Thursday, 3 May 2018

Isn’t the health of the body a miracle?


If I may ask You?
A while ago I had a swearing finger that started to look so bad, that I thought it would never be okay, because it appeared to be a sausage, ugly and dirty as my right ring finger looked like. And after a day of antibiotics, everything started to heal gradually. And recently, in my left eye, I had a virus infection so horrible to see with bloodshot and swelling white of the eye just around my intact pupil, that I thought to grow blind the next day and lose my eye. Without any medicine my body itself has won the battle against this infection.

Everything is healthy again, but I am so shocked by the vulnerability of my health, by what can happen to me and apparently how excellently my body is capable of keeping all dangers and swelling and rotting and risks out of the door. It is too beautiful everything, it is a wonder that everything is working so well. How can a man not believe in Your power and that of Your spiritual servants? Would You like to comment on this?

My son, how can I leave this subject. God's works on earth are described so beautifully by you. The healing spirits, the beauty of the body, the resilience and protection against viruses and bacteria, the ability to overcome wounds and ulcers, the intelligence that lies behind the most beautiful and complex body on earth, namely that of man with his brain capacity !

But there is something else. The vulnerability that you speak about and that you have experienced. Proud and powerful men forget that vulnerability, but the unfortunate, the poor, the sick, the tormented men really know her. But the successful ones have forgotten her and think that they have everything under control. Until there is a car accident, a cancer or a heart attack which force them as well to realize that the vulnerability of the human body has arrived. Life-size and permanently she is always present, the humble know that. And suddenly she may become manifest and visible in a lifetime and then she will overwhelm the proud ones. And wise is this man who knows this, who realizes this and who thereby enjoys, enjoys intensely what is not self-evident, namely his beautiful and healthy body, living proof of the omnipotence, the works and the mysteries of God.

My blessings to you all

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