Sunday, 23 September 2018

When we lose God, it is not God who is lost (Author unknown)

Would You like to comment on this saying?

And so it is.
This person is always lost, oh not in the eyes of God but in their own thoughts and feelings.
God cherishes these men even more than It cherishes the believers. Why?

Because they have lost the hope for eternity.
Because they do not seek comfort where it can be found.
Because they are lonely and they are having delusions about the meaninglessness of life. Because they have no perspective.
Because they do not see and acknowledge the everlasting and omnipresent spiritual help.
Because they are lost for themselves in a random cold cosmos where death seems to be the end.

And they do not know.

That they are living in a world of perspective and hope.
That they are being carried by God Itself.
That they are loved in their whole being.
That they are seen in their supposed secrets.
That they are not alone in a cold cosmos, but that they are living in a world of love.
That they should have hope because of the infinite beautiful world that is waiting for them.

And they will experience

That they after their passing away will be stunned, without exception, for their foolishness and ignorance on earth.
That they will be ashamed of their obstinacy.
That this disbelief though has taught them a lot about loneliness and sorrow and isolation.
That they are  confronted with a God Who forgives everything, straightens everything, makes everything well and heals everything.

They are blessed in their ignorance.

My blessings to you all

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