too painful and they are tucked away and suppressed. Those pages must, nevertheless, be read once, otherwise they will stay rampant. Do you want to refer to the blog that deals extensively with this*?

But this quote is about man endlessly wallowing in the events of life and continuing to blame the parents or whoever for all of his misery in life. And that is rather the behaviour of a victim, for sure understandable, but you will not get any further. Turn over the pages of life, leave the past behind you, accept your misery, continue with life, become adult. Everyone has done everything to you, of course, welcome on earth, but do make lemonade out of lemons instead of sighing that you've only gotten lemons from life.
Be kind to yourself, go on, you are entitled as human being to positivity, joy of life and happiness.
My blessings to you all


Nr. 410

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

If you don’t like where you are, move. You are not a tree (Lost in life, 3)

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Too soon, man assumes when he experiences something horribles that he is powerless in this situation. One is then a victim. Fate made it happen. It is the will of God / Allah / Brahman / Jahweh. And that's just the question.
Very often, it has been brought on his path indeed. But surely it can have happen to him just by coincidence.

And then the hammering question will be: will he take it lying down and wait for it to pass or is he going to take action? Does he become passive or will he investigate if he can change the situation. And the advice of the spiritual world is, come into action, move along with destiny, make lemon lemonade from lemon, become a changer of your destiny.

Children of God keep hanging in the old.
Sons and daughters of God take action.

My blessings to you all

No 409

Monday, 30 October 2017

The good, the bad and the unwished (Lost in life, 2)

Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us*

 Would You like to comment on this saying?

I love to.
This is so basic, so common, so much just the experience of every human being that I do not really need to add anything to it. Every person knows this experience. How he in a painful and profound and unexpected way gets torn away from his old life. How he experiences a lot of sorrow or difficulties or a crisis, then really often makes himself scarce and afterwards says: "I could not figure it out but it was exactly what I needed. This had to happen or this brought me so much. I'm shivering at how I felt then when it happened to me but now, being all over, I look amazed at what it has brought me. "

And God adds that this illustrates that man does not always knows what is good for him, what he is praying for or what he wants in his life, these are sometimes the worst things. Therefore, thankfully, God has the wisdom to hear not all prayers, and God regularly gives man the opposite of what is being asked.
And that's how it works.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 408


Sunday, 22 October 2017

The present is just the present (Lost in life, 1)


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My son, from a spiritual perspective, this is a great truth.

Human life is one great awareness, one beautiful birth of wisdom, spiritual leeway and important insight. And the best is yet to come after the physical death, whatever you have experienced on earth. Even the most beautiful and happy life on Earth is a shady sandpit compared to the vast beach of life in the spiritual world. Let that be said.

On Earth, however, I should not like to say this to anyone without any explanation. We anticipate the coming difficulties, the following challenges when this problem of the present is solved, the most often dramatic dying process. We do not want to make anyone happy with really nothing
My blessings to you all

No  407


Monday, 16 October 2017

If it comes, let it; if it goes, let it;

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Actually, it means that man not only says yes to everything just because it's happening to him. But there is something else, if it is happening to him, he does not judge it, or label it or rank it  in either good or bad or right or not, or welcome or not. Man leaves it alone, completely leaves it alone. It happens, so what? If man does that, he not only says yes to life, but he does something else. He completely and totally goes with the flow. As if it is happening to someone else, but in a compassionate and loving way, we are not talking about dissociation. And then really wisdom is in stake. Actually zen. Then life, the spiritual world and God for sure can continue with the plan. Man then makes the most of the opportunity life will reveal of what has to be revealed to the max, life will flow what has to flow, and in such a way man will experience the maximum of what life has to offer.

My blessings  to you all

Nr. 406

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you

My God, would You like to comment on this quote?

My son, because you wondered what the subject of the blog of this week would be, I led you to a number of quotes on the internet. We can advance three months, there's in God's world enough to deal with for beautiful blogs and great messages, do not you think?

This saying is another word for love, for compassion, for wisdom, for spiritual insight. The ego loves to calculate what's in it for me? And that's good, in a certain phase of human development. But when the spiritual development has begun and the personality becomes more and more important and the ego is getting smaller, then other insights will come up. And then the great passion of the personality turns out to be: "How can I pass on the gifts of God to others? How can I give away as much as possible and empty my hands again so that God can fill them again with Its endless gifts?

And then everything moves up from the spiritual world into the earth, from above to down under. And then the personality gets inspired by new opportunities, by new perspectives, by new insights. And this is one of them. For the Christ has already said that you have to lose your life to find it. And those who can not mean anything for you handling lovingly and with respect and openness will show then that they definitely mean everything for you. Because the rewards of God are worth more than any earthly lottery or salary.

My blessings to you all

Monday, 2 October 2017

Some days you just have to create your own sunshine

My God, can I ask you?
Lately I had a conversation with a sister who had experienced a lot and who is happy with life at the same time and she said to me, "It's not about the big story, the big things. In that respect, everyone is experiencing terrible things. When it comes to it, you have to get lucky from the little things, a cup of coffee, a nice conversation, working in the garden, little things which can be in your life arranged by yourself. "
It struck me, would You like to comment on this?

My son, true words of a woman grown wise by life.
How can it be otherwise? When a person let his luck depend on the big things, there is always something, a disease, a loss, a problem. Which person will pass the dynamic life on earth without harm?

But a cup of coffee can always be arranged, or refurbishing a corner of your house, or a nice meeting with a dear friend or oh there are thousands of things within easy reach of man. But one has to give leeway to these small things and not be overwhelmed by the suffering because of the big issues. In the here and now, the fully and unconditionally admitting of the small stuff, trying to choose for the beauty of life, only then happiness will get a chance, not otherwise.

And then one more thing: you have found a saying to which I have led you. Because there are days that the suffering and the difficulties seem too big to put them aside, and then one can only undergo everything. That "some days" thus is referring to if there is only a chance to resist in your difficulties, it is to man to grab his opportunity. At least that day, one has experienced some luck. And a wise man makes from some days every day, but that's a bigger task.
Your sister is blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 404

Saturday, 23 September 2017

There is a God-shaped vacuum in every heart (Blaise Pascal)

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It is indeed a vacuum, because the ego, the selfish will, the self-sufficiency of the primitive man will find in the heart approaching God a vacuum. One can only lose control and lose oneself. But a spiritually developed man does not experience a vacuum but a sanctuary, a place of peace. In the middle of the heart, and one feels that God always dwells there, always waits, always invites, if you are willing to come with empty hands. For how can God fill full hands?

A primitive man experiences a vacuum because what happens to him when life blows everything out of his hands, that's a pure experience of a vacuum, if one is identified with the full hands. But a developed man comes with empty hands and adheres to the gifts of God. And does not know how quickly to pass those gifts to others and then to return to God with empty hands.
Blaise Pascal is blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 403

Monday, 11 September 2017

Schokland, a lonely island in the north

The history of Schokland in the north of the Netherlands is bizarre. It was once a former lonely island in the middle of the Zuiderzee and became over the centuries increasingly endangered by the furious storms at sea. Eventually, the government forced in1859 the inhabitants to leave to the mainland, where they started to live in a district in Kampen on the IJssel river. Now the island is situated in the fully muted Noordoostpolder, as a kind of heightening in the flat meadows.

We spent a day visiting the museum and the former island and got deeply impressed by what the islanders have done in the past to survive. Periodically, houses and sometimes the whole church were destroyed by the wild sea. Periodically, a little bit of the island crumbled away, and it must have been a hard and difficult life for this small group of citizens of the Netherlands.
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This group of people has suffered a tough struggle for life and eventually after several generations they had to abandon it. They are a symbol of the power of man, who tries to survive in barren circumstances. These islanders find their brothers and sisters in the rest of the world, such as in the Sahara desert, on the cold plains of Siberia, in the high mountains of Tibet, in the rainforests of Brazil. And for centuries, mankind has evolved thus into what it is now, intelligent, resourceful, social, conscious and powerful.

But there is something more important to say.
These extreme circumstances were necessary to evolve evolutionarily the intellect, the willpower and the creativity of mankind. Because the more exciting the circumstances of this evolutionary man is, the more evolving his talents are. So it is stated here: the challenging planet earth is a great opportunity for mankind as a whole to reach unprecedented heights in its development. And this is what God is waiting for. And then the near future with her big challenges is still on the rise.

The fact that the residents of Schokland lost the battle does not detract from the fearless and powerful genes they are still on the continent passing on to their children.
The Schokkers are blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 402

Monday, 4 September 2017

My body has served me my whole life long, now I will serve my body

I was visiting a dear person and was affected by my host's serious invalidity, she could hardly move a bit and it was obviously a progressive disease so it only could go worse. And in the meantime she is enduring this disease without any complaint. And besides, she was happy for me (who could move well, I was on the bike).
She has a big conviction that God is always helping and supporting her and pointing her way.
But I was really touched when she said in response to our conversation: "My body has served me my whole life long, now I am serving my body."
Would You like to comment on this?

She has acquired this great wisdom during her suffering, that is really big and hidden and profound. You are correct when you say that her faith is supporting her. What a power is she demonstrating and what a joy for the spiritual world to see how she transforms her suffering into joy and wisdom. But from the point of confidentiality, I will leave this subject in peace.

I will go into your question about one of the great secrets of this world.
I will go into the beauty, the splendour and the power of the body, and especially the awesome power of the spirit of the body. This spirit of the body serves you all in your own life. The power on earth serving the bodies of living creatures is one of the greatest beings on earth next to the spirit of Mother Earth herself.
This spirit of the body is highly honoured by mankind, but hardly consciously.

Man honours this spirit by being happy when he moves, when he breathes intensely in a moisty fragrant forest, when he gets well after a disease, when he experiences the joy of sexuality, when he moves freely and lightly in the water.
That’s the spirit of the body appreciating, because she is doing it all just for this.
She serves man in his earthly  existence, gives man a beautiful, perfect instrument to act, to feel and to think, to reflect, and to be happy.

But still more, she serves the Spark of God, she serves God by  giving  God an instrument to express Itself in the material world. Even though it requires some evolution of the body and surrender of man before God can express Itself perfectly on earth.
Oh wonderful Spirit, who works on this and serves the living creatures on earth.
Oh wonderful body, perfect instrument of man, physical violin for a spiritual concert master, flower of evolution, treasure of God!

And then let's rest that man treats this beautiful instrument like garbage, like a rubbish bin, carelessly stuffing it with bad food and destructive substances like drugs, alcohol and other poisons.

And this brave woman, who you visited, sees in full consciousness, in complete surrender, how this body has been faithful to her will, to her acting, to her life. And she knows she must now take care of very carefully and with the greatest effort and let take care of this degrading body, must cherish and protect, must treat her body as the smallest and most vulnerable baby, as a helpless and powerless and vulnerable being.
This brave woman is blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 401

Monday, 28 August 2017

So many visiting the blogs, from so many countries and so many blogs

Last week, the English and Dutch Watchthegod blogs showed 88,888 visits, and this happened out of more than 100 countries. And the number of published blogs now stands at 400 in total. The most diverse subjects have been discussed, from angels to matter, from emotions to life after death, from inner peace to evolution.
This is what I wanted to say, and I thank the good God for the wonderful, inspiring and lucid texts. I do hope I have listened correctly to my inner voice, to the My God in my heart, to my Spark of God, to my Atman.
The publication of a book of the first 100 blogs, in Dutch and in English, corrected properly by a native speaker, has resulted in a considerable delay in printing by a busy life and private circumstances. But we're almost there, maybe they will be published before 2018.
This is just a message in between from me.
Do You want to admit something?

My son, do I not have always to add something?
Does the world not need any messages from the spiritual world? Isn’t mankind not extremely confused by all the problems and risks of modern life? Is mankind not desperately looking for inner peace? Aren’t My texts a consolation and a proof of love, tolerance and wisdom? Aren’t you doing your outmost best to listen well, even if it does not always work? Will we not just continue, we together, I your Spark of God and you, My human being?

Am I not satisfied if one man is touched by a watchthegod blog in the solitude of his home? Or if anyone gets inspiration and looks differently and less narrow-minded to life than before? Or if anyone gets more hope or is better coping the problems of life through a beautiful blog? And is it not glorious if someone who lost faith in the servants of God on earth founds courage and opens up to God / Allah / Brahman / Jahweh with new insight or at least listens again to the signals of the spiritual world?

And you, My son, you are thinking of quitting the texts because you consider 400 texts as enough. But I do not want you to stop. I want you to take courage. I want you to leave your personal concerns for what they are. I want you to keep listening to Me and continue to do your best to send My messages into the world. I want that. And I know that you eventually find My will of more importance than your own will.
Be blessed for your service. It will be time for a new phase. Wait quietly and continue in the meantime loyally, My Messenger.

What You Want, My God.

Be blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 400

Thursday, 24 August 2017

A miracle in my personal life (Law of mercy, miracles, 5)

Many years ago, at my sister's request, I went to take drive lessons. She wanted to pay a part of my lessons. I had helped her and her children when her husband died of cancer.
I was very bad in driving lessons, but my instructor insisted after 33 lessons that I would give a try for an exam just for experience. But when I made in the last lesson just before the exam five capital mistakes, he admitted when I checked him out, that he was afraid that the exam would be broken up or even that I should crash his car. At the same time, his best student did exam as well, and we knew together who would succeed and who did not. I would do my best to let the exam not be broken up by my great incompetence.

I have to tell that my mother had told me that she would pray for me and afterwards she said she had prayed to my deceased brother-in-law that he had to help me because I had done so much for his wife and young children . But I did not know that. By the way my diseased brother-in-law was a very good and solid driver.

The night before, I had an dramatic nightmare, as well, about the exam and it went terribly. In short, everything did not look well for me.

The moment I took a seat next to the examiner, I got overwhelmed by a great peace of mind. I drove excellently, did the checking of the mirrors during driving as I never had  done before, and I even told the nightmare to the examiner while driving. It was like I did not drive for myself but was driven by a very experienced and good driver. I was very surprised, didn’t understand anything of this all and succeeded gloriously for my exam. My instructor could not believe it, certainly not when it appeared that his best student had failed completely. I am still astonished when I remember this. Of course, I've become a good driver, but during the first few months I have been driving full attention and in quiet areas.

My son, it's very simple. You were completely overshadowed by your brother-in-law, who had special permission to intervene. You deserved the succeeding, and your brother-in-law was, once went to a higher level, recalled by your mother's prayers. He was very pleased to be able to do something for you, you who had assisted his sad wife and young children with so much love and you distracted them a lot with your humour.
Not every deceased person is capable of doing this, but your brother-in-law possessed already great spiritual qualities, hence everything went smoothly.
Your brother-in-law is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 399

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Falling deeply and being almost unhurt (Law of mercy, miracles, 4)

Jack Fox, 14, stopped to take a photo on a rocky ledge during a school ski trip to Flattach, near Salzburg, Austria, in February 2015. A group of eight children were with an Austrian ski instructor when they took their skis off so they could take pictures of the scenery. But as Jack lined up his photo, he slid over the edge and plunged down the mountain-side. Despite falling the equivalent of two and a half Eiffel Towers, the Year 10 student survived with just ice burns to his arms.

Fox said, "I was crashing through ice and bouncing off rocks. It was terrifying. It felt like I was falling forever. I kept thinking 'How much more of this can I take?'" "Eventually I came to a halt. I checked everywhere to make sure I hadn't broken anything and it all seemed fine."

His cries for help were heard by an extreme skier and rescuers, who quickly arrived and airlifted him off the mountain. He was later handed the smashed ski helmet that saved his life, which had virtually disintegrated during the fall.

This boy is protected against an inevitably serious accident and even death. His destiny was different on earth than this, and then everything is possible. His body was during his fall wrapped in a kind of spiritual soft blanket, which could prevent him from physically hurt. The law of grace was put into effect because the spiritual world has good reasons, to no one’s concern, to plan a different path for him.
He is blessed.

My blessings to you all


Nr. 398

Monday, 7 August 2017

An improbable rescue (Law of mercy, miracles, 3)

A "mysterious voice" led rescuers to find child who survived for 14 hours in submerged car.
In March 2015, Lynn Jennifer Groesbeck, 25, lost control of her car and landed in the icy Spanish Fork River in Utah.
Fourteen hours later, first responders found her 18-month-old daughter, Lily, in her car seat hanging upside down just above frigid river water.
Prior to finding Lily, both police officers and firefighters report that they heard an adult voice yell "Help me!" from inside the car.
They discovered that the voice could not have come from the young mother, who likely died from the impact.
The rescuers still can’t explain the voice or how the girl survived hanging upside-down for 14 hours in freezing temperatures without being dressed for the cold.

The mother had died, but her daughter was not supposed to die too. She was saved by her guardian angel with a temporary blanket of heat so she would not cool down. The voice was of the mother herself, who was helped from out of the spiritual world to express herself in the physical world.
The daughter was saved by supernatural intervention.
The rescuers are blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 397

Monday, 31 July 2017

The voice within, from alcohol to sober (Law of mercy, miracles, 2)

I* went from being an alcoholic teenage preacher’s son to sober like an “off” switch at age 21 after five years of heavy drinking. I grew up in church, but as a young teen, I just had a rebel bone in me and got addicted to alcohol. I stayed drunk. On my 21st birthday, I had been drinking about eight hours straight and simply heard the voice of the Holy Spirit inside me say “Either do what I’ve called you to or I will not continue wrestling you.” It sounded so stern, however so loving! I was instantly sober. That just doesn’t happen. By the grace of God, I’m still sober years later! Praise the Lord!

Nr. 396

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Of course God intervenes regularly (Law of mercy, miracles, 1)

My God, can I ask you please?

I used to believe that all that happened was Your will.
Later on I started to believe in reincarnation and I was thinking that everything what was happening to man was his own fault.
Now I have understood from You that much of what is happening follows Your will but that much of life happens because of your laws as well. We are also part of the evolutionary laws and so things happen sometimes which are not meant to be. Then of course the spiritual world is ready for help but meanwhile it still has happened to us! Actually coincidence or bad luck, so to speak.

So now my struggle. You are almighty so all happens according to plan.
You are bound to Your own (for example evolutionary) laws so if a child dies from cancer, it may just be bad luck, weak genes, etc.

But in the world there are also plenty of stories in which the spiritual world appears to intervene and in which man experiences something inexplicable. I recall, for example, a baby that has fallen three high out of the window and turns to be fine. Or Saul beaten from his horse and suddenly becoming a follower of Christ. Or my piano teacher falling from a high staircase, frontally, carrying heavy bags, and suddenly feeling two hands under her armpits, lifting  her up safely and putting her downstairs.

Well, now I do not know anymore, when miracles do happen and why, even though almost nobody believes that anymore.
But You’ll know for sure what this is all about!

My son, I know what this is all about. You are not the only one who is struggling with it. Is this not the old story of man and his suffering? One wonders why is this happening to me?
What has God planned for?
What does God allow?
When does God intervene in accordance with particular insights and special laws?
I’ll go into these three scenarios.

1. Know that God has predestined a lot.
And always it is fair, necessary, useful, inevitable. God does not do this out of arbitrariness, but out of wisdom. And even if man complains and sighs and doesn’t wants this at all, he will once acknowledge that it was the best. So far so good.

2. Know that God also allows a lot.

What does that mean for heaven’s sake, if God is allowing something? If God allows something, does this imply God does not want it? Yes indeed, God does not want it. In one of the blogs is mentioned the example of someone who gets a tummy tumour because he was drinking too much coffee. God does not want to give him a tummy tumour, so he does not have to sigh: "It's God's will," because it's not. God's laws are working, and they will eventually bring the good man to insights. So it will be fine. And if it appears to be a terminal cancer, some genes are leading to this, then only God's laws are working, not God's will. Why would God cause to a mother a terminal cancer if she has to take care of her children? God sees that horrible suffering as well. And God does not want it either. If the Muslims say Inshallah, it's not always like that. Life on earth is full of danger, evolution knows hard laws, human life is not really safe. But this is for sure, during and at the end of this path full of adventures, God will collect this man with all the love that is to be forgiven in the cosmos.

3. Know that God regularly intervenes according to particular insights and special laws.

Now comes the confusing and exciting part: sometimes God intervenes against  the laws of the earth, against the laws of evolution, against the physical laws, because then another law is working: the law of mercy, and that is a higher and stronger law. That is why I call it a special law, because this law is applied less often to the earth than the laws you know. But the stories about it are numerous. Call it miracles. call it inexplicable. Many people deny the existence of these events. Or give them a strange explanation afterwards. Or forget about what has happened. But it's very simple. This is about a higher law.

And I can simply explain the background of miracles. A miracle is done to a human being if that person deserves it (so to speak non-believers as well), if that person has prayed a lot or if that person has a great faith. Otherwise not. And let man trust God It has a reason for a miracle!
And examples of miracles will be presented the next blogs to show the mercy of God and to give hope to mankind.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 395

Saturday, 15 July 2017

We do not know for sure what we are praying for

Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. ~Pat Alger, Larry Bastian, and Garth Brooks, "Unanswered Prayers"

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Man does not always know what he is praying for. Sometimes he should not get what he's praying for, and sometimes the best what can happen to him is something he is horrified about. Therefore, it is really wise to sigh always after prayer “but Your will will be done”. Then this man admits in his prayer that he is leaving the hearing of his prayer to God, and actually he says : “I do not know if my prayer must be heard, God. You know better”.
And so it is.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 394

Monday, 10 July 2017

The obstacle is the path (Zen proverb)

Would You like to comment on this proverb?

It’s true indeed.
The obstacle on the path is thus the actual task for man. How does he respond, how does he set about it, does he behave as a victim or does he make something of it?

But sometimes, the obstacle is a wandering path of misery and difficulties, and man drifts away from God more than ever. Of course never forever, because every detour is ultimately a path to God. But yet, what can man call out a misery on himself and his fellow human beings. What can the path of man through the obstacles on his way and his getting lost in endless addictions and sideways call out meekness and worries with his spiritual companions. It's not always good, on the contrary.

So there is a point in this proverb.
Certainly there is, because this saying evokes you not to get lost in the distant goal, for  the world of desire has an ever-waving horizon. And so you're postponing your happiness. This proverb calls you out to be alert, calls you out to be in the present, calls you out to say yes to everything.

For this is a thing, that much of your attention and energy and happiness are getting lost, because you are fixated on the goal of the path. And in the meanwhile, time passes, in the meanwhile precious moments in the present are getting lost because you do not pay attention.
Yes, paying attention is the proper expression. Because not only the obstacle on the path is an important issue, but a path without obstacles is an important issue too.

The path of man is all he has, really all. For achieving the goal is not always what it seemed to be. And the path, that's really all man has. Enjoy it, I may say, and say yes to the obstacles, in this way you are quite zen.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 393

Sunday, 2 July 2017

The human soul is indestructible (Alice Miller, 5)

For the human soul is virtually indestructible, and its ability to rise from the ashes remains as long as the body draws breath (Alice Miller)

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I wanted you to keep this saying by Alice Miller till the end. Indeed, did the Christ not keep the best wine till the end?
And God personally ensures that even after the death of the body the human soul will be more indestructible than ever.

But the subject of consideration that Alice Miller makes is thus.
There is an incredibly beautiful power in man, which will always prevail, which is indestructible, is stronger than earthly life, often more powerful emerging from the misery and grief of earthly life than before.

Oh, the servants of God sing of the power of God expressed in the human soul. Indestructible blessing, talent for man, pure power, triumphant eternity, spiritual jewel, saviour of man, loving blessing, cherisher of sorrow, keeper of secrets, precious diamond polished on the anvil of earthly suffering.
Soul of man, be blessed.
May Alice Miller be blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 392

Monday, 26 June 2017

Children are messengers of happiness and grief (Alice Miller, 4)

Would You like to comment on this issue? I really feel that this is a key to healing.

My son, like guardian angels are messengers of the spiritual world, so is the hidden child in man the messenger of what has been of happiness and sorrow. And as guardian angels are always messengers of healing, even though the message is sometimes painful, in the same way the child in man is also a messenger of healing, even though it is painful. The truth will set you free.
And the more the child in man is seen and cherished and cared for and welcomed and the more man is talking to that child and the more the child is listened to by that person, the closer healing will be nearby.

And know that when an adult talks to a child in his surroundings, that automatically the hidden and perhaps oppressed child from within will waken up and gets closer to the heart and becomes more likely to be discovered.

Oh child in the surroundings, what a blessing can you be for the grown up man!
Oh man, associate with children, even every now and then!

The child in every man is blessed.
Alice Miller is blessed.

My blessings to you all, My children
Nr. 391

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Sorrow from the past may influence the future (Alice Miller, 3)

“The more we idealized the past, however, and refuse to acknowledge our childhood sufferings, the more we pass them on unconsciously to the next generation.” *

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The child in man’s life is enormously manifest in the present and determines much of behaviour, especially the unconscious behaviour. And in big decisions, in extreme difficulties and at important moments, the child determines in man more than the reasonable person realizes.

And this child in man is, as Alice Miller has described, in fact always violated, treated unfairly, disappointed in the adults or infected by a parent.

And this mistreated child determines in fact the decisions of man, so to speak more than man realizes. For example, some adults never acquire a partner, or end up in a life of addictions or depression,  precisely by this hidden suffering child in them. And only if man accepts and feels compassion for this suffering child, one can go on. And what most people do is draw a veil over their childhood. And thus continue to carry a greater burden lifelong , with more influence on their lives than necessary.

And God does not argue to send everybody in therapy. A good therapy may lead man to his own abused child. But a nice encounter, a clear dream, a open-minded person, an insight, intense prayers or a deep relationship with God may be supportive as well. Man may start to love  that little hidden child in the inner self. And many things can be solved then and healed.
Alice Miller may be blessed.

My blessings to you all
*Alice Miller, For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence

Nr. 390