My God, I recently experienced a miracle. It seems small, but for me it was important. I was a bit worried about a bill I suddenly had to pay and wondered from whom I could borrow the money for it? Then a good old friend called me and said she wanted to give me a sum of money just because she was thinking of me and could easenly miss the money. And it was exactly the sum I needed. It is not only a money thing, but I suddenly felt so intensely that we are not alone and that the spiritual world, if possible and allowed, immediately arranges something to help.
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My son, one
of My favourite subjects.
spiritual world is genuinely pleased when a person is helped by Us and
recognizes the help as such and knows that a miracle has happened. For a
miracle is nothing else than help from the spiritual world according to
insights and connections you can not see and understand.
For how
does it work?
You have a
financial problem, and a friend of yours with money gets the idea to call you
and is giving you exactly that amount that you need?
Are We not knowing everything?
Are We not capable of everything?
Do We not see everything?
Do We not understand everything?
Do We not help always?
Do We not support always?
Do We not cooperate with man and his fate?
There is nothing more to say about it.
Except two more things.
If a person has difficulties and he does not seem to be helped, that is not true. The spiritual world always helps, but not always visibly, not always clearly to man, and sometimes the problem is exactly what Our help has to be.
And the other thing is this, God can not make from 1 plus 1 altogether 3. The evolutionary world knows her own way and her own problems and disasters. But especially when man comes across an evolutionary disaster that is not meant to be and does not fit in his fate. And so to speak is just having a bad luck and being in the wrong place and in the wrong time. Than the spiritual world works harder than ever with help and with miracles, even if it does not seems so.
Miracles happen every day.
My blessings to you all
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