Sunday, 10 November 2019

A reward from God for my grief about a past friend

A while ago I lost a very good old friend, who had had a difficult life (and I heard that later on, she was found dead in her house only after nine days).

Between the day I learned of her death and the mourning ceremony, one evening I was crying terribly about her life. I wept about her loneliness, her suffering, her illness, I wept bitter tears about her life, not really out of my grief, but about her suffering. In that weeping, I asked the good God for a sign of life from the spiritual world so that I would know if her misery was perhaps over and she had moved on to a better life.

A day later I sat in my living room with music and candles and incense quietly enjoying the silence and peace in my inner self. I really didn't even think about my friend, maybe I had wept enough tears. I didn't think about her. I enjoyed my own life and my inner peace.

And suddenly I was brought into contact with such a holy feeling that I turned off the music. I knew it had to do with my friend, I was connected to the atmosphere in which she had ended up and felt how liberated and happy she was and how everything everything everything about her life was forgotten and forgiven, as cigarette smoke blows away in a strong wind. She was liberated, intensely grateful and terribly happy and she had a totally healthy "body."

I was so thankful being able to experience this, and I was in awe of the sanctity of the atmosphere with which I had been brought into contact and knew that it was justified because my friend had also had a pure personality and a great, forgiving and loving heart.

And I said to God, thank you thank you thank you for allowing me to experience this. I am now reconciled to everything and I am no longer worrying about her.
And I heard:

"Your tears have paid the price for this contact."

And I was so surprised because I hadn't made the connection between my compassion for her suffering and this experience. I thanked God, and knew how good God is for us.

My son, everything is connected with everything, you have now experienced that again. You all would be so surprised if you saw in what great and godwilled context you are living. You would certainly feel more reassured.

My blessings to you all

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