Sunday, 27 October 2019

The age of I and me is childishly busy

My God, in an interview with a Dutch pedagogue, Gert Biesta, about growing up, he described how the upbringing of children should be aimed at maturing, and that solidarity, the focus on the other, should become more important than the focus on the self. And then he noticed that the desire for an identity of his own can become childishly, because ...

Ultimately it is not about who you are, but how you are

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This touches one of the great principles in the spiritual world. When you arrive over there, you are not asked who you are, what you believe and what you have thought, but how you have lived and how you have responded.  
“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” , such as the great Son of Man has spoken.

How do you stand in life, how do you respond to difficulties, how do you look and listen to the other, how concerned are you with the fate of the other, of the society, of beauty, of the Earth mother, of nature? "Who you are" is peanuts for God, "how you are" is the measure by which God weighs your destiny on the golden scales of eternity.
Gert Biesta is blessed.
My blessings to you all

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