Sunday, 2 April 2017

The creature consoles the Creator

My God, though all religions may be what they are, so before Easter I would like like to go the Catholic way. I came across this sentence which Mother Mary is saying against Jesus her son just before he is facing his torture and his death:

“Because we know that our obedience comforts the eternal father. Oh! For me in particular what that thought is! I, a creature, have been granted, to console my creator!”*

Would You like to comment on this?

My son, how could I not comment on this, the great subject for God Who has mankind under Its care? This is the fascination of every Spark of God Who is working day and night for the spiritual development of Its earthly creature. I will love to go into this.

You console Me when you
  • think of Me
  • your heart opens up to the suffering of a fellow man
  • lighten a person's life by your affection and jokes
  • become silent at the beauty of a flower
  • acknowledge My power and strength, when you think about life
  • you nourish and cherish and protect your beautiful body from decay and addiction
  • read in a conversation with someone between the lines of his words and suspect the hidden suffering and secret vulnerability
  • forsake your ego
  • you feed your personality by letting Me on the throne of your inner self
  • behold My will and laws of more importance than the world with its allurements
In short, if you diligently listen to Me and obeys Me.
You are blessed for bringing the world in memory of this phrase.

My blessings to you all
*MariaValtorta, The Poem of the Man-God, Vol 5 p. 232

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