Sunday, 25 December 2022

You can choose for love

I learned that the world can only be endured if you decide to love it (Mevlüde Genç)

My God, may I ask You. I read this quote from a Turkish woman who experienced how two daughters and two granddaughters were killed in an arson by racists.  And yet she has been an example of tolerance and love throughout her (further) life.

Would You like to comment on this?  

This is then indeed a Christmas message, my son, while Mevlüde Genç is a Muslim. She has learned what love is and in a terrible situation still has chosen for love, and not for hate. I say chosen, because she herself says she can only tolerate the world if you decide to love it.

And this is the Christmas message for all people of good will.

If you start to realize that you choose all day, all day long, why not choose the good? Is life that simple? Just choosing the good?

Yes and no.  

No, because it is so understandable if a person becomes unhappy due to a bad upbringing, severe accident or a lot of bad luck and starts to hate life. 

Yes, because you don't have to. Time and time again you start your life. You choose again and again. Again and again you can ask yourself what is best for yourself and for the other person.

And then is choosing for happiness more convenient than choosing for unhappiness. Then is choosing for love easier than choosing for hate. And then is realizing that you always choose is more drastic than feeling like a mere victim and blaming the world.

And such a world also becomes unbearable then. 

Mevlüde Genç is blessed.  

My blessings to you all

No 544

Saturday, 3 December 2022

Patience is bitter but its fruits sweet

Patiently  waiting is a beautiful activity, in your world still so unknown and unloved. In waiting lies a jewel, a gift, that will reveal itself when the time comes. So, wait, rejoice, and above all have faith that We will put everything in your hands when you are ready"

My God, my friend Merel heard these words for me a few years ago, when I was in a very difficult and seemingly hopeless situation. Would You like to comment on this?

My son, that's actually not necessary. This text of her My God is completely satisfactory.  Maybe this: you suffered a lot from a certain situation. And actually you are still happy every day just because of the simple fact that this situation is over, has been solved. And that's that gift, that jewel that's being talked about. And the greater your patience was, and the more unbearable the situation, the greater the liberation and happiness afterwards.  Isn’t that a jewel?

Your friend Merel is blessed.  

My blessings to you all

No 543

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

The bright future of mankind and mother nature

When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as  the warriors of the Rainbow Chief Tatanka

My God, this is what it is, the core of all Your future predictions. Comforting but also disturbing. Would You like to comment on this? 

That's what I will do.

I have much to add to this, such as about the timetable, how intense it will be for today's mankind, the animal and plant world, in short for mother earth in  general and for all the lifes she has cherished in her bosom for millions of years. But I don't. A lot has been said before in previous blogs, but of course never enough. I deliberately limit myself here to two comments.

Chief Tatanka predicts a new tribe and so it will be.

This tribe will fully realize the harmony that the American Indians had with nature but then as mankind as a whole. That will be the gift of the Indians.

She will have internalized the sense of community and equality of the Chinese race. That will be the gift of the Chinese.

She will have realized the sense of independence and freedom of the North American USA peoples. That will be the gift of the Americans. 

She will live the brotherhood of the Russians. That will be the gift of the Russians.

She will live an inner religion without priests and religions. That will be the gift of the New Age. 

She will live the emancipation of women in Europe. That will be the gift of Europeans.

She will treat the animals and plants as her brothers and sisters. That will be the gift of the lonely activists in the environmental field.  

She will still live many talents and gifts of other peoples on the earth, does not let any “tribe” feel disadvantaged in this list.

And this new tribe will not be perfect, for I have said before that mankind still has a long beautiful but difficult road to go before the earth will have passed to a planet of Light and Love.

But so it will be and mother earth will then begin to evolve thousands of animal and plant varieties in the vast areas that will again be at her disposal on earth, as described in an earlier blog


But more importantly, My son, and this is my second comment: this tribe will look back with incomprehension and horror at this time in which mankind behaves like an all-destroying, ruthless and cruel animal species. In the same way that you now look back on the history of slavery.  

Meanwhile, take heart.  

My blessings for you all

No 542

Monday, 17 October 2022

Compassion for the other

My good God, You probably wants to comment on this? 

Yes, I do.

This is about pure love, my son, when one person realizes this or remembers it when he meets the other. Everyone, almost without exception, struggles with problems, difficulties, worries, addictions or grief for a loved one. Everyone. Welcome to this imperfect but beautiful planet. Your humans are developing, and it is a long and painful and worrisome road from former ape to consciously living spiritual man.

And beautiful life experiences contribute indeed to this but actually even more great difficulties. They are better able to grab a person by “his balls”, by shaking him up or increasing his understanding of the suffering of the other. Because if you have experienced a lot yourself, you are careful not to judge someone else. At least if the process went well. If someone becomes bitter or psychiatric due to difficulties, other things are also needed.

Most of the time difficulties bring a person closer to consciousness, spiritual growth and thus closer to God, whether that person realizes it or not. So....... 

Good human being, realize that every human being you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about and your compassion, your understanding, your love even for your fellow man grow enormously only when you remember this. So be nice, always. Because that is desperately needed in these derailing times.  

My blessings to you all

No 541

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Overcoming addictions on earth is less painful than in after life

Thus, in his weakness and worldly habit, each one will find a certain cross, which will prepare him much more pain in the spiritual world, if he has not overcome it in this world completely or largely victoriously, with much less difficulty*


My God, may I ask You.

I have already experienced a few times now, that someone has not overcome an earthly addiction and sometimes even dies because of that earthly addiction. And now I came across this quote from Jakob Lorber. Actually, I think it's intense, would You like to comment on this?

Of course I do so.

Why is this intense, isn't it rather logically and justly, understandably and usefully arranged in this way?  

Let’s recall someone who is addicted to alcohol and therefore dies ten years earlier in great solitude. Because the negative consequences of alcohol are among other things a destruction of the body and a deformity of character, so that someone becomes aggressive, intolerant, evil and unloving to the loved ones in his environment, and therefore logically becomes very alone in life. Who wants such a person?

This person is of course lovingly taken care of in the spiritual world and receives beneficial attention and a restoration of his spiritual body, which is deformed and weakened by the earthly consequences of alcohol abuse. And it doesn't take spiritual guidance to make this person realize very quickly that he has wasted his life. And because the person craving alcohol obviously does not get a drop of alcohol served, We like the best approach here, someone quickly comes to clarity and insights.

We leave aside here someone who has become so evil on earth that he becomes a demon in the spiritual world and remains bound to the earth and tries to incite others to alcohol abuse in order to experience something of the alcohol rush. These are insane exceptions. 

I'm talking about a nicely raised person with a good heart, who has nevertheless been derailed.

And there is that person, looking back on his earthly life. Do you know how horrible regret is, My Son? Intense excruciating all-consuming regret when one gets the insight that one could have done otherwise, that one has made wrong choices, that one has been weak to oneself. When in fact one should have dealt with oneself ruthlessly. Intense regret, and even though everything in the spiritual world is put right and one is given thousands of opportunities to make up for everything one has done wrong, one would have wanted otherwise and this realization will continue for centuries. Not because God wants it, not because it has to be, but because one for oneself cannot forget the memory of this wasted life, even though one has  forgiven oneself.

Thus, in his weakness and worldly habit, each one will find a certain cross, which will prepare him much more pain in the spiritual world, if he has not overcome it in this world completely or largely victoriously,  with much less difficulty

And now we come to the most important thing.   On earth, a person can really tackle an addiction or largely overcome it with less effort. But that is what one must want.  And that is the core of the regret in the spiritual world, one then comes to realize that one did not really want to. That one always has chosen the pleasures of addiction. Because addiction really means nothing more than being a slave. And it is a horrifying realization “here above” when one comes to realize that one wanted to remain a slave. And a person who overcomes his addiction on earth stops being a slave. I cannot describe to you the joy of everyone who arrives in the spiritual world and then makes contact with the intense relief that one has overcome the addiction on earth and not too late in the spiritual world.

So, My son, the words of Jakob Lorber are not intense, but bear witness to a glorious truth. Intense is someone who dies as an addict. 

And the above story applies to all addictions and pernicious habits, even though each addiction or pernicious habit has a different price.  

All addicts are nevertheless blessed. 

My blessings to you all

*Jakob Lorber, Heavenly gifts (Hi, New revelations, II p. 221.6)   

No 540

Sunday, 11 September 2022

Where does mankind stand spiritually?

My God, may I ask You?

The blogs radiate a nice optimism, that everything will be fine with mankind in the end. But eventually. But when will this be? Even the rigorous intervention of mother nature so that mankind will conform to a respectful relationship with mother earth does not make man an e angel. When will mankind ever be very close to the spirit and very far from the beast?

My son, give mankind tens of thousands of years. How could it be otherwise? Every millimetre of spiritual civilization must be fought for by mankind. Each step forward in the evolution from beast to spirit takes time. Look at the evolution of the animal world. How many thousands of years are needed to develop new species, how many millions of years were not needed for the dinosaurs to evolve into birds? So be patient. Very patient.  

Accept that mankind is imperfect, that there are still many steps to be taken, that the spiritual world has and is taking the time to let evolution do its work. And that applies equally to mankind.


Meanwhile, every human being is after the physical death of the body saved for eternity, at whatever stage of development. His spiritual body will continue to evolve in the spiritual world and there the development can sometimes be faster than on earth, but above all get time enough. God is in no hurry and has much patience. So be comforted. Almost everybody is saved for eternity. Everyone gets all the opportunities in the world. Almost everyone will pass the glorious way from beast to spirit, if it is not on earth then it is in the spiritual world.

Only a very small proportion of the spirits and angels/devils who after all refuse to surrender to the will of God will be destroyed after an endless number of chances. And their name will no longer be heard in the cosmos. But those are exceptions.   

And in the meantime, the evolution of this small, beautiful but afflicted planet with a relatively low level of mankind is progressing steadily and everything is going according to plan.  

My blessings to you all

No 539 

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Becoming nothing for God

"We apparently do not dare to trust that there is a love so unconditional that we do not have to do anything for it"

"We exist in the love that is omnipresent in God: Becoming nothing before God, living in surrender"

(Sören Kierkegaard)


Well my good God, we'll just take the whole bite. What beautiful texts that a person writes down and apparently feels and experiences. I think I would especially like it if you comment on that becoming nothing for God, that really does not seem very modern in these days. 

But let's do what you wish, and go into the following sentence:

“Become nothing before God, live in surrender"

Western man will not really like "becoming nothing", but if you say becoming quiet it comes in the direction of what seems acceptable. But that's really it: becoming nothing, becoming quiet, listening, forgetting yourself for a moment, being in the here and now and parking all those thoughts about the past and the future, resting, doing nothing.

Indeed, we have already said much about God's unconditional love for man, and that you do not have to do anything to be deeply loved by God in a great and unconditional love. And blogs have also appeared about your existence in the omnipresent love of God. And also there has already been talked a lot about how you are everything with God and nothing without God.

All this makes that a man is and God then can let Itself be experienced in man. If only with an immense feeling of relaxation, letting go, inner silence, space. And then as a human being you quickly enter a state of wanting nothing, doing nothing, wishing nothing, not waiting for anything and is surrender not very tangible then, very real? 

In short, living in surrender is no more than being willing again and again to exchange the turmoil of the ego and its basic tendency to want more or to want to get rid of something for a state of surrender.

It all seems insurmountable in this dynamic world of thousands of impulses and needs, but it is simply this question: what do you choose as a human being again and again? And if you always choose the inner peace, you will eventually live in surrender. And then as a human being you have automatically become nothing for God, and then God can work through you to the maximum and therefore you can then be everything to mankind. 

My blessings to you all

No 538


Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Keep smiling in life

My friend Merel had another revelation:

On a beautiful day I was cycling in the Twiske, a nature reserve near Amsterdam. To my great indignation I saw that there was once again a lot of waste after an event there. In addition, that week, cycling to work, or walking through city parks, the view of a lot of garbage and junk next to garbage bins, just indifferently wafted away.

I was completely taken for it and sighed to my Angel/God "How can I be a little happy or happy in a world where there is so much bluntness and rudeness towards nature; ruthlessly, man continues with destruction!" ?

It remained quiet for a moment and then I heard

"Dear Child, go down laughing..."

At first I thought huh.. what is this..?

But I finally understood that the downward line is as necessary as the ascending one in the sphere of relativity, and that in Eternity all this is only a small bump; ugly yes, but seen with mildness in God's eyes; like a naughty and stupid school class.   

These where the words of Merel.

Would You like to comment on this?


How could I do otherwise, my good son. And what a revelation from the My God of Merel. Actually, nothing should be added to it.

Yes it is a revelation. Because the big question is, "How does man keep up in his inner  self when the world around him collapses?"

In the blogs, sufficient attention has been paid to what is to come, despite Our desire to be optimistic, to inspire confidence and to sketch a beautiful and glorious perspective to all people. 

But there has also been spoken of the great changes that are coming so that Mother Nature can move forward with mankind, but in Her terms. And that's going to be a downfall, for a lot of people, a lot of animals, a lot of plants, a lot of nature.

How, then, does man behave? To speak with the sinking of the Titanic.

Running around madly and drowning in the cold water or making music and waiting in good company with a drink for the waves.

In short: in panic and confused and forgetting that one is human and there is more than earthly problems or in all confidence with a smile facing doom, the promise of eternity in memory. 

The latter seems to me to be more pleasant, more spiritual and more witnessing of self-control, trust and faith.

But there is still something I want to add.

Live the whole life smiling

For the world is a spectacle, your ego endearing, your suffering relative, your future in the spiritual world glorious.

Know that the spirit of humour should be a very important, if not the most important spirit in your life.

In any case, she is the most important helper of God. 

Your friend Merel is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

No 537

Friday, 29 July 2022

Frenkie visits a mosque (part 2, because of the length of the blog it has been released in two parts)

"I could be a Muslim". 

I felt so strongly that all this would be enough to come to God, to experience God, to be helped to live a devout life, without fuss, without superstition, without distractions. Purely and simply the devotion to God, the worship of God, a life of purity and simplicity.

The Imam also read some sentences in Dutch:

"Do not let a person who is convinced of the existence of Allah and the afterlife, bother his neighbours! 

Let a person who is convinced of the existence of Allah and the afterlife, treat his guests well.  Let a person, who is convinced of Allah and the afterlife, speak something useful or silence.

Of course, one can only agree with that.

At some point all the men stood, women were sitting separately somewhere in the gallery of the building, in a row and then the impact was so strong, along with the singing, that I felt that everyone was one, only God counted, and all were children of the same God indiscriminately. And it reminded me strongly, actually my feelings did, of communion in a Catholic church and the application of a Bindi on the forehead in a Hindu temple. 

Moving, heart-warming, powerful, devotional, radiating unity.

We stayed behind for a while, because we wanted to speak with the Imam, but it was very pleasant, so afterwards enjoying everything. We also lost a bit a sense of time, did it took half an hour, an hour, two hours, we didn't know.  

For days everything kept vividly and I like that the Imam said that we were always very welcome. He gave us a few booklets that we really weren't allowed to pay for. He actually said "no, no, we're not talking about money here".   

Will You comment on this, please?

You could be a Muslim, it occurred to you. 

My son, you are a Muslim, because you are "a man who surrenders". Haven't you been doing that all your life? 

But you mean in religion to be a Muslim, so leave the Catholic Church and join the Islam. 

Thank you for your openness, for your receptivity and your honesty. That's quite a lot, as a "writer of these ecumenical blogs". But hadn't you asked my son in advance for the spirit of humility and the spirit of Islamic devotion?

And they touched you, obviously. And that's how it should be, because you wanted to listen, experience, understand. And with such openness, I, your God, your YHWH, your Allah, can hear to the maximum.

You described how special you thought it was when everyone stood in a line, all in the same way their hands receptively directed at Allah, the imam sang a Surah and you literally felt as if this was what the Catholics experience during the distribution of communion, and the Hindus when they get the bindi from the Pandit.

It is not the same, even not from a spiritual perspective.

But I deliberately let rest here what the similarities or differences are. Because they are not important in this context.

Importantly, you have experienced a culmination in the mosque, of the prayer of the faithful in their unity. And the Imam was pleasantly surprised that you told him that you were very touched by this and that this seemed to be the highlight of the meeting here.

Of course it is the best that you did not make the comparison with the Catholics and the Hindus because this Orthodox imam could not have confirmed that. However, you could safely express that it was a highlight of the devotion and reverence for Allah and that on that moment all were equal without distinction of person and thus all children of Allah. The imam could only confirm this.

Much more has happened and seen and experienced by you what you now let  rest here because of the length of the blog. That's good, but one thing I want to emphasize.

The gate with Oriental tiles that symbolically refers to Mecca, like all mosques in the world and the imam's explanation of this when you spoke to him afterwards.

This gate contributes enormously to the power and energetic effect of the mosque on the faithful. It has a big impact, because of the imagination and the symbolism, but also literally because the gate says: you are not alone here in this mosque. There are many of you. You are connected to all other Muslims around the world. And in that sense it resembles to the Catholics who are united in one world church under the Pope. One religion all over the world. And the impact of that is big. 

In addition, the imam emphasized that one is focused on Mecca and the Black stone not as superstition but that both refer to Allah alone. And that's how it should be. 

Your niece and you are blessed. 

My blessings to you all

No 536

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Frenkie visits a mosque (part 1, because of the length of the blog it has been published in two parts)

A niece of mine has good contacts because of her work on a school with the Imam of the mosque on the Wagenstraat in The Hague. We were welcome for a prayer service.

The mosque is located in a former synagogue, which was used by the Jewish community in The Hague. Until 1975 it was still used as a synagogue, but because the community had been decimated by the war, it had to be closed. In 1981 it was used as a mosque by the Turkish community.

Upon arrival we are immediately welcomed by believers who did not know that we would come, the Imam is not there yet. They offer us tea or water. Everybody is so friendly and welcoming, we feel welcome and are greeted by everyone even though we are clearly two strangers in their midst. The Imam also welcomes us nicely and my niece can sit next to me in the mosque, although the stay for women is upstairs. So you can see everything, said the imam. That was a  nice gesture for her.

We enter and I am immediately touched by the incredible silence and power that prevails there. I know that's because people have been praying there since 1842. The silence, the peace, the refined energy of devotion, literally I feel that here is a gateway to heaven. From the blogs I know that here too there is a temple of energy and a transformation house of energy at the service of many people. It is very nice to be there, and even though we know nothing about the rituals of the Muslims, we sit quietly on a bench in the back and let everything come up as it goes. It's a grace to sit there.

The service starts with a number of Surahs from Ali-Imran, one of the chapters of the Qur'an, we later understand from the Imam, who answers our questions after the "service".  Furthermore, the imam also reads some verses and I found them later on in my Dutch Qur'an, and it reads: "Only in Your hand is the good. And Thou hast power over all things. " (End of verse 27).

I personally find the singing of the Surahs in that typical Arabic timbre overwhelming. It feels so primal, ancient, eternal almost, so magical, so relaxing and what I experienced the most was an all-intoxicating energy that came to me and said: "There is only one God and that is Allah. Only one God, nothing else, the rest is superstition, is secondary, does not matter. Turn only to God, there is nothing else to wish for, to feel, to experience."

I was completely captivated by it. Especially because it was a beautiful male voice and the beautiful atmosphere in this centuries-old house of prayer, the devotion, the silence of the people present, all this made me think at a certain moment:

"I could be a Muslim"   ,

Now the first part of my God's answer, when I asked:  will You comment on this, please?

I like to do so. Now it has come about, after the visits to Protestant services and a Hindu temple. 

You felt welcome, even though you were clearly strange. You have experienced the hospitality of the "eastern" world, in this case the Turkish one, and it is true, sincere and fully expressed. This is what one wants and this is what one can do. Wonderful feature of these peoples. And know that one could never, never, never forget the inner civilization not to act on this.

This House of Prayer has indeed been in function as a place of devotion for longer than the mosque when it was still a synagogue. And the spiritual temple has only grown since then, because the devotion, the love for YHWH/God, the humility, the setting aside of the ego, the prayer, the willingness to let go of everything and to focus on God/YHWH/Allah have continued. From synagogue to mosque. Is that ecumenical or what? After all, God does not practice religion. This is what you have felt and experienced, my son, and it is still truthfully a house of God and a gateway to heaven. How could one not feel this if one is receptive? One is automatically taken into the spiritual energy of heaven.

Singing the Surahs touched you and so you have experienced an energy of centuries and a power and impact of 1500 years of devotion and surrender within Islam. Of course, you were immediately and completely touched by it. Do this more often my son because the power of the sung Surah's and the healing effect of this on your body and mind are available.

But also for the mosques applies, empty mosques and full shopping streets. What a waste of the grace of God and the spiritual world available to the people and ignored by the people except those who come.

And know that these energies also reach out beyond the mosque itself. The neighbourhood around it, the city of The Hague, even an entire region benefit from the spread of this mercy of Allah/God for the people.  

My blessings to you all

No 535

Saturday, 9 July 2022

The promise of God to man

My God, would You like to say something about what You think of us, not especially of me, but how does the My God of every human being now considers Its man and Its work for that man? 

I'm happy to go into this subject. The My God of every human being is equally considering this. So I just tell My perception and that is pretty similar to the Others.

First of all, I am focused on your survival. And that means that I guide the process from the birth of your spiritual body and then, not the other way around, the creation of your foetus. But that's basically a cinch. For the rule is that every human being on earth, however undeveloped, with his spiritual body "behind" him, is assured of survival after the physical death of the body. This also happens with the expulsion of a foetus of less than a week, for example with abortion. In that sense, it's a murder, but We're leaving this topic to rest here.

In fact, the rest of human life is an endless series of experiences, choices, fates, and luck or bad luck. In all cases, therefore, man is assured of survival. And that's the whole goal. God wants the former ape, the evolutionary being who otherwise dies on earth, to be saved for eternity, partly by an "indwelling" Spark of God and so to have a place in God's dwellings.

I, as your My God, loves you. I cherish your choices for the good, prepare for your choices for evil, want you to be happy, but do not get off the path if you are unhappy. Even though I look at everything with compassion and of course do everything to support from the perspective of what I can and what I will. I prefer to participate in an extensive series of life experiences of various calibers, so that you arrive in the spiritual world with a good dose of experience. Nice if you have led a happy life but even better if you have led a life rich in experiences and insights. That’s what I prefer. So I'm not necessarily focused to see you happy.  Rather resilient, or flexible or open-minded. Happiness is a bonus. But I'd rather you bump your head horribly and gain great insights with that experience than that you live a calm and sedate life without worries. That does not yield much, something but not much.

But then misfortune, or bad luck, or suffering, or sadness or pain or illness, oh how much they bring to man. More than health, happiness or satisfaction. Even though those positive experiences also bring a lot. But I also know that a person can perish from illness, suffering, sorrow and therefore from despondency. And that is not the intention now. So I save you when it gets too bad, I soften the suffering, when it becomes unbearable to you. I lift you up when you seem to perish from the swamp on earth. I'll give you insights if you seem to get stuck in old grooves, wrong patterns or hopeless addictions.

But above all, My precious son, I love you. I cherish you. I forgive you a thousand times. I forgive your nonchalance, your unsuspectingness, your lovelessness, your selfishness, your self-indulgence. I forgive you for polluting your own nest, poor Mother Nature. I forgive you a thousand times. And I look at your life with a mother's love for her little girl, with a father's love for his son, with a parent's love for ALL the child's shortcomings.

In love I experience your birth, in love you growing up, in love your adult life and in love I look at your old age. And when the day comes when your old body gives up, and your spiritual body arrives in the spiritual world, I welcome it with all the love that God has in Itself, no matter how paltry the state of that spiritual body is. For God heals all wounds, God cares for all pain, God cherishes all sorrow, and God ultimately erases all the suffering of Its human being.

And then comes the beautiful long road to reunification between the My God and Its human being. This can be done in a short time but can also take many thousands of years. God has the time. So every My God takes Its time. Beautiful future, beautiful promise, dear future cherished by Us: helping a former ape with a short earthy life to develop into a spiritual man for eternity with ultimately the beauty of an angel, but the free will of God.   

My blessings to you all 

No. 534

Saturday, 25 June 2022

It’s your world, pay attention

It’s your world, pay attention (Hunter S. Thompson)

Would You like to comment on this. This quote works better for me than an assertiveness training.

I like to do so.

All the more so since I am part of that life. 

The My God of men notices it well, when a man is overruled by his fellow man, or hindered by rules, or is scorned or offended in his being. How could it be otherwise. The My God of every human being knows the life of Its human being, his talents and his limitations. And very often, and certainly unconsciously, the life of a human being is ruled, hindered, burdened, enslaved and insulted by his surroundings. And it doesn't matter if it concerns parents, a teacher, a government, a partner or sometimes even children.


It’s your world, pay attention (Hunter S. Thompson)

A person has to find his way. Independence, responsibility for one's own life, making your own choices, not finding the opinion of the environment so important, in short, going your own way, making your own choices, being courageous and fearless in this.

To stimulate this is a co-mission of the My God in the life of Its man.

How could it be otherwise.  

My God does not work well with a zombie, with someone who is sacrificed unnecessarily, with someone who is lived. Man can be God's hands on earth. And God needs strong hands on earth to carry out the Will of God. This is it.

Hunter Thompson is blessed. 

My blessings to you all 

No 533

Friday, 10 June 2022

Knowing God is becoming humble

Today marks eleven years since I heard the voice of God. And if these eleven years have brought me one thing, it's humility. 

To be human and realize that your fate is in God's hands.

To be human and to realize that you can be a god in your life if you allow God.

To be human and realize that you are nothing and cannot achieve anything if you hold God back.

To be human and to realize that all those so-called unknown people who seem strange to you and different and unknown, that they are your brothers and sisters.

To be human and to realize that we are all children of God, no matter what we do and no matter what we believe.

To be human and no longer to look around for support, to no longer wish that someone else has to make you happy.

To be human and to realize that you are carried in love, seen in your failure, accepted for who you are, not for what you do or believe or desire.

To be human and to know that eternity is waiting for you, no matter how imperfect or unhappy or small your life was.

To be human and to know that God loves you no matter what, however, however, however. 

My Good God, I thank You, I thank You, I thank You. 

Today is your day, my son, I'll leave it at that. 

My blessings to you all

No 532

Sunday, 29 May 2022

If you know of the spiritual world, you should never become a pessimist yourself

Those who are privileged to have a knowledge of spiritual realities should never allow any kind of degree of pessimism to effect a lodgement within their beings. The power of the spirit is greater than any force that humans can command. Man can delay; man can hinder; man can impede. But he cannot prevent the descent of the mighty power of the spirit to fulfil its ordained plan*

My God, would You like to comment on this quote from Silver Birch

It is true My son but pay attention to 'a lodgement within their beings' otherwise it is not realistic. After all, we prefer that man says yes to all negative emotions because they deserve a place in human consciousness and also give a lot of information about man himself, his life and his lessons. But Silver Birch therefore mentions ‘a lodgement within their beings' . You may be pessimistic, but for a moment: do not really believe this emotion, this thought, this state of life, this attitude to life, do not attach yourself to it, do not make it a stayer.  

The basic attitude, the basic belief, the fundamental thought, the perspective is: you are carried in love, you are guided in love and cherished in love, even when the most terrible things happen to you. God is ready to help you immediately, to guide you permanently and to heal you when it’s time. So you may have pessimistic feelings only temporarily, don't let them wrap you up, don’t believe them.

The spirit of Silver Birch is blessed.

My blessings to you all

*Silver Birch “Light from Silver Birch” collected by Pam Riva

No 531

Sunday, 8 May 2022

Perfection is being the one God wants you to be

I read this interview*, well You will understand, this quote that did touch me. 

Would You like to comment on this?

I like this quote, My son.

Then we have tackled perfectionism right away, because that is a horrible human trait. Wanting to be perfect in one step, while man needs a thousand steps. It is unloving, unwise and pointless. And that seems contradictory. The perfect God wants you to be imperfect, namely just yourselves. Imperfect beings with shortcomings and faults, blind spots and weaknesses. Very good. If you are this and accept this, then God is a lot more confident about your happiness than if you don't want to be. And the pursuit of perfection is not bad in itself, holding up an ideal as a human being is a beautiful and inspiring guiding guideline for life. But it gets ugly when you confuse one step with a thousand or when you mistake one step too many or when you want to skip one step.

The pastor is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

*Interview in newspaper Trouw with Mariska van Beusichem, pastor

No 530

Sunday, 17 April 2022

Taking pictures of things I find beautiful

My God, may I ask You?

I saw a video that moved me a lot. A female student interviews young people, telling them that she is recording something she finds beautiful. As she says this, the people she's filming start to shine. They become more beautiful, look happier, but above all, suddenly seem to radiate love and happiness. Well it looks like an Easter message of resurrection, but a humanistic one.

Would You like to comment on this?

My son, that's what I want.

The young people who are filmed are surprised because they suddenly hear that someone sees them, really looks at them, treats them with respect, likes them. She finds beautiful, while you see that they are insecure, or think they are ugly. It becomes clear that they are never seen in this way, that they are pleasantly surprised. Someone who sees them, someone who appreciates them, someone who likes them. And then the miracle happens. In fact, all of them start to shine with happiness because of the great attention they receive, and they literally light up.

In short, they get love and become more beautiful.

And that is exactly the attitude that God has towards you all. Even if you do the ugliest things, and even if you have become ugly by fate, by your attitude to life, or by your genes, God sees only beauty. For it is from love that God looks at you, and at everything you think, feel and do. And God continues to see you only in love, no matter what you do. 

Martin Scorsexy*, is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

* (by the filming female student Martin Scorsexy)

No 529

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

God always reaches us in the end

God meets us where we are. Even if we have the smallest crack that opens the door to our hearts, God will find his entrance*

Would You like to say something about this? 

If that little crack isn't there, God knows it will come someday. Often already in this life, sometimes only in the spiritual world. Even in hell or for sure in hell, God is ready at the slightest crack. 

But what does that crack mean and how should you practically envision it?

Well, so: that crack is a question mark in consciousness, where man first lived in an exclamation mark.

An exclamation mark: man lives in conceit, trusts only in his own will, his own ideas, his own thinking. He knows exactly how the world works and one should not tell him anything about life and certainly not about God, who will probably not exist with that man either. 

A question mark: man is very confused, is at the end of his rope, sits with a huge struggle and despair and asks a question. Or prays by faith.

Examples are:

God, are You helping me?

I don't know what to do anymore, are You showing me the way?

The desperate lonely exclamation: help?


Of course, this is a charged and contrived dichotomy, but the principle is clear. God and the spiritual world respect free will to the hole. And even if a man walks in a thousand locks at once, if he does not experiences an ? in his consciousness, God cannot do anything. But fortunately, every road, even a seeming dead end, even if it is a dramatic and destructive detour, always leads to God. 

And then one more thing: if man lives in conceit, walks dead ends, and is totally lost in earthly terms, then it is not the case that the important law of God that man's free will is always respected is the only law. Then it would look quite hopeless to man. There are also other laws that can supplement or overrule this law or certainly do not subtly point out to man the great limitations of his free will. Like the law of love, or the law of justice, or the law of cause and effect. 

That is why man always comes good in the end, sooner or later, goodly or badly, consciously or unconsciously, involuntarily or voluntarily. 

Dawn Eden and Marcus Grodi are blessed.

My blessings to you all

*Interview You Tube Marcus Grodi and Dawn Eden 2012-11-12

No 528

Saturday, 26 March 2022

God blesses soldiers of Ukraine ànd Russia

My God, I must ask You, even though the story is too absurd for words. I saw pictures in the newspaper of a Russian priest blessing soldiers going to war and the same week pictures of a Ukrainian priest blessing soldiers.  I know something is not right then, but You must help me understand all this.

My son, the whole story is true and both Russian and Ukrainian soldiers can be blessed, but the interpretation by man, who sees this and cannot rhyme, is not correct. How can Russian soldiers, blessed by God, fight with Ukrainian soldiers, blessed by God? And who then has God behind him? Let Me explain it to you. And by the blessing we mean both someone who asks for God's help and Its blessing on soldiers in a war as well as soldiers who pray for themselves. We summarize that briefly under God's blessing.

To get straight to the point. God's blessing is for everyone who asks for it, just as the sun shines on all soldiers and the rain moistens all soldiers. God's righteousness is for both sides, without distinction of person.  

Yet of course there is more to say about it, because God's blessing is worth a bit more than the sun or the rain. Let that be said. 

God stands behind every human being, and in another blog it has been described that the greatest criminals have the best guardian angels check ....

This is why everyone gets God's blessing. But beware of the dog. Watch the God. God's blessing works out differently for everyone. We start from three hypothetical situations, where everything is very clear.

The soldier who fought the German army in World War II, the Vietnamese soldier who fought the poison bombing of the Americans in Vietnam, the soldier who fights against the Russians now in Ukraine gets the blessing. 

And this blessing strengthens him in battle, gives him courage when he needs it, protects him from fear and despondency, and contributes to his ultimate victory for the good cause regardless of whether he himself dies or is wounded or not.

"So far so good".

The soldier who causes a war in another country, like the Germans in World War II, the Americans who poisoned for many years with "Agent Orange" the poor defenceless people and nature in Vietnam and now the Russians in Ukraine, who bomb residential apartments and chase old people out of their houses, they also get the blessing. But that blessing works out differently. They too gain strength in despondency, energy to endure suffering and peace in their inner selves when they are desperate. Like rain cools everyone in drought and heat. But that's the personal, direct impact on them inside. And maybe they also seem just more powerful and successful than the other party.

But looks are deceiving. For the blessing of God works directly in increasing the failure in the end, in the failure of the evil pursuit, in destroying the evil causes of this war, in the demoralization of the whole people, the government, the turning of an apparently successful war into total destruction of the evildoers.  

Hitler committed suicide, his country was bombed, the women of Germany were raped en masse.

The Americans were forced on their knees, the politicians had to resign, the hawks in the country were humiliated, the war was lost, the reputation of the Americans was damaged forever and their image tarnished. 

And so it will be with the Russian people, their leader Putin and the unjust useless war they have started. Already the Russian people are suffering from the war, the young Russian soldiers are dying in droves and Putin can no longer show himself in the civilized world.

And what about soldiers who are in a war where both countries are guilty?

So where the distinction between good and evil is not that simple? Oh well, do I need to say more about it? If two peoples are at war, and they both stand for a just cause, is it not very quickly clear to the whole world that there are only losers and that this war is not going to lead to anything? Haven't there been other ways developed by mankind to fight a dispute? Mediators, consultative bodies, United Nations commissions, regional networks, mediating befriended countries. This should have been the case in Ukraine and Russia.

In countries that are at war, there are only losers.

Nevertheless, both countries are blessed. 

My blessings to you all

Nr. 527