Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge
- meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life
is love - enjoy it Sai Baba
My God, do You consider this saying from Sai
BaBa fitting with Pentecost?
My son, that's what it does.
It is about
- the opportunities that God offers to men
- the joy that God scatters on earth
- the love of the Mother God for Her children
- the peace-giving pigeon of the Father-Mother God
- the divine consciousness wavering out of the spiritual world over ALL men but only felt by men of goodwill
- the Son and Daughter of God manifested on earth
- the heart of man that is open to purity
- the Holy Spirit, the breath of the Mother God that feeds Her children with eternal food
- the Dove, the caressing gentle hand of the Mother who touches Her children
- the breath of God that touches believing and unbelieving people in the heart
- The energy of God special felt by all men with an loving heart.
My blessings to you all
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